The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trust - Time to Get Over It!

Never trust another - only trust yourself! That removes the burden of having to perform or live up to your expectations from the other person. It relieves the pressure of making them feel they have to be somebody other than who they are. It removes the temptation for them to lie!!

People make mistakes. Everything we do affects everyone around us.

We can't control everybody and everything.... So just control yourself.

Trusting yourself rather than trusting other people makes YOU responsible for YOU.... No one else is responsible for you, and you're not responsible for anyone else.

YOU are not someone elses job. So don't force that on them.

Learn to trust YOURSELF! Then you'll know how to safely navigate relationships with others.

If you trust yourself, and someone you love lies to you - will you know it?

If you trust yourself, and someone you love lies to you - will you love them any less? Truly!?

I trust myself to know when someone around me is off balance....

Rather than being stone cold liars, most people are just not honest with themselves! They're not "liars".... Their just off balance, and until they realize that for themselves and choose to change, there's nothing anyone else can do about it.... Except love them...

Learn to trust yourself, then maybe I'll trust you...

Till then, stop whining and pay attention.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What Does It Mean? Disturb

dis·turb – verb (used with object)

1. to interrupt the quiet, rest, peace, or order of; unsettle.

2. to interfere with; interrupt; hinder:

3. to interfere with the arrangement, order, or harmony of; disarrange:

4. to perplex; trouble:

Our world is very disturbed.

Can you say why?

Pay Attention

The key, secret, solution to making genuine connections, is paying attention.

It is your ATTENTION that is the fiber of connection.

It is your FREE intention - free of toxins - that is the energy of connecion.

Don't just float thru.... Pay attention.

Pay attention....

Pay attention.......

Career Awareness

Career "awareness" consultation for employees.

I counsel employees to make sure they are happy, productive, and in the correct job field.

Happy, fulfilled employees are not only more productive, they cause less trouble - for themselves, their families, and their employer. If employees needs are met on every possible level, then there is no reason for them to be distracted from doing an awesome job for the company!

Work smarter, not harder...

Changing History

Seeing your past differently, in a new light, could "change your history"....!!!

What a concept!

Changing your history.

Changing, therefore, your path "outside" the parameters of time...

Get it?

All you have to do to change history is change, or expand, your perception of it...!

What you see, feel, believe about the past - changes your Now.

Awesome, isn't it?...!

This is The Shift.... It's this simple.

Impossible is no longer a viable term....

You Know

Decide for yourself if I have what you're looking for.

Because only you know what you really need.

Only you can make that decision for yourself.

Selling is not necessary... Paying attention is!

This is The Shift - Knowing, and being responsible for yourself!

Realizing and believing that you, YOU, are capable of this! You no longer need religions, or politicians, or the World Health Organization, or the courts, or CNN to tell you what to do or how to do it.

YOU KNOW.... For god sake.... YOU KNOW.



Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ode to the Creative Genius

Sometimes.... when we cannot find or see our own purpose... we wallow in someone else's madness that has bled out into genius.

This is the food of gods. The kindred spell of insanity. A reason that takes away the reason for having no reason to live... A drug for the immortally insane.

Mind-Racers... The sickness of vampires. Feeding our meaningless hearts with the blood of another's found light until we are once again drunk enough to see... A purpose. A reason to go on.

To bleed out genius that another may wallow crassly into a painless stupor, and forget the flickering shadows that keeps them paralyzed and pointless.

And thus the kingdom of god feeds its own and grows unwittingly - leaving unappreciated crumbs for greedy dogs.

The Connection

I can see myself more clearly by looking at you.

The words I say to you aren't to correct you or school you or scold you or condemn or judge you....

I say what I say because I see you, I recognize your struggle, your situation. I feel you.

I've been there! Or I am there, or I'm headed there. Your life IS relative to mine, that's why we are in each others path at this moment.

What I say to you I'm saying to myself.

What I see in you I may notice in myself.

Helping you helps me! Seeing your actions and reactions helps ME.

This is the "brotherhood of man". This is The One. This is unity. This is "we are all connected" in action. This is it, this is what it looks like!

This is how we do it.

I see myself in you. Thru you. You are my reflection and I am yours.

Don't judge - Notice. Observe. Pay attention.

Don't criticize - Relate. Feel.

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Everytime you call somebody stupid, just remember you're looking in the mirror. Your environment reflects back your own energy. What's stupid about that person? Why do you consider it stupid? What about that "stupid person" bothers you?

What does somebody else see as stupid about you? Really! Would you dare to ask the people closest to you, people who would know, what they think is "stupid" about you? Do you think they would tell you the truth?

If you put yourself in the other persons shoes and look out from their perspective, you may see why they act the way they do. If you understand others perspectives, maybe you would be more forgiving.

How stupid must you sometimes seem to other people?

How justified do you feel in doing what you're doing, the way you're doing it?

If you knew it was stupid, would you still do it?


Everytime I open my mouth about another person I should here my voice speaking to myself as well. If I think it doesn't apply to me..... Then I really am stupid.

Ignorance is simply not knowing, not being aware. (No officer I did not see that they had posted a new speed limit sign for this road. Now I know.)

Stupidity is knowing, and doing it wrong anyway. (Yes officer I have been drinking all evening but its ok, I drive better when I've had a few cocktails!)

Have you ever been ignorant of anything? When you find out it enlightens and sometimes humbles you.

Have you ever been stupid? When you find out, (get caught), you get straight up defensive!

And how many times today have you or will you judge, criticize or condemn someone else for being

Just Like You ?

I can see myself more clearly by looking at you.

If I choose to.

Now you know...!

Dropped Off and Left

If you were a god, and you lost your "god-powers", what would you do, how would you do it, and why would you do it that way? What would be your purpose? 

Remember, there is an element of truth in every notion. Usually a truth-turned-up-side-down.

Live your life as if you were still a god. The essence of god-hood is not in the powers, its in the nature of the heart. The "human" challenge is to believe that the god-hood is still in tact even though the powers are offline. The true identity of god is I AM. Not I CAN or I HAVE or even I WILL, SHOULD or MUST.... but I Am......

If we can find that, and keep our eye on it, rest in it... GENUINELY REST - let go and know, then we have all things. We are gods.

I already have all those billionaire things.... I really do.

But for some reason that I don't yet recall, I have chosen to be here, now, in this life/situation.

Let go, and let is serve its purpose.

I know this one won't truly speak to many.... but it can speak to some.