The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Corporations Must Go

Corporations are nothing more than slave labor institutions.
You don't need a fancy education you see that when the top tier of every corporation makes more money in a year than most people make in a lifetime, and all of their general employees barely make enough money to survive...... This is wrong!!
To say that its simply the free market economy, the American way, the freedom of capitalism, free people making the most of the opportunities afforded them because we live in a free country.... Is to insult my humanity, and now, my intelligence!
People who work for corporations are not happy people. They live in fear and insecurity, lack and compromise, if not downright desperation.
A precious few are unscarred and still innocent enough, eager and ambitious enough to be clueless as to their fate. They will slave their lives away to enjoy very little fruit - if any - only to find that there will come a day when they can't work any longer, and all they believed in will fade into the mist of so-what, who-fucking-cares, that's just the way things work.
This. Is. Wrong. !!!!
This is NOT freedom. This is NOT the American way. This is NOT what troops fight and die for!!! And yet..... It is exactly what they fight and die for. Lies. Protection of the rich corporations who enslave our world.
The liberation of the human earth race and earth itself will not be complete until corporations are seen for what they are and decommissioned as obsolete.
No living being was ever meant to be a slave!


Tall Enough

There's a difference between those who are legitimately not tall enough to see over the counter,
And those who are, but stay on their knees and HIDE behind the counter.
You could see if you wanted to.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

#2018 New Year's Resolve

The corruption to life, all life, must stop. Completely. Thoroughly purged.
Restrictions must be lifted.
Profiteering must be completely eradicated and replanted with prosperity.

All debt must be erased - not paid - as it was illegitimate to start with.

Knowledge, Art, Healing, Sustenance - Always free. It's part of truly being human.

No monopolies.
No control systems.
No governmental structures.
Counsels and Elders hold natural tribal positions. It's not a vote. It is obvious.

There IS NO corruption to need protection from!

Ultimate Disclosure: The identity of the TRUE Enemy! And it was NEVER us!

(Our hatred of, and fighting against, each other is NOT natural! It is NOT just the way we are! We are NOT doomed and condemned to suffer such violence "because we're only human"! THAT is a lie!)

No one wants to steal, no one needs to steal.
No one wants to lie, no one needs to lie.
No one wants to promote fear, no one needs to promote fear.
No one wants to seek control, no one needs to seek control.

The stone tablets, and scrolls, and libraries of law are no longer needed.
Life has been liberated and common sense, wisdom, exponential learning abilities have been restored.

So many authentic (if not ancient) concepts thoughts and ideas are in this current consciousness NOW but they never see the 100th Monkey because these higher concepts just won't fully operate under the vibrations of this network, this matrix, the Dark Kingdom.
That's going away now...!

All the structures of the Dark Kingdom will be eradicated.
ALL attachments!
medical industry
pharma industry
education system
Not one atom of infection will remain! Not one.
This IS now.
The IS our lifetime.

A Kingdom truly thoroughly completely ruled by Love.
The consequences of such a reality are:
Energy/Spirit Tech is the future, Not machines the way we know them now!

We should open our minds to the concept of a non-monetary, non-competitive economy!
In other words, stop limiting your vision by "beautifying" the old system so that you can drag it along with you as if its the only way. (It won't work!!!)
Let the Sunshine in!

And don't forget the Superpowers...!

Friday, November 24, 2017

The Truth About Diseases and Cures

Ok just stop the shit show!
Will ya!??
Stop it!!!

With the health care and the insurances and the bombardment of drug commercials and the doctors and prescriptions and research to find cures for diseases....
I call bullshit!

Here's the truth: Everything is curable and preventable. EVERYTHING.
But you want to circumvent the natural system and do it your way.
You want all of your weaknesses and indulgences and fears, AND your cake, and a pill to make all that OK!

And that's the truth.
Disease doesn't break my heart anymore.
Innocence that believes in the lies..... THAT breaks my heart.

Face the goddamn facts.
NO ONE wants you to be well.

