For those of you who can handle it....
The message that I am getting now is one of Letting Go.
That message is as old as the Buddha but this is very different. Very, very different!
This is an unprecedented letting go.... This letting go requires us to face the greatest challenge of our lives, of our era, of our current incarnate species.
I am being invited to let go of my very identity... Or at least the identity that I have held for 50 years in this current Earth and timeline. Yes my "true self", my "authentic self"... My nature, my dreams, my perspectives. Its not letting go of who I thought I was, or letting go of my ego self... No. Its much, much more - much, much deeper this time. Let go of any identifying title, the genetics, the purpose, the path, and mostly let go of the details. Gone. Past. Doesn't matter anymore.
This is likened to being awake for my own surgery - conscious, aware, and awake as a new identity is poured into my current consciousness!
How much are you willing to let go of!?!? What some may call your very sanity???
How much are you willing to let go of!?!? What some may call your very sanity???
I'm hearing report after report of the most bizarre, the most challenging, the most painful, the most unexplainable.......... I'm hearing people "feel" this horrible horribleness, this deep angst, this depressive energy.... And its almost impossible to fight off. It comes and goes in waves. It's not stopping this time. It keeps coming back and it is NOT from inside ourselves. Seasoned "awares" and empaths are being shaken to their core. Strange body aches and pains with no real source. Memory issues, vision issues... And my animals are experiencing it as well!
The unbelievable atrocities in the world around us are mindboggling and soul shattering! Many of us wonder how much more we can take. We force ourselves to hold onto this beautiful new world inside our hearts and patiently wait for everyone to "wake up" and join us..... (BTW, It's not gonna happen like that!)
And then.... A withdrawal.
The need to absorb back into nature. The compulsion to abstain from normal activity. Change patterns, change routines, stop habits. Stop. Just..... Stop. Stop participating. And feel the new that's happening.... Because it IS happening!!!
Truths and standards I held just moments ago are fleeting away, blowing behind me as if I've been shot forward out of a rocket. People that I follow on social sites and strongly believe and support their causes and their messages.... gone. They are lifeless. I know I am a fool to hold onto 1) my old perceptions and standards of measure, (and by old I mean 2 seconds ago!!!), and 2) what spirit is pulling me, or inviting me, away from. Its still a choice!
The mind wants to justify keeping some things.... keeping the good things..... You don't know me so you may not understand or realize that when I say "good", well read some of my other blog entries...
I mean doing and supporting good, right things... The things that probably anyone reading this is yearning for! A new way, a better way, a way of spirit that knows no greed and oppression, true healing, honesty and integrity.... A way of freedom from control and slavery. A way beyond plastic and petro and money.... beyond synthetic chemicals, a way and a world that embraces, supports and nourishes our gifts and talents rather than meaningless pieces of paper.....
The "good & right" things we have been doing have served their purpose but we've filled that cup.... It's time to let it go, let go of the outcome, let go of our preconceived notions of what the outcome looks like and how it will arrive. Many of us have come to believe that our beautiful, love & light filled intentions and prayers and meditations are the answer....
I mean doing and supporting good, right things... The things that probably anyone reading this is yearning for! A new way, a better way, a way of spirit that knows no greed and oppression, true healing, honesty and integrity.... A way of freedom from control and slavery. A way beyond plastic and petro and money.... beyond synthetic chemicals, a way and a world that embraces, supports and nourishes our gifts and talents rather than meaningless pieces of paper.....
The "good & right" things we have been doing have served their purpose but we've filled that cup.... It's time to let it go, let go of the outcome, let go of our preconceived notions of what the outcome looks like and how it will arrive. Many of us have come to believe that our beautiful, love & light filled intentions and prayers and meditations are the answer....
But my spirit is saying No.... for god sake let it go..... that is NOT what you think it is anymore! Things have truly changed....
So many are expecting things to "happen" or "appear" in some outwardly grandiose way.....!
That is the incubator of deception - What is "real" is so much more subtle - It is Spirit.
And it constantly challenges our "belief systems".
This is "the new". This is it! It's happening!
It DOES NOT MAKE SENSE to the "old" and to the "mind".
Do you have the courage to accept what you're feeling inside, when it defies all reason... Even good reason???
Let go of it ALL...
That is the message of now
It is not for everyone, but for those who think they're going mad.... Hey, you're not alone!
And on that note... Gobal Warming & Destroying the Earth
Dr Meg
Ben Davidson
Simon Vorster
Christopher Witecki
*Updated List 1.6.16
It is not for everyone, but for those who think they're going mad.... Hey, you're not alone!
And on that note... Gobal Warming & Destroying the Earth
All of my personal "confirming sources" are giving a very similar message.
My current "spirit circle" consists of the messages of:
Dr Meg
Ben Davidson
Simon Vorster
Christopher Witecki
*Updated List 1.6.16