The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Friday, August 18, 2017

Be Careful How You Judge

Ya know, people have tried to tell you motherfuckers the truth for years!!! Decades!!!
And you ridiculed them and called them conspiracy theorists!
Donald Trump is simply a manifestation of your refusal to see the real truth,
the whole truth of your world.
You wouldn't listen!!!
You wouldn't wake up!!!!
This is what YOU created!
Your own medicine.
Donald Trump is NO DIFFERENT than any other president! What pissess you off about The Don is that he doesn't hide it! You can't be blind and irresponsible anymore! He does it and says it right in front of your face! Lies and all! And for some reason, that angers you!
You much preferred being smoothly and elegantly deceived, raped and molested in your sleep. You are all fucking unbelievable..... Much more unbelievable than he is!
And still, in the midst of all this, you blame HIM and take no responsibility for your world. You want your Prime Time Professional Politician drug dealer back! Giving out free illusions to all you girls.... Just keep your ass on the street and bring that money home to Daddy and you can have all the pain-killing lies you want.

The only happy slave is the slave who is fat with delusions and never made to eat the Truth.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Learning to Interface With The Current Transition Energy

That fresh air energy you feel rushing in.... BREATHE it! Breathe it in.
Don't try to chase it, wrangle it, capture it, or use it!!!
I know - contrary to everything you've been taught in recent generations. But this is THAT NEW!

Do all things with energy!
Lead with energy.....!!!

Greet it like an old long lost friend!
A prodigal child!
A true hero returning from the battle field! Embrace it with deep love, warmth, admiration, and gratitude....
And then let it go.
Give it room, give it peace, give it space to settle in, and just let it grow! Naturally.
It doesn't need your help, it needs your partnership, your agreement, your respect.
You don't have to force ANYTHING to happen any longer.
Just breath it in and cooperate as it activates.
Follow the energy.
That's all.

The Transition Launch Vibe

Because if you believe in big things with the wrong tools you get disappointment!!

So.... Just convincing yourself to " believe" in miracles and fantasies... Its a set up.
There is such a thing as true embodiment.
This is the ONLY foolproof way to "believe" in things too big to really believe.
You BECOME the very particle that is this dream.
So our highest focus right now,
Is not best served by "believing".
It is best served by BECOMING.

Can you,
In all honesty,
Believe in - AS FACT - the real actual tangible
Of the world you have spent your life praying, wishing, hoping for...
Dreaming of, fantasizing about, talking to your best friends and kids about....
Can you believe... That big?
Can you honestly feel what it is going to be like...
When you wake up "tomorrow morning" and discover that EVERYTHING has changed - And its beyond perfect!  ???

It is not a dream.
Things have suddenly, and abruptly, become ENTIRELY different.
Can you accept this much GOOD as being real?
No strings attached.
At all.

Living in a world where all the good you ever imagined...
Is normal.

THIS is the vibe we focus on now.
The Transition Launch Vibe.

Because its happening whether we believe or not!
The only differences will be the degree to which you believe, and the degree to which you participate.
The wave is approaching. You can surf it, or be obliterated by it.
Choose your focus.
Do it now.
There is no more time.
You don't have to "DO" anything - just focus.
Focus on the REALITY of your perfect world.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Beyond Prayer, Mediation, and Mantras

Move beyond prayers, mantras, and meditations.
It is time to move into proclamations.
You are creating a new world.
Don't ask. Don't grovel. Don't beg and plead.
Call forth as if you had the authority to do so.
Keep it simple.
Love, Peace, Harmony.... From these foundation stones flow everything we truly desire.
Do not litter and clutter the energy field with noisy details!
It just isn't necessary.

We are not desperate.
We are not struggling.
We don't need rules or laws.

We are Love
We are Peace
We are Unified Harmonically
We vibrate at a new higher frequency, where new things are possible, and old things have passed away.

Sovereignty is the first step to the entrance of the gateway to the new world.
Take that step!


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Money is NOT Our Friend

In the past money has kept us from joining together a true spiritual family.
Because of TEACHERS and GURUS and MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS and their Selling power..... Playing and preying upon the sheep's desperation for nourishment....
It became not only acceptable to charge people, but The SPIRITUAL DOCTRINE for abundance!!!!

That is bullshit!

Money has kept us separated and kept us from realizing our FAMILIAL status and our power to function and be effective in this realm.  Just like war, when it comes to carrying REAL spiritual burdens, Why do they always send the poor!?!?