The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Way of Truth

There are still a lot of you that are NOT making your own decisions.
That means that somebody else has to.

In that gulf that separates you from having the courage to make your own decisions, even if they're hard decisions, they are yours to make.... in that gulf are the very "monsters" and dread that keep you too afraid to make those hard decisions.......

When you cannot face your fears on your terms, you end up facing them on someone else's. How much scarier is that!?

In order to maintain control of your life you have to surrender mental control, to the leadership of your inner self, your soul..... god.

Sometimes in this process we awaken.... We begin to realize that everything around us is a lie..... That everything we've been taught is causing us all to suffer.
And we have the choice to make of walking in truth.... Or selling our soul to the lie. Once your eyes are opened, and you see what's going on... At that point you become accountable for all the truth that you see but do not walk in.
This...... This is huge.
And it takes great courage to continue to seek out and live a life of truth.

If you want to learn, you will.
The deepest desires of your heart always gravitate toward you. Often times your "mind" never becomes clear about what those heart-desires are, and this creates conflict within your life. Your mind is telling you one thing but your life is pulling you in a different direction. This is that time when surrender to the inner self is the only thing that will give you relief, the only thing that will allow you to change and transform beyond an old dead shell of a life that you've outgrown.

The life of truth is one you can never accomplish.
That's right.
So stop trying.
You can LIVE this life, but it is not something that "you accomplish".
As a matter of fact, "trying to accomplish" is all a part of the lie.
True life is effortless.
Our struggles come in letting go of all the crap we've been programmed with so that this life can happen.

Surrender. Let go. Feel the truth. It will guide you.
In this current time, the matrix of lies that have been woven over our world and thru out humanity is under attack. These lies are being exposed. This is creating monstrous manifestations in humanity of cruelty, greed, fear that are driving a dark energy toward a compulsion to dominate by force.
In this time, if you choose to live in the truth, you will find yourself having to simply stand and not budge.... not waver.... not doubt.... and not fear.

This life is not for everybody.
This message is not for everybody.
But if it is for you, then be encouraged. No matter what your mind is telling you, no matter what you feel, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

You are not alone. NEVER fear. Simply stand in the truth. Let your energy and lack of fear, which is love, radiate like the sun. Just be.
Love will lead you to do whatever it is you need to do. Love will make a way where there is no way.

Don't be afraid to make the hard choices. Don't drag dead bodies around. Don't let your mind rule you.

Let go.