The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


There was only ONE brief shining moment in history when a piece of paper let you know if someone was qualified to do something or not, and to what extent they were qualified.
But it didn't take long for humans to figure out, There's a way around this!!!
And the system.... (of education, of integrity, of mastery, of learning) became as corrupt as everything else that humanity figures out.

And today, a piece of paper no more tells you how qualified a person is to do something than the internet does.

In fact, there are more so-called idiots who are actually true doctors and have no degree than there are so-called doctors out there with degrees that are just idiots!

What's the difference and how do you know???
If there's no paper to tell you how qualified a person is, how do you know how qualified they are!?

Do you not recognize when someone is especially gifted?
Are beneficial results not obvious to you?

What did people do before "degrees" were invented?  They trusted. Of course some were duped by charlatans and snake oil salesmen!  But giving out degrees did NOT do away with snake oil salesmen, it just made them get degrees...!   "The people" are still in the same boat...  You still don't know, unless you follow your gut.

Today you need a piece of paper to prove to you that someone knows what they are doing and yet there are STACKS of law suits against those with paper!
So basically, the paper is a your  way out of being responsible for yourself, your way of deferring your innate intuition for the "I'm suing if I'm not happy!" path.

Why would I want this piece of paper (a degree)?  It does not guarantee that I know what I'm doing!!!
It does not guarantee that you will get perfect results!
It does not guarantee that you will believe me!
It does not guarantee that you will do as I instruct you to do after you've paid me for my services.

Do you not work with normal everyday people?  Do you not see what they do?  How they do it?  How they don't really care?  How they follow the crowd....  How they have no true sense of integrity?

Who makes your fast food?
Who manufactures your car?
Who is your mechanic?
Who is your dentist?
Who is your pastor?
Who is that lady who sold you your glasses?
Who is that guy that said you need a new roof for your house?
Who is that person that said you need a new hard drive for your computer, you might as well buy a new one.... Oh look, we have them on sale!
Who is that kid that recommended product X for your fish tank?
Who is the person that took your blood sample?
Who are the people that package your store-bought food?  Better yet, who are the people that clean  the facility where your store-bought food is packaged??  Even mo'bettah, who are the people that inspect  the facilities where your store-bought food is packaged???

There was just a massive recall on canned tuna.....  Why?  They all have licenses and permits and certificates that qualify  them to process tuna!

Maybe its because they don't really care about what they do.
Maybe they don't care because they work their asses off for an idiot boss who doesn't care.
Maybe they feel like slave laborers who earn just enough wage to survive but never enough to enjoy life with like their owners.... I mean employers do......   Could that be it??????

Maybe your supervisor is under so much pressure from his boss to produce "numbers" that there is no longer any room for the integrity he once swore by and taught his sons.  So now his sons see him as just another schlep.... a sell out.... a loser.  So they are no longer motivated to give a shit about their jobs...

Do you know this person?  I bet you do.  I bet you work with them just like I have.

But here's the real question at this point:  Who out there in the work force, (and this includes absolutely every "job" imaginable...) is NOT lying to you the customer about their expertise???  What company that you buy from (goods or services) has your best interest at heart with every purchase you make instead of   producing numbers for corporate executives?

You don't know how many older clients I encounter in a day that are completely baffled, if not angered, by the corporate policies and bullshit they have to endure just to get simple services!  They truly don't get why we can't just "trust" them and why they can't trust us.  Then there are others that are on the opposite end of the spectrum - they are convinced that every time you tell them of additional services that you're only trying to screw them out of more money that they don't really need to spend!

HOW DO THEY KNOW.... that I'm sincere!  And experienced!  And skilled!  And that I completely understand where they are...  And that I sympathize greatly because most are just out to get their money....  How do they know that I genuinely care about them....???
How do they recognize me in a crowd of people who are backed by a huge corporation that claims to be sincere, experienced, skilled and caring???

I'm here to witness, to testify to you.... all of you.... out there..... anybody who was stupid enough to read this far.........    It's all a facade.  It's all a lie.  The commercials, the posters, the sales pitches....  Don't believe any of it.  It's all a lie.  They are usually NOT  qualified to give you the expert advise you are seeking.

So what do you do...?

Follow your heart.
Feel the truth in your gut.
Return to good old fashioned intuition.
Pay attention.
Stop whining, stop depending on others and DO NOT be helpless.
Then your heart will lead you to truth and sincerity.
You will indeed encounter those with genuine skill and talent that you are in need of in any given moment.

Be responsible for you.