It is very very important for EVERYONE right now - no matter what level or frequency you may think you're on - to be aware of the world around you!
Aware - not absorbed.
Very bad things are happening in the 3D. They always have, but they are being amplified, and they will increase. Regardless of what frequency you think you are elevating to, to completely DISREGARD the 3rd dimension from whence you came will cause you problems. The universal law of oneness will not let ANYONE "ESCAPE" 3D.
There is a path. A protocol. A WAY. And any other way is illegitimate and that path will collapse within the 3D.
Observe, notice, but do NOT entangle.
Do NOT watch MSM news all day, if at all.
Surround yourself with the TRUTH!
Surround yourself with messages of the expanded reality beyond 3D.
Do not let yourself get bogged in hopelessness, fear, or dread! Because its out there!
Many of us are indeed journeying beyond the 3D now, catching the currents of the huge cosmic waves of our times and riding them into 4D, 5D, 6D and beyond!
This is NOT escaping!
People who have been doing their inner work for many years now, people who are true to this wisdom, people who are awake will tell you from experience - this ain't for the faint of heart! This ain't no escape route! You don't transcend unless you mean it. You go thru hellish purges and awakenings and have deep life altering choices to get thru.... Right here in 3D! There is no escape. But there is a way, a path. And if you are on that path into higher dimensions, you must not let yourself drown in the dire energy of what is happening in the 3rd dimension.
Be aware of it.
Stay out of it.
Feel the energies and follow your heart.
Your heart will always guide you to stay on your path.
Nourish and protect your MIND in this process.
It is weak and prone to believing in the illusions of the 3rd dimension.
Protect your mind by going to your team, your crew, your teachers... Your faithful messengers on facebook, youtube, twitter.... Go to like minded sources of energy to remain encouraged.
Be aware of it.... But please please please do NOT touch it!
Be aware of your surroundings. But do not get caught in the delusion of the masses.
Remember - It's not about escaping, it's about being AWARE. That's all. If you are aware, you will know with your heart not your mind, you will see with your soul not your eyes. You will navigate this time of transition from a higher dimension of awareness.
Stay encouraged!!!
Aware - not absorbed.
Very bad things are happening in the 3D. They always have, but they are being amplified, and they will increase. Regardless of what frequency you think you are elevating to, to completely DISREGARD the 3rd dimension from whence you came will cause you problems. The universal law of oneness will not let ANYONE "ESCAPE" 3D.
There is a path. A protocol. A WAY. And any other way is illegitimate and that path will collapse within the 3D.
Observe, notice, but do NOT entangle.
Do NOT watch MSM news all day, if at all.
Surround yourself with the TRUTH!
Surround yourself with messages of the expanded reality beyond 3D.
Do not let yourself get bogged in hopelessness, fear, or dread! Because its out there!
Many of us are indeed journeying beyond the 3D now, catching the currents of the huge cosmic waves of our times and riding them into 4D, 5D, 6D and beyond!
This is NOT escaping!
People who have been doing their inner work for many years now, people who are true to this wisdom, people who are awake will tell you from experience - this ain't for the faint of heart! This ain't no escape route! You don't transcend unless you mean it. You go thru hellish purges and awakenings and have deep life altering choices to get thru.... Right here in 3D! There is no escape. But there is a way, a path. And if you are on that path into higher dimensions, you must not let yourself drown in the dire energy of what is happening in the 3rd dimension.
Be aware of it.
Stay out of it.
Feel the energies and follow your heart.
Your heart will always guide you to stay on your path.
Nourish and protect your MIND in this process.
It is weak and prone to believing in the illusions of the 3rd dimension.
Protect your mind by going to your team, your crew, your teachers... Your faithful messengers on facebook, youtube, twitter.... Go to like minded sources of energy to remain encouraged.
Be aware of it.... But please please please do NOT touch it!
Be aware of your surroundings. But do not get caught in the delusion of the masses.
Remember - It's not about escaping, it's about being AWARE. That's all. If you are aware, you will know with your heart not your mind, you will see with your soul not your eyes. You will navigate this time of transition from a higher dimension of awareness.
Stay encouraged!!!