The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Battle for the Human Mind

The real war has begun.
The battles are intensifying.

Of the human experience, there are adepts, veterans, elders, and those who are greener, clumsier, even irritating.
There are those who soar and those who struggle.

Now more than ever before, your battle is my battle. My battle is OUR battle. Everything you do, you're doing for ALL. 
You are part of the creation team, the steering mechanism, the leading edge of New Consciousness. 

It is a war for control of your mind!
A battle over WHAT you think, WHY you think, and HOW you think!!!
For some, a fight for your very sanity.

This is not a drill!
It is no longer just a game.

All this to say that if you are struggling with thoughts, with depression, with actual life situations that are causing you fear or anxiety... You ARE not alone! 

I encourage you to hold on to Truth and trust it. 
Hold on to Compassion.
No Matter What!!!
Do not abandon your heart!  
Do NOT abandon yourself. 
Don't panic and sell your soul. Do not compromise your truths! 
Holding on to and standing in
Truth, Compassion, Love and Forgiveness - against all odds - is how we FIGHT!

Like wizards, like shamans, like gods and goddesses Stand against the darkness.
Don't scream at it. Don't attack it. Just Stand KNOWING that Love will indeed prevail. 
Know it. 
Your weapon is your MIND. 
BELIEVING the Truth and REFUSING to believe the lie that Love will fail - THIS is how you fight!

Do not argue with dark energies... 
In your mind, on the internet, or in physical life.
Stand like a Mountain with absolute knowing and complete assurance that LOVE will prevail.

This is it.
This is the battle of the ages.
The final assault to CONTROL the human mind.
THAT is the prize! The Human Mind!!!

When you are personally under attack, let go of the struggle and think of nothing but Love.
Just Love.
All Love.
The only mantra you need in times of desperation is Love. Breathe. Love. 
Just keep saying the word in your mind. Say it aloud also if you need to.
THIS is your weapon. 

When you do this, you are allowing your energy to be joined with every other being who is vibrating in the frequency of Love.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Trust Life #TrustLife

If Life doesn't lead you naturally to your greatest joy and purpose, then it's not doing its job....
It has failed.
It has failed YOU.

Life turns out so sucky and miserable and unfortunate because we fight it! We insist on "Mastering" it... Controlling it because it's out to get us.... Taming it because it's like a Wild Animal - unpredictable and vicious!
This just isn't true.
It only behaves that way because of the resistance we apply to it.
Wild Animals are the same way.... As is all of Nature.
Stop treating it as an enemy and it will stop behaving as an enemy.

We DON'T follow Life's natural lead! 
We're always trying to create Frankensteins, thinking "Hey! That'd be a great idea! No wait.... This would be an even BETTER idea!!" Or... "I MUST do this I order to be good, ok, happy...." Or.... "Well I have to do Something! I can't just sit here, I'll DIE!"

All of our beautiful Creative Powers have been corrupted with a false sense of the need to survive.

We have lost our trust of LIFE.

We think we are alone and that if we don't manipulate, we will die.

This is not the Creator Source Life of the Universe!!!

We are resilient Beings!

We are designed to LIVE and to Explore and Create..... But we are so afraid of dying that instead, we struggle to just exist. How stupid of us.

Nature is the way.

Believe in Life again. 
Stop resisting. 
See... that cooperation does not mean you are being controlled or that you have given up your Freedom.
It means that you are Free to once again recognize possibilities without having to struggle to participate!

It means you're not afraid to stop and ask for directions. It means you're open to actually hearing the best plan and seeing the best path, - Cooperation - rather than believing you have to con fight lie cheat and steal just to survive, much less Create.