The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fun Little Survey :)

How bout a Saturday morning survey....!? Tax dollars, accountability, scepticism and indifference are the current trends according to this.... Add your two bits!

This is not a gimmick, nothing to sign up for, nothing to fill out before ya start.... Just entertaining to see what others think about things around us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All Things Considered

Look around at the world.
What do you see?
All things considered - media, politics, governments, religion, spirituality, myth, legend, entertainment, technology, history, food, education, appearance, jobs, health, corporations, money, family, crime...
ALL things considered.... What do you see?
Share your views please...

Technology of the Future

The technology of the future, that we have yet to really recognize, is common sense.
We formulate so many gadgets to make life easier and more fascinating, more entertaining.... yet what we have yet to tap into as a major resource is,common sense.
At some very near point in our future as a species, this concept will come to the forefront of our lives.  Amazing how we all have it, we all know we have it, we completely take it for granted like air and water, and like air and water, we've been mind-bogglingly slow to realize its potential.
What if we had a company that specialized in the development of common sense?
When I say Sony.... we all think electronics and music.
When I say NASA... we all think outer space.
When I say Toyota.... we all think cars.
So who will be the big developer of  common sense...?
By definition, this is the one natural resource that can never be exploited.  
Maybe that's why no one has been interested in developing it.  If we all operated in our fullest capacity of common sense, then we could no longer be taken advantage of.  We could no longer be manipulated.  We would no longer be a gushing faucet of stupid-money for greedy people.
In order to integrate this new technology the human race will need some upgrades...  Like being awake, aware, conscious... sober.  These are the only systems that will carry common sense technology.
Be on the look-out for this next big thing.... Common Sense.  Bio-energetic technology.  Brought to you by...... ?


allergy (āl'ər-jē) Pronunciation Key
An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity to certain stimuli such as drugs, foods, environmental irritants, microorganisms, or physical conditions, such as temperature extremes. These stimuli act as antigens, provoking an immunological response involving the release of inflammatory substances, such as histamine, in the body. Allergies may be innate or acquired in genetically predisposed individuals. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching, and skin rashes, though in some individuals symptoms can be severe.
allergy. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Science Dictionary. Retrieved September 19, 2011, from website:

So from now on..... When you say "allergies", you'll know what the hell you're talking about.  Right.........??  Right ? ? ? ? ?

Everything is allergies these days.

Everyone has allergies these days.
But do any of us really know what that means???  
Medical professionals presume upon the notion that the general population is too dumb to understand.  And they're right.  Dumb... as in, even if they did explain to you how allergies work - you wouldn't be able to comprehend because you are mentally inferior.  So they just tell you you have allergies, write you a prescription and are done with you.  And you think this is magic.  You never question anything...  Validating the doctors' assumption that you're dumb....
So you never really understand what's going on - with the "allergy" or the prescription.  You don't know what's going on inside your body.  You don't know WHY you have allergies.  You assume you're supposed to have allergies.  
Yeah.... you do assume that.  And you assume it, based on the herd mentality.  Everybody else in the herd has allergies so it must be normal.
But flip backward thru the pages of time.... and see if you can spot when this became "normal"...
Right about the time we introduced mass vaccinations into the population maybe......???????  Just a theory....  But you know I'm right.....
"An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity....."
Vaccines screw with the immune system.  Period.  Even in your pets. 
"A vaccination" once for a very good and present reason makes sense.  But then some fool figured out there was money to be made off of people's ignorance and fears....  So now we've just about vaccinated our immune systems out of existence.
Did you know that ONE rabies vaccination in a lifetime is all your pet may ever need?
O N E !  And unless your pet is exposed to wild animals or lives in a very rural environment...... they probably don't even need that.  Whens the last time rabies was a problem in your suburb....?
"A case" of rabies being reported in the area you live in means you need to be cautious.  It doesn't mean YOU AND YOUR DOG WILL DIE OF RABIES WHEN THE SUN SETS!!!
"Allergies".....  Is your body doing what its supposed to do to protect itself, stay balanced, & stay healthy.  But we're so intelligent we rush to the drug store and buy something to stop this natural process!  Rather than caring, much less understanding, that if we would instead HELP our bodies do what they're doing, we in the long run would be much healthier.  Allergies would no longer be a problem, nor would "colds" or flu.
1) Build and protect your immune system!
2) STOP actively destroying your immune system!
3) Learn!
4) Stop being afraid to be responsible for yourself!
These 4 simple steps are nearly impossible for the average person to do.
Because of fear and laziness.  So health care has become, not a personal or even community concern, but An Industry!!!
Who's fault is that . . . . .  ?
See.... You really are dumb.