The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Monday, September 26, 2011

For Anybody who May Be Curious....

Its so hard to find information about obscure or eclectic subjects sometimes, yet in my opinion, these topics are viable and expanding in importance and relevance in our current world.  Things considered spiritual, metaphysical, paranormal....  These subjects are rarely current online....
This is one of these topics....  And this is current - September 2011...
Its just a record, a note on the bulletin board, a notch on the tree, some crumbs for someone to follow that leads to I don't know where.... but here it is...

There is an unexplained heaviness in my soul.... for about a week now, growing stronger day by day.  Sure there are personal issues, but many other issues as well... intense emotional situations all around me.  
Darkness, despair.... a great sense of loss.  
There are reasons, but then.... there are no reasons.  It doesn't make any sense even to me.
But here it is.  A marker for someone else to see and know... you're not alone...?  You're not crazy....?  
Strange, strong energy swirling all around......  Pain.  Heartache.  Loneliness.
Nothing has any value or promise....  Nothing holds a solution.

Feels like we've run up on the bottle neck.  There's no place else to go.  The pressure is intense.  Nothing works, and nothing matters.  All that's over now.  So don't get hung up on it.  Let it go....  Narrow is the bottle neck and few there be that squeeze thru it.  Matthew 7:14

Not that I know what the hell I'm talkin about.....