The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Intelligence and the five senses are all extensions of awareness...!

Awareness is their root, they spring forth and exist thru awareness (spirit).

How do I know this???

I can hear music in my head.... when none is playing...


Do NOT take my open-mindedness for weakness!!!

I am insecure about certain, specific things, for certain specific reasons..... DO NOT mistake that for weakness, or naivity!!!

You have nothing with which to intimidate me....!

Money??? If I was impressed with that I'd have a ton of it myself...!

A degree??? Ditto....

Ditto.... ditto.... ditto..........!!!

What I AM impressed with, I've got. Truth. My kids.

Well ok I'm learning how to be impressed with money.... cuz I really do like it.

A Reason to Live

we need a reason to live...

we have evolved to the point to where there are no more excuses, no more shit to hide behind... technology is great! but it makes it painfully obvious that we need a reason to live, or we don't.

kids get into trouble.... because they have no other sense of purpose. old people want euthanasia... because they feel they have no more purpose than to suffer.

we are slowly being stripped naked as a species... and being forced to look in the mirror at who we really are and why.

and the question emerges... what is our purpose?

why am i here?

do YOU have a reason to live?

why..... why all the violence?

why the indignant comments from the media about how inexcusable people's actions are?

step into their shoes and show them how to do it differently......!

show them. show them how its done. take the resources they have and make something worth living for.

how much pressure can a person, a city, a nation, a world take.... before it collapses?

at what point have YOU ever said, "I can't take it anymore!"? just how self-righteous are you?

i would suggest to you that you WILL have the opportunity to find out.

you will all have the opportunity to find out just how "human" you are.

what is your reason to live?

what is your responsibility?

be careful how you answer.... somebody's listening....

Monday, August 8, 2011


You have to initiate something in order to make different choices... Limitations exist only in the mind.