The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's ALL About Consciousness

Everything in our lives "happens" to bring us into awareness.

"WHY!???"  we cry!

To make you aware.  To bring you into consciousness.
But rather than becoming conscious and aware in the moments and happenings of our lives, most people react.  They react to emotions that are created  from the mind rather than feel  the genuine emotion that is speaking from the heart.  Heart emotion is the feeling of the genuine energy of a moment.  Ego or mind emotion is a knee-jerk, physiological reaction, a programmed response, conditioning.  It is a response and a reaction based on the patterns established in the brain and brought to life thru the mind - ego. And yes, of course, these "thoughts and emotions" carry energy, which manifest the situations in our lives.

Hence the neo-popular concept of "you create your own reality".

This phrase confuses and frustrates most people!
They want  to believe in it.  They try to employ it in their lives by faking it till they make it....until the "good" vibrations manifest in their lives....  But the "good" often times never seems to manifest and so they give up and resent the very concept of you create your own reality.  They blow it off as just more new age bullshit.

What are they missing......?

The moment.

In our lives...
To bring us into...

From the point of consciousness, we see clearly.
We see our reality as it truly is, not as ego presents it.
We are aware.  We are aware of what is actually happening.
And we are NOT reacting  to the "possibility" programs running thru the brain.
We are NOT responding to emotions.
We are feeling  the emotions, acknowledging the emotions,
REALIZING  what the emotions are about, rather than allowing the emotions to force our behavior.
And in this sense, we have gained absolute control of our own being.
We have become CONSCIOUS.

The more conscious we become in each and every moment of our lives - THIS is when we begin to see  'you create your own reality' manifest "the good" that we are seeking.  THIS is where you begin to experience POWER over a 3 dimensional, material world.  THIS is where the concept of "faith" becomes a conscious knowing, rather than a religious edict.

As you mature, you begin to realize your true god nature to create.  Not as a child who simply wants to create candy and toys and eradicate all grown ups!  But as an adult who understands that there are much more magnificent things than only candy and toys!!  There are worlds to create!  Just as the one we live in now.... that is controlled by ego reactions and emotions, that creates darkness, sorrow, pain, and fear.

Just as "the good" begins to manifest for the aware, so does darkness manifest for the ego.  For the ego is but a tool, not the real soul.  It is the highest form of artificial intelligence!  And when the soul of a being is NOT in control of its own intelligence system, it is left open to be controlled by others.
This results in the current system of control and slavery we see on this planet.

You cannot fight it.
You can only become aware, thereby expanding CONSCIOUSNESS.
And consciousness IS god.  God, is simply being conscious.
The greater our awareness grows, the more conscious we become, the more we identify with the concept of, and equality with, god.

Many use terms like "god consciousness", "christ consciousness", "source", "universal", "life force" . . .  All meaning, infinite beings that are increasingly CONSCIOUS.

I will leave you with a simple example of being conscious in the moment:
I watch people walk their dogs.
It irritates the shit outta me!
Because they are so UNconscious of what they're doing and then wonder why they struggle or why "things happen".
I see dogs get tangled in leashes. I see dogs drag their dumb humans like sleds.  I see dogs run into the road because they're on extendable leashes and the human is clueless as to how to use the damn thing.

When I walk my dog, I am conscious of his pace and how much leash he needs in order to walk freely and yet not trip and get tangled in excess dangling leash!  I just feel it.  I'm conscious of it without even trying. You may even call it "paying attention".  I meticulously, yet instinctively use my hands and fingers to control the amount of leash that is free.  I constantly adjust, reeling in slack or letting out more leash, because I feel it.  I am conscious of it.  It is effortless.  My dog never gets tangled.  Awareness.
My dog is crazy.  He has neurological issues.  He will drag my large ass like a paper doll!!  If I let him.  I am aware of this.  I don't let him drag me.  I secure his collar under his jaw (so he doesn't choke himself) and I tighten the leash so he can't move beyond my side.  When he is relaxed, I loosen the leash.  Because I'm aware of his energy and his actions.
I have an extendable leash.  In the house.  I do not use it except on special, controlled occasions.  Why? Because I am aware!  Aware of the fact that it is broken.  Aware of the fact that my dog is crazy (unpredictable).  Aware of the fact that if you try to "reel in" a dog on a broken (non-locking) retractable leash using your hands, you will get ROPE BURN or get your fingers chopped off!  I DO NOT put my dog or myself in that position of danger knowing I am not able to predict the circumstance outside that may cause him to react and attack another dog, run into the street, get excited to greet a small child and knock them down in his enthusiasm.... Because I am aware.
I am aware.  It is not a plan.  It is not something I ever need to "think about".  It is "in the moment" awareness.  And because of this consciousness, we have very blessed walks, my dog and I.  I don't have to fear what "MIGHT HAPPEN"!!!  Because I am conscious in every moment of the walk.

What do YOU fear?  How could becoming conscious in the moment "cure" that fear for you?

Everything in our lives is designed to bring us into consciousness.
Start Paying Attention!