The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Monday, February 25, 2019

There Is A Difference

There is a difference between duality and polarity.

Law is not the answer.
Love is the answer.
The problem is, even your definition and perception of what love is has been hijacked, contaminated, neutered, sterilized... Until it has no power. That's why nothing ever changes.
You've been terror-ed away from the REAL power of REAL love.

Forgiving and Excusing are NOT the same thing.
Forgiveness does not mean allowing bad people to get away with things.
Forgiveness is an act of the conscious heart, not a practical measure to deal with evil.

In the world of duality - good/bad, light/dark, right/wrong, valuable/worthless.... etc., there are limits of capacity.
Limits, in the form of parameters, rules of the game, that cannot be exceeded.
We cannot walk on water or turn water into wine or lead into gold.
We may be conscious of such possibilities but the reality is that these realities do not exist on this network, this frequency.

In THIS frequency, there must be consequences for causing harm to others. This does not mean there is no love. It means LOVE operates within these confines, according to these rules, until WE move to a different frequency where "consequence" is not a narrative any longer. It isn't necessary.
Here however, consequences are necessary. Without consequence, evil would run a-muck and nothing would be accomplished.
Souls would not evolve, lessons would not be learned, karma would not be cleared, new worlds would not be created, other dimensions would never be found much less explored.

In this frequency, Love looks like a mean parent sometimes. The alternative is a weak parent who produces a very troubled child.
Stop being afraid of real Love!

Real Love says NO.
Real Love says I'll whip your ass.
Real Love doesn't brag about the sacrifices it makes for its children... The things ungrateful children never know about...

Real Love has been tainted by evil and co-mingled to point that it is almost unrecognizable to most these days.
"In those days the love of many will grow cold..."

Find Real Love.

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