The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Opportunity.... Really....???

The problems in your life are actually opportunities.

You may have heard that before.... And it just drones thru your head and becomes noise... with no meaning... because it literally means nothing to you. There is nothing for you to associate it with.... It is random knowledge and is never "plugged into" a functioning socket so that it can illuminate its truth.

We take the phrase as a wonderful philosophical cliche'... We agree with it, "amen" it, and "believe" it.... but it never produces any productive energy the way it objectively appears that it should. Get real! It doesn't help at all to hear it!! It actually becomes quite annoying if you hear it enough! Because the problems (that are supposedly opportunities) never resolve and only cause pain. We consider ourselves lucky, blessed and relieved just to survive our problems.... So where's the opportunity!?

First - find the socket. Have you ever gone to plug an appliance or machine in only to find that its a 3-prong cord and a 2-prong outlet...!? That's frustrating, to say the least. In order to realize how a problem is genuinely an opportunity, you have to know what an opportunity is. To force a 3-prong appliance into a 2-prong outlet.... is not going to work, or at least not safely. The cords and sockets are designed the way they are for a reason. Plug the right cord into the right socket and you're ready for action.

Second - you should know what you're plugging in. What is the opportunity for? This is a great opportunity to....... what? Someone gave you this great new machine, for free! You see the cord, you plug it into the correct outlet, and then..... Hey wait a minute... what the hell is this thing!? What does it do? Just because it was given to you doesn't mean you know what to do with it.

Third - know your purpose. If you're a carpenter and someone gives you a free machine that makes hammers obsolete, you're hooked up! But if you're a carpenter and someone gives you a free machine that makes beating eggs with a whisk obsolete..... uh..... that's nice but..... scrambled eggs don't hold two-by-fours together!

If you're a carpenter, then the problems in your life are opportunities to become a better, more productive carpenter. Did you realize that?

If you're a chef, the problems in your life are opportunities to become a better, more productive chef.

If you're a dad.....

If you're a doctor.....

If you're a designer....

A problem is an OPPORTUNITY to do what you do, to be who you are.

But wait.... I'm not a vet but my dog is sick...! Then your sick dog is an opportunity for you to discover something inside of yourself that maybe you didn't know was there, or maybe you kinda felt was there but never gave much value to or just plain didn't believe in. If your a carpenter and your dog is sick, maybe the vet needs a carpenter........ If you're a carpenter and you seem to always have sick animals in your life, maybe.... you ARE a vet in denial.... maybe you need to go back to school....

If you're an energy worker and you constantly have sick animals in your life, these sick animals are opportunities for you to practice. Don't take their sickness too seriously, don't take it personally, and most of all don't get caught up in the emotions of pain and suffering!! Practice your energy work.... that's why the sick keep popping up in your life! That's your purpose, that's your outlet to plug into. If that's the machine you were given, then learn how to use it! Practice.

The problems in your life are actually opportunities.... I've given some examples, but don't be limited in your quest to discover what opportunities may lie in your problems! They're there for a reason!

Conscious Energy

We are evolving into a shift in our consciousness... This next phase in our awakening involves us becoming CONSCIOUS of our issues. You can't just say "I'm sick". You must be conscious of that sickness...what is it, what is it saying you. It must be addressed on an energy level. Medicine alone is no longer working. Money alone can no longer solve your problems. You must use conscious energy now.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

If you don't want a Massage Therapist...

Self-care, Health Awareness, Personal Responsibility.... This is the future of your health. You are finally in control! Rather than stress and worry about insurance costs and coverages and co-pays, JUST BE HEALTHY!

Simply running around the living room with your dog can cause you to breath deeply and increase your heart rate, getting more oxygen in 10 minutes than you're probably used to getting in a week! Oxygen - the forgotten nutrient...! Sufficient oxygen can change your life. This is one of the greatest benefits of physical activity, BREATHING.

It doesn't have to be horrible!

What it does have to be is YOU! If its not you, then it won't last and it won't make you any healthier. Ever think, "Gosh I wanna join a gym!"? And why haven't you? Because you want to look and feel fabulous..... But you don't really wanna join a gym...!! So stop stressin' about the gym.... Play with your kid, play with your dog, chase your cat... all in the comfort of your home. Don't make it complicated.

