The problems in your life are actually opportunities.
You may have heard that before.... And it just drones thru your head and becomes noise... with no meaning... because it literally means nothing to you. There is nothing for you to associate it with.... It is random knowledge and is never "plugged into" a functioning socket so that it can illuminate its truth.
We take the phrase as a wonderful philosophical cliche'... We agree with it, "amen" it, and "believe" it.... but it never produces any productive energy the way it objectively appears that it should. Get real! It doesn't help at all to hear it!! It actually becomes quite annoying if you hear it enough! Because the problems (that are supposedly opportunities) never resolve and only cause pain. We consider ourselves lucky, blessed and relieved just to survive our problems.... So where's the opportunity!?
First - find the socket. Have you ever gone to plug an appliance or machine in only to find that its a 3-prong cord and a 2-prong outlet...!? That's frustrating, to say the least. In order to realize how a problem is genuinely an opportunity, you have to know what an opportunity is. To force a 3-prong appliance into a 2-prong outlet.... is not going to work, or at least not safely. The cords and sockets are designed the way they are for a reason. Plug the right cord into the right socket and you're ready for action.
Second - you should know what you're plugging in. What is the opportunity for? This is a great opportunity to....... what? Someone gave you this great new machine, for free! You see the cord, you plug it into the correct outlet, and then..... Hey wait a minute... what the hell is this thing!? What does it do? Just because it was given to you doesn't mean you know what to do with it.
Third - know your purpose. If you're a carpenter and someone gives you a free machine that makes hammers obsolete, you're hooked up! But if you're a carpenter and someone gives you a free machine that makes beating eggs with a whisk obsolete..... uh..... that's nice but..... scrambled eggs don't hold two-by-fours together!
If you're a carpenter, then the problems in your life are opportunities to become a better, more productive carpenter. Did you realize that?
If you're a chef, the problems in your life are opportunities to become a better, more productive chef.
If you're a dad.....
If you're a doctor.....
If you're a designer....
A problem is an OPPORTUNITY to do what you do, to be who you are.
But wait.... I'm not a vet but my dog is sick...! Then your sick dog is an opportunity for you to discover something inside of yourself that maybe you didn't know was there, or maybe you kinda felt was there but never gave much value to or just plain didn't believe in. If your a carpenter and your dog is sick, maybe the vet needs a carpenter........ If you're a carpenter and you seem to always have sick animals in your life, maybe.... you ARE a vet in denial.... maybe you need to go back to school....
If you're an energy worker and you constantly have sick animals in your life, these sick animals are opportunities for you to practice. Don't take their sickness too seriously, don't take it personally, and most of all don't get caught up in the emotions of pain and suffering!! Practice your energy work.... that's why the sick keep popping up in your life! That's your purpose, that's your outlet to plug into. If that's the machine you were given, then learn how to use it! Practice.
The problems in your life are actually opportunities.... I've given some examples, but don't be limited in your quest to discover what opportunities may lie in your problems! They're there for a reason!
You may have heard that before.... And it just drones thru your head and becomes noise... with no meaning... because it literally means nothing to you. There is nothing for you to associate it with.... It is random knowledge and is never "plugged into" a functioning socket so that it can illuminate its truth.
We take the phrase as a wonderful philosophical cliche'... We agree with it, "amen" it, and "believe" it.... but it never produces any productive energy the way it objectively appears that it should. Get real! It doesn't help at all to hear it!! It actually becomes quite annoying if you hear it enough! Because the problems (that are supposedly opportunities) never resolve and only cause pain. We consider ourselves lucky, blessed and relieved just to survive our problems.... So where's the opportunity!?
First - find the socket. Have you ever gone to plug an appliance or machine in only to find that its a 3-prong cord and a 2-prong outlet...!? That's frustrating, to say the least. In order to realize how a problem is genuinely an opportunity, you have to know what an opportunity is. To force a 3-prong appliance into a 2-prong outlet.... is not going to work, or at least not safely. The cords and sockets are designed the way they are for a reason. Plug the right cord into the right socket and you're ready for action.
Second - you should know what you're plugging in. What is the opportunity for? This is a great opportunity to....... what? Someone gave you this great new machine, for free! You see the cord, you plug it into the correct outlet, and then..... Hey wait a minute... what the hell is this thing!? What does it do? Just because it was given to you doesn't mean you know what to do with it.
Third - know your purpose. If you're a carpenter and someone gives you a free machine that makes hammers obsolete, you're hooked up! But if you're a carpenter and someone gives you a free machine that makes beating eggs with a whisk obsolete..... uh..... that's nice but..... scrambled eggs don't hold two-by-fours together!
If you're a carpenter, then the problems in your life are opportunities to become a better, more productive carpenter. Did you realize that?
If you're a chef, the problems in your life are opportunities to become a better, more productive chef.
If you're a dad.....
If you're a doctor.....
If you're a designer....
A problem is an OPPORTUNITY to do what you do, to be who you are.
But wait.... I'm not a vet but my dog is sick...! Then your sick dog is an opportunity for you to discover something inside of yourself that maybe you didn't know was there, or maybe you kinda felt was there but never gave much value to or just plain didn't believe in. If your a carpenter and your dog is sick, maybe the vet needs a carpenter........ If you're a carpenter and you seem to always have sick animals in your life, maybe.... you ARE a vet in denial.... maybe you need to go back to school....
If you're an energy worker and you constantly have sick animals in your life, these sick animals are opportunities for you to practice. Don't take their sickness too seriously, don't take it personally, and most of all don't get caught up in the emotions of pain and suffering!! Practice your energy work.... that's why the sick keep popping up in your life! That's your purpose, that's your outlet to plug into. If that's the machine you were given, then learn how to use it! Practice.
The problems in your life are actually opportunities.... I've given some examples, but don't be limited in your quest to discover what opportunities may lie in your problems! They're there for a reason!