The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

True Power True Peace

Being passive is not the answer.
"Peace" is a stage of growth, a level of progress on The Path to Divinity.
You cannot feign peace.
True Peace is a thing.

Allowing yourself to be abused is not the path of peacefulness.
Leaving yourself and your loved ones carelessly open and vulnerable to abuse and harm is NOT in any way righteous or peaceful!
Refusing to participate in violence is not the path to peace.
Believing in fairy tales of peace and promises of saviors that you don't really know or understand, is dangerous!
True Peace must be grown in the soul of every individual who wishes to have its providence.

Being torn on the inside as you struggle to understand cruelty, ignorance, and how anyone can respond to those things in Love.....
Wrestling with the urges of revenge and violence.....
Debating and warring within your own mind and heart...
Striking out in anger and frustration.
Battling with fear.
Taking up arms to defend yourself.
Hating yourself.
Not understanding.....
This causes growth.
This breaks the ground for the seeds of True Peace to be planted.

True Peace is watered with many tears before its roots will sprout.
True Peace must be exposed to the brilliant rays of Joy before its arms will reach out of the ground.
True Peace does not cower or tremble in fear or compromise.

True Peace bears the fruit of real power!
Real Power!
Power that subdues enemies.
Power so real that it CAN subdue enemies without guns!
Can YOU subdue enemies without guns???
If not, I suggest you learn how to protect yourself, your family, your home, your community  UNTIL you can do it another way.
Because NOT protecting yourself is NOT the answer!!!

And that protection is not found in legislation or courts of law.
The Power that protects you without guns and laws emanates from  your very soul!
Like lightening from your hands and lasers from your eyes, True Peace is the only weapon that can slay all enemies.

And once you've mastered that weapon you are invincible.
You become that weapon. Your very presence is a weapon against threat or violence.
And when it's real, it is very very real.
Not imaginary or just your religious beliefs!
But tangible, manifested power.

You become the embodiment of Peace.

You cannot work for it or strive for it.
You will never "find" it.
You can only become it.
Anything else is false peace, and it will fail you.

The Path to True Peace is Love.
The gate is narrow, and few there be that find it.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Control Is A Thing Of The Past

Be bold!
Don't edit or sensor your true heart's desires!
Don't make deals and compromise with your mind about your dreams.
Be honest!
Stop holding back!
Stop debating whether or not a thing is possible!
It is!!!

Control is a thing of the past.
Manipulation and intimidation are not necessary.

Nothing based on the foundation of fear is any longer acceptable. Nothing!

Education is not necessary. You heard me! Forced, mandatory schooling is not acceptable any longer.
It just isn't necessary.

Insurance is fear-based manipulation and thievery! We are quite capable of moving beyond this and seeing truer ways to deal with the things that they made us believe we needed insurance for.

Synthetic toxins are not at all necessary. Plastic, prescription drugs, fossil fuels.

Money is not necessary.

Truth is ok to speak out loud.

You CAN live your life in such a way that you do not need to apologize for anything.

You CAN be free.

What you CANNOT do is accomplish all of this by doing it the same old way everything has always been done before.
None of that works. Those ways have ended. Those days are gone.

You are free to believe in possibilities!
You are free to stop participating in anger and fear and disappointment.
You are free to be free.
You are free to be healthy all the time.

You are NOT condemned to struggle for these things!!!
You are FREE to just know and accept these things.
You are free to go live your curiosities.

You are free
You are free
You are free

Now go!
Don't ever sink back into the misery of fear and doubt again!