The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are You Ready to Live in a Cashless Society?

Are you ready to live in a cashless society?

I have been thru the stages.... Innocence, religious, hedonistic... interspersed with emptiness, confusion & frustration.

One thing I have come to see as an essential realization is that each of us has our own path and each path serves us individually as we need. This is one reason nothing "works" for everybody all the time.

Do I want to live in a cashless society? Hmmm....
Do I want to win that $80 million dollar lottery this week? HELL YES!
Let's examine this.

Why do I want to win an $80 million dollar lottery?
Why do I hesitate at the thought of a cashless society?
What does $80 million dollars represent to me?
What do I really want???

You know you've hit upon a "universal law" when every scenario and subject matter leads you to the same answers....
In this case - FREEDOM.

I want the freedom of conscience to know that I have paid others for the products or services that I've received from them. Anything less is stealing. And that makes me feel bad.
I want to give freely to help others without fear of running out of resources for myself.
I want to be able to use my creative mind freely and produce useful and entertaining things for myself and others in this world.
I want to be free to have FUN!
I want to enjoy life freely and take as many with me as will come!
I want to make the world a better place...

Is this so wrong???
$80 million dollars would make all these things possible!
Where would these dreams be in a cashless society?
Where would my feelings be in a cashless society?

Well, what is "cash"?
In the world around us and deep in our psyche, cash represents value. Face it, if you don't have enough cash, you tend to feel "worthless"... right? Cash is indelibly connected to our own sense of self worth. How do we get cash? Well we can earn it thru working, or we can take someone else's without working.... We can convince others to freely give us their cash by making them think we've earned it when we really haven't....

How do these methods of getting cash make us feel...??? How does this affect our sense of self worth?
Working hard makes us feel worthy of the cash we receive. Working very hard but receiving very little cash in return makes us feel frustrated, even angry.... because we feel that we've earned more, that we're "worth more" than the amount of cash we were given. We feel that the one giving us the cash for our work does not truly value us. We feel used.
Taking someone else's cash that we have not worked for makes us feel "wrong", guilty, or afraid of the consequences of being caught. This is not happiness or freedom.
Convincing someone to freely give us their cash by telling them that what we offer them is worth that amount of cash, when we know consciously that it isn't worth much at all.... again makes us feel "wrong"... afraid of being called into account, afraid of being dishonest... afraid. This too, is short of happiness and freedom.
The perfect cash scenario is to offer a very valuable service or product and get paid richly for its great value and become wealthy by honest means.

How does this actually happen in our real world? Can you name an example? Do you believe that all wealthy people lie, cheat or deal dishonestly at some point in order to accomplish their wealth? Do they always tell the truth about their products, employees, services, resources and methods of production?
Why do you believe that? What evidence do you have that convinces you?

Cash is not only indelibly tied to my psyche, but also to the psyche of the giver. He who has the cash rules the world. This simply put, is control.

Back to what I really want...
I want the freedom of conscience...
I want to give freely...
I want to be able to use my creative mind freely...
I want to be free to have FUN!
I want to enjoy life freely...
I want to make the world a better place...

Do those that have all the cash do these things?
Some do.... Some, maybe most, don't. Why? Afraid of losing..... control. Afraid of being called into accountability.

What does a cashless society look like?
What do we use for "value"?
How do we know how valuable we are? Without cash.... Without money.... Without someone controlling us with fear of doing without....

I have experienced that without cash to open all these doors to freedom, I am forced to look for my self worth in other places. My sense of value is obviously not in cash! My sense of value is in truth, respect, integrity... More and more everyday, those in higher places of authority are being exposed as being void of this cashless sense of self value. They are being exposed for cheating, covering up truth, manipulating the system, milking the system thru community ignorance, over-indulging in luxuries... and now they're sick, jailed, lying to get out of trouble... and they're losing everything... losing their cash, losing their empires. Losing respect. Losing control... What are they worth now...? And without this "control" of the cash, how are they surviving??? Somehow they are still eating, still being clothed, still bathing.... Still breathing, still thinking, still seeing.... Still... feeling? What is their worth? How do they evaluate themselves now? How do we evaluate them? What did cash do for them that we want so badly to be a part of?

We may protest at this insinuation, that we would never do dishonest things with an abundance of cash!

But why wouldn't we??? How well do you know yourself?

We assume ignorantly and blindly that cash is all there is.
Is cash evil?
Are guns evil?
Are drugs evil?
Is food evil?
Or is it really the people that kill people...?

Are you ready for a cashless society? I'm getting there.
Are you ready to give up all the things you really want? I'm not!
Is there another way....? Absolutely!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Past, History & Ego

"The Past" is just a way of looking at things.... because in "reality", there is no "past".... all is present, all is now, all is YOU. History is not ego. The way you perceive history can be ego! A "thing" can never be ego, only the way in which "a thing" is perceived.

The past is not a place. History is not just a story. 

History is the elements and details of all that you are in this lifetime... It's more of a journal than a story. It should not be forgotten, it should be realized. If history is taken out of proper perspective then it indeed becomes ego... just a story you use to support unhealthy patterns and create excuses that keep you from being the whole you, that keep you from full realization as a being.

But the same is true for all aspects of life, not just "your history".
Perspective. Choice. 
You can indeed rewrite your history, your past, by how you perceive it.
It's all in your head!

The Reckoning

In order to get to where you wanna go, you've gotta get there from where you ARE!
No short cuts from YOURSELF.
No one is gonna come and rescue you from YOU.
Not Jesus, not Mohammed, not the Mothership.... NO ONE!
And in this moment of realization you might go look in the mirror and recognize your divinity.
You are the master of your own life.
When the world around you won't bend, you have to bend.
It's your choice, your decision.
You create your own heaven and you create your own hell.
It's no one else's fault or responsibility.

Where ever you are, no matter where that is, there is where your journey begins.
Getting from there to where you wanna be is what makes you who you are....
You will never escape from you.

The Reckoning

Monday, January 16, 2012


Its time to take an assertive stand and speak the truth, and no longer tolerate illegitimacy. Call those in your path into account.
Not vengeance. Not anger or emotional reaction. But calm, firm truth.
Face the music.
Degrees and certifications have completely lost their value!!!
How do we know who is good? Who to trust? Who is worth our time and valued patronage?
Intuition. Your true inner sense never lies.... The question is, can you recognize it?

Its time to be self responsible.
You will get what you want... If you want genuine help, you will find it.
If you don't want the truth, if all you wanna do is whine, if you're not willing to be responsible for yourself, then you will be fed whatever you want to hear, you'll pay for it, and you'll continue to whine and complain that nothing works.
Value comes from within.  It manifests in your world.

Live who you are. If you're a healer then give healing.... it will be returned to you!
If you're a farmer then give farming... it will be returned to you!
If you're an artist then give art... it will be returned to you!
This is the new economy. 
 HERE is prosperity. HERE is true professionalism.
What are your qualifications??  RESULTS!

Live who you are...!
Be genuine.
Be authentic.
Be real.
Be you. All day, every day.

"Perfect" is a fabricated illusion. It has nothing to do with truth and authenticity. Don't try to be perfect - Just be real.