The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

#Bullies & Real #Love

There are bad people in the world.
There have been since our current history began... As far back as we can see.

There are bullies.
People who are mean beyond reason. People who are aggressively abusive just because they can be... Because no one has the ability to stop them.

And according to all the "goody-goody" teachings in the world, we're all supposed to treat them as we want to be treated, love them, forgive them.... Right.

It's easy to forgive people who are stupid and who get caught in a bad situation and do bad things.... These people can change.

But what happens to the Hitlers and the Mengeles.... The Atillas and the Kahns....  The Maos and the Ivans.... The serial killers.... The child molesters.... The deviant monsters and selfish bitches that we all KNOW are not going to change!!!
I guess the "best" way to "love" these is to lock them away for their entire lives.... Like Manson.... For the sake of OUR humanity and his... protection?? Over 80 years old, spent most of his life in prison... and still bat-shit crazy. Not one ounce of reformation.

So how do these people "awaken"?

In my lifetime I have experienced so many challenging personalities, as most of us have. And I've "tried" many methods of loving these people that I really hated or was disgusted or totally pissed off by! Because "love" is what we're supposed to do.
What did my efforts to love bad people look like....?
Tolerating abuse. Being walked on. Being miserable. Keeping my mouth shut.

Is this love??? 
No. It isn't.
Was I showing these people god's love by what I was doing.... Or rather what I was allowing??
No. I wasn't.

If you study ancient texts you may learn that all the Masters suffered for speaking out, speaking up...
They suffered for standing against bullies, not from cowering to them and allowing them to continue on their way.
No, most stories about the Masters have no instances of them fighting back.
But they did NOT shut up. They were NOT afraid. They did NOT compromise.

So being a chump and suffering at the hands of bullies is NOT a righteous thing to do. Fighting against them is not righteousness either.
Simply standing in the message of truth.... And absorbing the consequences....
What the Masters did to confound their enemies was all by the Energy of Truth.
Even the stories of the great Shaolin Priests, the Warrior Monks, are saturated in mystical accounts of the supernatural feats! It was Chi, or.... Energy.  The Christians called it the Holy Spirit.

This magical force was not used carelessly, it was not used to attack anyone or coerce anyone, it was not used to gain any victory, and it was NOT used at the whim and will of the user. Jesus did not use it to escape from the cross, but rather submitted to its process that demonstrated an even grander, more expanded truth - The eternal power of life! Resurrection.

The bully has three levels of power:  1) Fear, 2) Death, 3) Convincing you to surrender your free will.
Jesus passed all three of these challenges and there was therefore nothing left that had any power greater than the power he demonstrated. There was nothing left in all the Universe to do to him!
He did not walk in cowardice and fear of anything!
He did not shrink away from death. He allowed himself to be killed!
And he never fell for the lies, the deals from the devil, he never allowed his free will to be manipulated away from him! He never allowed himself to consider taking a different route other than the one he knew he was meant for!
This is what he meant when he said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." He did not mean for anyone to worship him, but to see the way home in him.

Don't take shit from bullies. That is not love!
Don't expect bullies to suddenly awaken and move into the higher dimensions of the new Earth!

There is only one way for bullies to awaken, and that is to go thru the entire gamut of human conditioning and experience everything from every point of view necessary to GENUINELY and AUTHENTICALLY change their heart!!!!!!! Watch The Emporor's New Groove...! Bad people (YES I SAID BAD PEOPLE!!!) have to go thru the shit mill in order to be authentically changed.
And YOU are not a bad person for recognizing that!

As Jesus said, there is only one way............ Follow him.

BE NOTIFIED: I am NOT a Christian!!! I refer to stories of Jesus because I like them, I feel them, I feel a connection and kinship to Jesus. The Bible, like all ancient texts, has been corrupted and maligned in horrible ways and it is NOT the only, nor the sovereign,written WORD OF GOD!!! It contains historical truths, mysteries, and manipulative lies. By his spirit, one discerns which is which. Whether Jesus was a real person or not, the stories and their meanings are the same.
But I am not a Christian! I am not any religion. They are all the same - Man-made, corrupt, not god.

#Sovereigns #Masters #Indigos You Are Not Wrong, You Are Not Lost

Taking it to the edge....
There's nothing wrong...!
It's a choice. You could do it differently.... But there are needs in you.... in your heart.... in your soul.... And these needs will summon their remedies and tonics from any and every place in your "life" that they can.
Do not doubt your life. Do not doubt LIFE.

You are NOT wrong.
You may indeed be in a place where you don't want to be....
You may indeed be out of balance with your longing soul, and therefore, what your life attracts causes suffering that, yes, could be avoided... But if you struggle to find the balance, the simpler path... It does not mean you are wrong.
It does not mean you must find a better way!
Your soul, like the roots of a mighty tree, will find the water it needs and it will not be stopped.

Some take it to the edge to find what their soul needs.
Of course there's another way. An easier way, a safer way, a more popular way...!
But it is your choice and your choice alone.

When you reach the point in your soul evolution of sovereignty, it all begins to clear and make sense.
The others.... They too are not wrong. Only not yet grown enough to be responsible for very much. They cannot be forced into maturity.
Even the soul born into this world an "old soul" is still born into human immaturity and though deeply wise, still not responsible enough to be sovereign... Still needing the cycles of the Universe - Mom & Dad.

But the Sovereign... This is why they often retreat into the jungle or the mountain tops, so as not be deal with the judgments of the children who 'know not what they do'.
The Sovereigns.... The Masters.... The Indigos...... Whatever you call them or they call themselves....
Let them all know by this message - They are not wrong and they are not lost.
All is well, right where they are. And if they choose not to be where they are and to be somewhere else, then they should plot a course and change direction. There will be challenges, but as a Sovereign, all experience is nourishment. Nothing is lost. It is your choice.

When children hear that they have a choice, they instantly imagine the toy and the candy store.
When adults hear choice they instantly imagine an easier life, without laborious striving to survive.
But when Masters hear the word choice, it is an open book into very purposeful cosmic expansion and selflessness.
Masters recognize "all that is" on a grander scale and surrender to all that is without fear or prejudice. They no longer need to be right or happy. They are the AUTHOR of righteousness and happiness.
They have lost all insecurities about their identity and all fascination with their profound glory.

Therefore it shines and thrives and bursts forth as the image of god.
