The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Daily So Be It

No more plastic. There are other better Natural materials with which to make useful things.
No more trash. Everything is reusable.
No more toxic waste. There are Natural harmonious ways to do everything. No need to compromise.
No more corporations, companies, or slave operations. You work for yourself, you work WITH others, not FOR others. You help others learn and accomplish. You work from passion not for survival.
No more schools or Universities. You learn from real people, family, masters of a certain skill, not doctrines or agendas. Apprentice. Mentor. Care as much for other's success as your own.
No more prisons. People who are seen and known for who they really are and supported in their own dreams do not need to be criminals. Nor do they desire to be.
No more hospitals or "doctors". Everybody understands how the biological systems work, inside and out, and all know how to maintain balance in their own bodies. Balance = No sickness or disease.
No manhandling or molestation of Nature. We now know the Law of Nature and Unity with it, and understand that fighting against our Planet and all her systems just isn't necessary. We speak and understand her language. She is eager to create with us in harmony.
No more deception or hiding from the Truth. The Truth is our new air. We breathe it constantly.
No more surviving. Now we LIVE.
No more debt. No more credit. Not necessary.
No more synthetics. None.
With deception and control systems no longer viable.... There is Peace. Real Peace. Complete and total Peace within and without. The root of suffering has been found and recycled.

If you think this is a delusion that could never be....
If you think this is a pipedream....
If you think this could never happen and Certainly not in your lifetime.....

I suggest you "hold by beer"...

Nov 7 2018 13:12:06 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: ebc49e

We are going to show you a new world.
Those who are blind will soon see the light.
A beautiful brave new world lies ahead.
We take this journey together.
One step at a time.

Monday, February 25, 2019

There Is A Difference

There is a difference between duality and polarity.

Law is not the answer.
Love is the answer.
The problem is, even your definition and perception of what love is has been hijacked, contaminated, neutered, sterilized... Until it has no power. That's why nothing ever changes.
You've been terror-ed away from the REAL power of REAL love.

Forgiving and Excusing are NOT the same thing.
Forgiveness does not mean allowing bad people to get away with things.
Forgiveness is an act of the conscious heart, not a practical measure to deal with evil.

In the world of duality - good/bad, light/dark, right/wrong, valuable/worthless.... etc., there are limits of capacity.
Limits, in the form of parameters, rules of the game, that cannot be exceeded.
We cannot walk on water or turn water into wine or lead into gold.
We may be conscious of such possibilities but the reality is that these realities do not exist on this network, this frequency.

In THIS frequency, there must be consequences for causing harm to others. This does not mean there is no love. It means LOVE operates within these confines, according to these rules, until WE move to a different frequency where "consequence" is not a narrative any longer. It isn't necessary.
Here however, consequences are necessary. Without consequence, evil would run a-muck and nothing would be accomplished.
Souls would not evolve, lessons would not be learned, karma would not be cleared, new worlds would not be created, other dimensions would never be found much less explored.

In this frequency, Love looks like a mean parent sometimes. The alternative is a weak parent who produces a very troubled child.
Stop being afraid of real Love!

Real Love says NO.
Real Love says I'll whip your ass.
Real Love doesn't brag about the sacrifices it makes for its children... The things ungrateful children never know about...

Real Love has been tainted by evil and co-mingled to point that it is almost unrecognizable to most these days.
"In those days the love of many will grow cold..."

Find Real Love.

3D Limitations vs 5D Skills

So on this note - 3D Is Not A Place ...
If you are still living in the 3D world, your ass better know how to protect yourself when you have to!
If you have higher dimensional skills that can protect you and yours WITHOUT guns then BAM!
You're the shit!

But if you have not developed those skills YET.... I suggest you understand guns and their value in 3D!
Getting rid of 3D guns in a 3D world... Only makes you stupid. And maybe dead. Getting rid of 3D guns in a 3D world DOES NOT raise the frequency of anyone in the 3D world!!!
3D frequency is one of duality. On purpose. It's not supposed to change - WE are.

Guns do-fucking-NOT kill people!!!

Where is HUMAN consciousness in this debate???
Where is HUMAN responsibility in this debate???
Where is HUMAN BEINGNESS in this debate???

THAT!!! Is the real question Alex!

3D Is Not A Place

What people don't understand about multidimensionality:

Frequency ruled by peace and love.
Frequency ruled by fear and control.
Two different dimensions!
Oil and water!
Will never be "one".

Point is for us to EVOLVE into higher dimensions!
Like toothpaste being squeezed out of a tube... The "pressure" of trying to be 5D in lower dimensions is supposed to "change us", cause us to mutate, ascend into a higher dimension.
We will never make 3D a peaceful place!
(Repeating cycles, Groundhog Day, till we figure this out).
3D is a tool, not a destination.

3 is not a place.