Another million dollar health tip that can make the need for insurance obsolete..... Drink lots of water. Bottled or filterer, never straight outta the tap! Share some of that same water with your animals. Water is filled with - guess what...? Oxygen. Yay! Once again.... much less painful than the gym, or an insurance payment!

And you know what? If you really do wanna join a gym - JUST DO IT! Just go ahead! Enjoy the gym! Just drink lots of water.

Your body is like what..... 75% water? Its part of us! And if water isn't part of your life, you probably feel like crap... or look like crap... are constipated... are on medication.... are in pain..... Hey, you need water! Figure out how to get the stuff into your body! Soda does not count! Juice does not count! Energy drinks do not count. Nor does coffee, beer, liquor or wine. Not because coffee and alcohol are bad!!! But because they serve adifferent purpose - they DE-hydrate. They release water from your body.... And this is fine.... as long as you replace it.... with lots of water!

Salads with lots of fresh veggies are a good way to hydrate. Fresh fruit is also a great way to quench your thirst. Whole fruit - not fruit juice!

(Fruit juice is an adulteration! Its nothing more than concentrated sugar. Natural sugar, yes, but more importantly - concentrated! Not good for hydration, not good for much. "Juiced fruits" or smoothies that add veggies to the mix is an alternative. Veggies are very easily disguised when mixed in with fruit!)

Water helps take the 'sore' out of a workout. It helps move toxins properly thru your body. Normal toxins produced by normal life. Toxins we take for granted. Because these toxins don't usually make us deathly ill... but when you're rid of these toxins, you do notice that you look and feel great! Such a subtle thing yet so simple and easy to do.

Help your body.

Make yourself healthy.

Enjoy your life.

I'm a Licensed Massage Therapist. Massage can also help your body move toxins thru properly. Drink plenty of water after a massage and flush a load of build-up right down the toilet! Massage increases circulation to the muscles. Circulation of blood, that is. Blood carries toxins away from your tissues, and also brings nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids into the tissues. Blood is also the carrier of.... guess what? Oxygen. Yay! More oxygen! Massage gets the juices flowing. It literally helps move all these wonderful things and processes thru your body. This is one reason a massage feels so great! Those poor tired muscles are more "poor and tired" than you know! Massage relieves soreness, aches, even pain from sitting too much, typing too much, clicking too much.... sleeping too much.....

You don't have to become a monk to live a better life! No rules! You are who you are, and you do what you do. Let a great Licensed Massage Therapist come to you! It's ok that you don't have lots of time in your day... That's why we're changing the face of health care! We come to you in the convenience of your office. That also makes us available for your entire team of associates. You could actually make "healthy" contagious at work!

Wanna get a GREAT gift for a co-worker, boss, secretary? How bout a Massage Gift Card! You'll feel great for having such an awesome idea! Your associate will feel great because they get a Massage! Hey, maybe they'll return the favor!

If you don't want a Massage Therapist, then by all means, do not have one! But Massage Therapy is part of the future of health care. Most hospitals have incorporated Massage as a standard option for all patients. Its just too simple and too enjoyable not to start a regular Massage routine as part of your own personal health maintenance program.

In the State of Florida, Massage Therapists are medical professionals licensed thru the Florida State Department of Health.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Only You

Time never actually changes - time is and always was - NOW.

What changes is how you see NOW!

"This won't work because it never did in the past!" is an erroneous idea.

There is no past. What 'didn't work' is your perception.

Nothing 'out there' ever changes - it responds. According to your perception.

The only thing that changes is how you see things.

Only YOU ever change!

"Out there" is a culmination we call reality, of how you respond - what you choose - what you perceive.

By choosing to see the glass half empty instead of half full creates an opportunity for you to make more choices based on your perception of how much water is in the glass.

For example, if you're thirsty you may choose to become irritated that the glass is half empty. Irritation causes you to lash out at those around you. Those around you then become irritated. This could cause you to be careless and spill the water in the glass. Then you might choose to be angry. See how this scenario could escalate and change based on the choices YOU make?

For example, if you're thirsty you may choose to be ecstatic that the glass is half full. Relief for your thirst causes you to become calm and satisfied. This could cause you to fall asleep on the couch with an empty glass in your hand. No one may even know you're in the room. See how this scenario could easily pass without notice based on the choices YOU make?

How many other "glass of water" scenarios can you think of?

Why??? Why can you think of other scenarios around the same platform of a glass of water...?

