The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Friday, March 6, 2015

2015 Full Moon in Virgo Message


The Grandfathers and the Fathers are gathered. 
Do not work for what is given freely.
The Ancestors are gathered in multitudes like the feathers of birds.
They are all gathered as witnesses. It's our move now, our show.

Throw the pieces into the fire.
(No longer try to keep them, mend them, use them, fit them in.)
Rid yourself!


This is the Culmination of the Ages.
The old ways, the old ones... Let them go. 
It is time for you to soar... High above and beyond what they ever did.

Shells lose integrity in heat and they crumble.
Shark teeth stay!

The past will be put away like never before.
Be surprised at NOTHING.
Don't be caught off guard!
(Just don't do it!)

(There will be fire....)

Ashes are more beautiful than most people know. Ashes tell a story that few can know.
Ashes cleanse....

Stop asking "What can I get out of this" !
This is not about rewards. Not now.
True rewards are a byproduct of balanced life, not a bonus for hard work.... (old ways..... Gone.)

The Acid Test

Golden light, like acid, pours down... Finding crevices and crannys that you could not have imagined were there.
Golden light. Burns and consumes everything in its path. It does not bring marshmellow clouds and piles of gold coins. Everything it touches turns to fire.
Golden light, golden rivers, golden caverns with pools of burnished gold liquid. Golden alligators swim and perch.
It is not yours to posses or even touch!
It's you.
Golden light dissolves you like acid. It's not what you thought it would be.
Are you real yet...?

No one knows the true value of gold.
You think its money.
How utterly sad.

The golden light of the golden age is pouring down now like acid... To reveal what is real.
The Apocalypse.
Gold gold gold.... everything is gold.
You will never touch it, nor posses it.

The Alchemist