The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

As God

Every time you deal with another being, of any species, you are dealing with them AS GOD.
Are you an angry god?
Are you a shallow god?
Are you an ass-kissing god?
Are you a weak god, too afraid of what others think of you to do "your job"?
However you think of another being, that is how god thinks of them....
(That one is loaded - be careful!!!)
However you treat another being, that is how god treats them.

You are god.
You are god's child.
You are god's representative.
You are god's image.
You are god.  To every being you interact with.

It is the time for those with consciousness, to be as god in the Earth.
Stop seeking and start being.
This is not a rule.  This is not a command.
It is a word. An acknowledgement. An announcement. A shared realization.
"Yes, you are not crazy.  This is happening."

Are you honest?
Do you speak the truth?
Are you empathetic?  Do you feel the pain of the sheep? The children? The weak? The lost?
What would you have "god" do with these...?
If you were god, what would YOU do with these?

What do you expect god to do for you?
As you judge, so shall you BE judged.
As you measure, so shall you BE measured.
Do you have integrity?
Can you sleep at night without endless conversation to convince yourself that you did nothing wrong....?
Is your conscience truly so clear that nothing offends you?
Can you forgive . . . . . . . . . . ?

Because as he is in the world, so are we.....