The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Speak Your Heart

Go ahead! So Speak your heart. 
Speak it loud bold and with all the passion you can muster. 
And then know that it will be challenged and assaulted until YOU are convinced of your own truth!!! 
Then you will know yourself. 
Then will you know your own heart, your true desire.

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Blah of it All

This is a very ruff season for many.
It is ruff for me as well.
I'm still waiting for the bad things to collapse and the good things to blossom from the ashes in this matrix we call "the world"...  I really thought there'd be more action by this time this year.
I realize that such catastrophe would be rather catastrophic for many.... but we don't change unless we have to sometimes.
Those that can, will.  Those that can't never could.  
We don't know what we're made of sometimes unless we're forced into that place of proving....
Everything inside me says "JUMP!!!" 
Well.... everything except that one little strand of ego, fear, Capricorn that must follow the rules......
My inner ascending Aquarius is screaming to break free.... 
Any day now... Any day...
It could be today.
There are times that we realize how nothing really matters except love...  
Ah the freedom of it all.
I will get there.  I will.
I hope to see some of you there.