The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Give... And Expect Nothing!

Give,  And expect nothing in return...
Begin to explore your own personal value without money...  Do this everyday.  Remove money from every equation.
And in turn, look for the value in others without attaching money to their worth.

Can you do it?

Give whatever you have.
Food.  Even a prepared meal.
Books.  Or even reading to someone.
A makeover.
A massage.
Pretty nails.
A hand to hold....

Give.  Give with love, joy and complete abandon.  Without judging, or figuring, or calculating.
Without regret.
Give your heart freely.
But STOP selling your soul!

Set the World Free!

Knowledge should be free.
Music should be free.
Resources should be free.
Health care should be free.
God should be free.
Faith should be free.
Good food should be free.
Clean water should be free.
Land should be free.
Shelter should be free.
Energy should be free.
Help should be free.
Joy and happiness should be free.....

Everything has a money sign over it.  Even birth and death.

We all know deep down inside it isn't supposed to be this way.
We all long to be free.
Funny thing is... We ARE free.... And this is what we've chosen.
And those who refuse to settle for this shit they serve up in the name of LIFE,
are attacked, slandered, ridiculed, cast out, mocked, and often killed.

Yes.  I'm an alien.  This is not my world.
My world is free.  Completely.
And there is no fear, or greed, no ignorance or poverty, no sickness, no control, no limits.....