Because of choices. Many, many choices.... That only you can make for yourself, in the moment.

And every single choice you make causes different reactions, and therefore different manifestations in your "reality".

You cannot control the sourness of a lemon or the sweetness of honey.

Or can you. More importantly, why would you want to?

Some say that not only are the lemons not sour nor the honey sweet... but that neither of them actually exist at all! They are only "manifestations" of what you believe they are.

So the next logical question is.... Why then, do we ALL see the same lemons, and we ALL perceive them to be SOUR??

How is it that we all perceive the exact same thing at the exact same time, everytime we see a lemon??

The point is perception and the basic "laws" of this world we live in, this earth, this plane of existence, this dimension.... Certain things appear basically the same for all people. Like the sourness of lemons. My perception of lemons however, is my choice.... I don't change the sourness, I change how I choose to experience it.

I can hate it because its sour.

I can tolerate it because its sour.

I can appreciate it because its sourness is actually an indication of other beneficial properties.

I can combine it with honey to compliment the sourness so that it actually becomes enjoyable.

I can like it because its sour!

These are all choices based on how I might perceive lemons. Choices. But the lemon never changes, only I do.

I am not changed by the lemon, I am changed by my choice.

My choice gives me my identity, makes me who I am, defines my energy.

There are billions of others seeing NOW also. This is why it often seems like you have no control over 'your world'.

So you are most likely to find peace when you are aware of the control you have over your immediate world - you can't change certain events, you can only change how you react to them, how you choose to experience them.

All those other billions of people represent every OTHER possible perception.

When we find others with like perception - we bond, we flow faster, we have a different frequency, we're stronger. Those that differ too far from our perceptions are like static, on a very low, dense frequency... Not very clear at all.

Put the horse before the cart and be amazed....

Stop thinking that changing the world is the answer. It isn't! You can't!

You can only change Y.O.U.

You can only be Y.O.U.

BE the change you want to see.

Act the way you want others to act.

Listen the way you want to be listened to.

Look as intently as you want others to look at you.

Feel the way you wish others would feel!


Let go.

Stop judging and worrying about the justice that "THEY" deserve.

"THEY" will get theirs!!!

New Health Care

There is so much talk and worry and debate flying about chaotically concerning health care in America. And most of it is nothing more than politics, fear and ignorance.

There are people who just will not see any other way than their own. Its too frightening, too much work to change, or refocus on something else, even if "something else" is much better for them.

So therein lies complacency. Therein lies the proverbial stick in the mud.

But the newest horizon indeed offers a much better way! And a LOT of people are waking up to it! The concept is not new, but there is a new way of seeing it - in the light.

The concept is - that of being healthy as opposed to needing 'health care' because you're sick. The term "wellness plan" is one that most of us are familiar with. But its still designed to support the current Western Medical System. Maybe you've heard the term Big Pharma.... If not, google it. It's all part of a system.... that's part of a system.... that's part of another system... that is no longer working. And people aren't buying it anymore. Because they're waking up, and realizing.... they don't have to!

America has taught society that we must have & do certain things in order to be "good", "normal", "acceptable", "RESPONSIBLE"..... For instance, we must have a family doctor and we must visit them regularly to see if we're sick! We must take our children and animals for vaccinations or we're contributing to the spread of disease! We must have our pets spayed or neutered or we're contributing to overcrowded animal shelters and the suffering of millions of helpless animals! We must send our children to school in order to get an education! We must attend organized religious services or we'recheating GOD. We must use sunscreen to avoid getting skin cancer. We must never smoke! Anything! We must vote! Or we're un-American and have no appreciation for the freedom we have in this country! We must drink milk to get our vitamin D! We must eat meat to get plenty of protein! If it's not FDA approved it's not safe so we must take only prescription drugs from a doctor! We must take prescription drugs if we have any sort of condition! We must never listen to someone who tells us that there is a better way outside of this box.... They're quacks! They just want our money! They just want to scam us! Unlike doctors, drug companies, insurance companies, veterinarians, politicians and lobbyists.....

And in light of that, you should stop reading this information right now.

I am here to suggest that it is possible to be organically healthy. Without doctors and lawyers and politics and synthetic drugs.... Amazing isn't it. Kind of confusing almost..... Healthy. Here's a challenge - Do you know anyone who is "healthy"? Anyone who doesn't have something....? A disease, an allergy, a condition, a syndrome, a disorder....? Do you know anyone who is NOT on some sort of prescription drug?

