The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, January 16, 2016


Don't fight your frequency!

We are NOT all ENTIRELY the same!

We each have a unique signature vibration that is unique to us in a certain moment. As with all vibrations they are subject to change. Yet our own signature remains unique to us, and trying to live beyond our personal vibration, or expecting others to live within YOUR vibrations is complete ignorance!!!
It is torture, it is abuse, it is nonproductive.

In order to GET OVER IT! we need to begin to understand it. 

#Illusions & #FairyTales & #Lies

Crumble, fall apart, fade away... into the wilderness. There is no happiness "out there", only false hopes and disappointments. Only those who realize how deeply they must go will ever get there.... Happiness. 
The world you know is an illusion. The Truman Show. A set up. False! 
Yes.... for centuries this illusion has built up and played out and all humanity has been caught up in it, except for a few... Yes! ALL of humanity has been duped! Enslaved. 
Karma, Balance, Justice will flow, from dark to light... A few who have come from another realm, in human form, to help guide you to a higher place, where suffering and injustice has no place. 
Have you always felt like an alien in this world? It's because you are.
Do you feel like - especially lately - that NOTHING in your life works, and you don't really know why you're even here? That's because you are NOT here to be like them. You are here to show them the way that's inside YOU, where YOU're from.
A place of love and peace. A place with no fear and no slavery.
Yes! This too is real. A real place, in another dimension.
Are you tired? Are you weary of this lie? Have you had enough?? Are you ready yet to be the freak and step out of this world while you're still in it, into Neverland, down The Rabbit Hole, out of The Matrix, on the other side of the closet into Narnia.... A freak that believes in "fairy tales" as if they were true... I hope to see you there... Where true joy never ends.