The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


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Feed the blog.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Occupy Yourself

What are your demands?  What are your expectations?  What are your issues?
Look at yourself the same way you're looking out there at the system.
Changes do not begin 'out there'.  
WE are the only things that ever change.  We create our environment.  Our environment evolves around us, our choices, our decisions.
Even we the people cannot change the system if we do not realize that WE created the system.
Why does Wall Street have so much power!?  Because we gave it to them.
Why does the government have so much power?  Because we elected them to do things for us..... Instead of doing things ourselves.  We relinquished our responsibilities to others.  And now we cry??
What do your tax dollars pay for?  No really!!!  
Sit your ass down and list all the things that you know your tax dollars pay for!
Enlightening isn't it.
First of all, how long is your list..........(chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp)..........?

There's your first reality check.
1) You don't know shit!
2) You knew all along and let it happen anyway!

Pissed off about "welfare"?  Why are people on welfare to begin with?
Because you're terrified to look them in the eyes and consider their lives.  
Because your pompous, self-righteous ass knows everything.
People on welfare are just lazy and looking for a free handout.
Why are they this way?
And did you notice that YOU do the same thing...?
You work your ass off to pay your taxes so that other people can get rich doing the things that you don't want to take responsibility for.  Like giving a shit about your neighbors.  Like educating your children.  Like taking care of your grandparents....  Like saying "Hell No!" when some big company is creating toxic waste just to make the plastic your children's juice comes packaged in.  Like saying.... "Wait a minute!  What exactly is this shot doing to my child's immune system in the long run!?"  Like realizing.... solar energy could power everything in states like Florida!  Why am I paying for dangerous nuclear power plants that are destroying my world!?  
YOU are the one who believes the woods are on fire every time the media and the government blows smoke up your ass....!  YOU.
You gullible pieces of sheep shit........  You believe everything you see on TV.
You know nothing for yourself.  You don't research.  You don't consider other points of view.  You don't listen.  
Most of all, you don't listen to yourself.  
You don't even know yourself.  You can't hear the still small voice in your gut anymore.  What do you care about freedom?  You don't use it anyway.  You've allowed yourself to believe that "voting" in elections satisfies your patriotic duty and therefore gives you the American right to judge others who a) don't vote or b) vote differently than you do.  You put all your trust into one human being and expect them to deliver miracles for your tax dollars while you sit on your ass......  Just like somebody waiting on their next welfare check.....  No responsibility whatsoever for the things you bitch about. 
Occupy your damn self!
Once a slave always a slave.....  The only ones that aren't slaves are the ones who can hear their own hearts.  Where is your heart?  Where is your love?  Where is your responsibility for this world that your laziness has created?
Then the world will evolve into a beautiful place.
Legislation is not the answer.  Government is not the answer.  Money is not the answer.  A different economy is not the answer.
YOU are the answer.
YOU are the one you've been waiting for.
Stop pawning your responsibility as a human being off on the government.  Stop waiting on god to do what god created YOU to do.  Stop blaming other people.
Live your freaking life like you were FREE....!  Because if you don't, your "freedom" will be taken from you much sooner than you think.
You don't pay the price of freedom with the military.  You pay with your own sense of responsibility.  Don't vote for somebody to make changes - just change!  
Responsible people do not need laws....  The system is built on your weaknesses and your fears.  
Find yourself!
Find your love.  Find your faith.  Discover your strength.  Wake up!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Truth about the Deadliest Diseases Known to Human Kind

Greed, irresponsibility & fear....
These are the greatest diseases known to human kind.

Greed - wanting and taking more of what is freely available to all, than you need, use or are willing to put back into the cycle of life, just because you can.

Irresponsibility - indifference.  Not making the choices and decisions that are uniquely yours to make, therefore leaving those choices and decisions to someone else to make, causing these others to carry more than they should, or else giving them more power than they should have.

Fear - mental or emotional distress caused by the possibility of having to experience pain, lack, shame or failure.

If these diseases were eradicated from the human gene pool, what would happen?  What would life be like for the human species on this planet?
Socialism in a nutshell, because the average person is too irresponsible to find out for themselves what socialism really is, is when a society uses an economy to produce things based on need, not based on profit.  Capitalism is a social economy based on producing things for profit, regardless of need.

In our current moment of evolution, we as a whole species only see the words capitalism, socialism, greed, poverty, need, freedom and equality.
We do not see the true meaning of any of these, much less do we know how they work or what the implications of these concepts are.
You cannot have freedom without responsibility.  If you are not responsible, your freedom starves and dies.  Then you have to reckon with poverty - need without the means to acquire.  Then you become dependent on someone else to provide for you and make decisions about your life.  Which means you are "owned".... no longer free.
But this is a choice.
When you are owned, you are like a small child.  You are not given the "freedom" to make your own choices because as a small child your choices are ill-informed, irresponsible and often selfish.  Your freedom comes as you mature and become able to make wise choices.
Most ill-informed citizens assume that if the economy is not capitalist, that if must be socialist.  Socialism brings the fear of limitation - a government that dictates you can only have as much as your fellow citizens and never any more.  Equality.  This causes fear because the human soul screams to be free to create, to accomplish, to expand!
Capitalism on the other hand, plays upon human weakness, want and un-curbed desire.  Is this wrong?  The majority of modern society considers narcotic drug addiction to be wrong, detrimental, unhealthy and unwise.  But isn't it a choice like everything else?  If so, then why are narcotic drugs illegal?  Isn't McDonalds just as unhealthy and unwise?  Yet it is an American institution... Actually a world-wide institution at this point!  It isn't illegal.  Because somewhere along the lines of society, someone is very very wealthy because of the human indiscretion of others.  This is the current model of capitalism that we live in.  As those born and bred in a capitalist society, we can't see the forest for the trees.  Those in other non-capitalist nations look on and see our absurdity and think we're mad!

What we are is irresponsible.... greedy.... and afraid.

There should be NO LIMIT on the human experience!  But in order for this to work for everyone, without imposing a socialist or communist system, people must reclaim responsibility for their own lives.
No one can legislate human choice without causing limitation.
If you think the now infamous "1%" is greedy, then stop feeding them.  You feed them by being dependent on them.  You feed them by believing everything they tell you without searching the truth for yourself.  
If you fear pain, lack, shame or failure - then search your own soul and find out why.  Fix yourself from within.  Become healthy, strong, competent.
Become responsible for your own life.

Examine everything your tax dollars pay for.  How much of that should YOU be responsible for instead of someone else?  Things like taking care of the elderly.... That used to be a "family" responsibility.  Things like education....  That too used to be a family, neighborly responsibility.  If we became involved and responsible for our own communities, we would not need most of the government officials that our tax dollars pay for.
Politics has become an industry!  A for-profit industry.  Who's fault is that?
Energy....  Energy is abundant on this Earth, why do we pay so much for it?  Why do we fear having our electricity turned off if we can't pay the bill?  
Because something so essential to our lives has become a for-profit industry.
Education is an essential.... Now it's a for-profit industry.
Healthcare.... A human necessity, is now a MONSTROUS for-profit industry.

Who is to blame???

You are.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


What is capitalism and how does it work?
How can so many defend a concept they can't even define?  Much less explain....
What is socialism and how does it work?
Oooooo!  Everybody chimes in at once on that one.....  Strange isn't it?
Ya know what.....  Let's just take a little survey.  Short n' Sweet...!

Who is qualified to open their mouth.....?
The answer should be, "I am!"