This is not a decree of anarchy against good-hearted, compassionate healers - no matter what their title is. But we all know that there is a "system" that is controlled strictly by profit margins and has nothing to do with genuine health or compassion for humanity. We just don't do anything about it. Because its "the system". Its too big for us!

Here's a suggestion: Rather than 'fight the system' and lose, why not just make a different personal choice? Why not allow yourself to be educated? We live in what has become known as "the information age". There are no excuses for ignorance.

Alternative medicine is growing by leaps and bounds! Why? Because so many people are indeed educating themselves. So many people see that the 'same ol' is getting us nowhere and costing us dearly. And these people are being brave enough to take a stand and experience true responsibility for themselves and their families.

YES, you can be healthy! Better nutrition, physical activity, organic medicines from nature, personal spiritual practices to release stress.... These methods are as old and proven as recorded history itself. The reasons people are suffering and dying from sickness in 2011 are the same reasons people in any other age and time have suffered and died - ignorance.

Beyond ignorance is a forked path. One path is that of enlightenment, the other is stupidity.

Enlightenment allows us to be responsible for ourselves. Stupidity is having the knowledge and wisdom of a better way, yet choosing not to take it.

Rather than being mandated to have a personal physician, why not find a holistic practitioner to consult if you need health advice? This would erase your need for health insurance (since few insurance companies cover holistic services anyway!). The money you would've spent on insurance would more than cover any instance you would have to see a holistic practitioner.

Rather than vaccinate our natural immune systems to death, why not gain understanding of what the vaccinations are for in the first place and why they ever seemed necessary? Vaccinations were a grand concept on the foundational level, but no one remembers what that foundational level was! So now the concept is lost and it is producing greater harm than good.

Rather than spay and neuter our animals, why not do a little research and understand where that concept came from? It's to control the animal population, right? What other ways are there to control the animal population? Responsibility maybe? Spaying and neutering doesn't do anything to control irresponsible breeders does it??? Spaying and neutering is NOT harmless to our animals!

Rather than send our children off to school, why not parent them? Why not teach them how to be whole people? This is learned from family not public school. If you think you aren't qualified to teach your children, then how are you a functioning member of society? How could you bring a child into the world in the first place? How did YOU get thru school? A lot of the problems of youth in America today would vanish if parents would make their children part of their lives again....

Organized religion does nothing for the soul. Only YOU can have your relationship with GOD.... whomever or whatever you believe GOD to be.

Sunscreen is more harmful to the skin than the sun is. Who supplies sunscreen to the millions of people who have lived in the sun for generation after generation? These people rarely get skin cancer.... How is that??

Propaganda would have us believe that cigarettes cause lung cancer. What causes cancer in people who don't smoke? Some other "sin"???

If I have to vote, then I am not free.... America is the greatest country that has ever lived. That doesn't mean that I must be blind to the absolute absurdity that currently embodies our government. THAT - to be blind - is un-American! Government for the people, by the people.... This does not mean that I must become an activist or politician to express my freedom or my values. If individual Americans would become responsible for themselves, then we wouldn't need to debate anything that our government currently spends trillions of dollars to debate. Our current government is built on the assumption that people are idiots. What are you doing to prove that system incorrect?

Vitamin D does not come from milk. It comes from..... the sun. Cows milk is for baby cows, not humans. Why did humans ever begin drinking cows milk?

We do not need meat to get ample supplies of protein. You'd be amazed at how much protein is in good, non-animal foods!

The FDA has a history of approving more deadly drugs than all of nature combined can produce... Not to mention all the food that is available in this country. FDA approved "food" is killing an entire nation but marijuana is illegal... because its.... harmful??

Never question a doctor. They know everything. Because they, unlike us, are...... People...? Who write prescriptions....

There are many many simple ways to begin to be healthy and not sick. The choice is yours and yours alone. No one needs to judge another for their choices. The consequences of our choices do that for us.

I am a Licensed Massage Therapist. Massage is a wonderful ingredient in a healthy lifestyle! It helps the body move toxins out, it brings blood circulation and nutrients into the muscles, it releases feel-good endorphins, it creates relaxation and releases tension and stress. Everyone needs a massage therapist.... Who's yours?