The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Faced With the Darkness

When faced with the darkness, you choose the light.
Every time.

THAT is the change that will evolve us as a species, as an entity, into true lasting peace, prosperity, abundance, health, happiness and love.

To be tested, tried, pushed, shoved, shit on, abused, beaten down, down, down...... And still freely choose the light...

To have it all.... And still freely choose the light...

To have nothing.....

To be famous, isolated, brilliant, celebrated, misunderstood.....

To be wise or foolish.
Slave or master.
Religious or atheist.
Diseased or miraculously cured.

Scarred, imperfect, angry and hurt.
Hopeless.  Destitute.  High.  Deliriously happy.

When faced with the darkness, you choose the light.  Every time.