If we all get well, do you realize how many people will be out of an ALMIGHTY JOB?
Tens of thousands of people with no job and no purpose...... That would destroy the entire world economy!
You can't fathom or justify that....
It frizzles your fucking brain to consider how obviously true this is.
So you just stay sick. And cry about it. As if you wanted to be well.

The ENTIRE "health" "care" "system" is a complete lie. It is a money-making industry and as long as you are afraid of it, it rules your life!
The same exact scenario is true for ANIMAL "health" "care"! Lies.... All lies.
And it is just so fucking obvious at this point.....
I know its overwhelming if you aren't accustomed to truth.
Its overwhelming even if you ARE!
Its not an overnight thing.

But accepting lies and making excuses as your way of existence, for your entire life, creates a trajectory for all of humanity. And it is very dark down this path!!!

Yes, you. All of you.
You are not willing to give up your indulgences to save your life....
Not for yourself, not for your children, grandchildren, friends, dreams, and certainly not for the greater good of humanity and evolution.
Your indulgence is to hope and believe in lies.

No, I won't donate to your research fund to cure some disease.
All lies........

I don't feel sorry for you.
You're getting exactly what you want. Your cake, and eating it too. This is what that looks like. Disease. Doctors. Health Insurance. Prescriptions. Surgeries. More prescriptions. Still sick. More doctors, more diseases, more conditions, more pills, machines, and gadgets to keep you alive.... when you should be dead because of your ignorance, or refusal to accept the truth of what you're doing to your body.

So be it.

This is not an all-encompassing political statement against good people who do whatever they can, how ever they can, in what ever capacity they work in to genuinely help others.
This is a statement against lies and buying into them blindly and then expecting to be bailed out without taking any responsibility for yourself, your choices, your actions.

I'm not encouraging you to stop taking your pills.
I'm not insisting that you believe your doctor is evil and is plotting against your health!
I'm encouraging you to seek the truth. Once you have it, you can learn how to get healthy on your own and THEN stop taking your pills. And THEN have no real need for a doctor.
It's not about the pills. Or the doctors.
It's about THE TRUTH.
It's not about DOING something!!!
It's about hearing, acknowledging, accepting the truth. The rest - the how-to's and what-now's - will all unfold once you give up your excuses and start asking for the truth.

It's hard to speak your truth and not be an asshole.
I care deeply and passionately about others.... which is why I don't stand at the pharmacy and preach at people! That's not how you "help" people! But if you actually come across this and read it...... Maybe it means you're ready to hear it.

Friday, November 10, 2017

Curiosity: Don't You Have Any!? My Personal Library Vol. II

In updating this "Personal Library" I see that there is but one adjustment needed currently, one addition to the fams...

Lisa Transcendence Brown -
I have listened to/read Lisa for years but this year the connecting resonance has been strong!

All the messages are coming together!
All are beginning to merge into one unified yet multi-faceted message.

Graham Hancock -
David Wilcock -
Corey Goode -
Brien Foerster -
Michael Steinbacher - Michael Steinbacher: Catastrophist Geology | EU2014

Here is the library I've been nourished from for the past 8 years.
Yes there are others, too many to list... but only as incidental bits of the puzzle.
These listed are the core.
These are consistent for me.

All day. Every day. These things interest me... Plague me... Consume me.
My thirst to know and remember more never goes away.
And I therefore don't quite understand anyone who is not the least bit curious about the Truth of their own existence!

Curiosity drives me.
I cannot just go along.
I cannot just accept things the way they are.
There's more........!
And it calls me day and night...

How bout you??

Saturday, November 4, 2017

#Fighting #Struggling #Passion

I do not believe in fighting or struggling for anything.
I believe in heart passion.
Most people think these are one and the same.
They are not.
One is a forced requirement.
The other is an unquenchable urge.
One creates deception, abuse, and suffering.
The other creates joy, satisfaction, abundance for all.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Frequencies Against Us

They use frequencies against us.
Time to reverse that polarity!
We cannot fight a physical battle and win.
We are now called to "fight" our battles with our ancestral heritage - energetically!!!
The frequency of Love-Light will unravel what is not based on Love.
This can look like DESTRUCTION.
This can be PAINFUL.
This is still LOVE.

Complacency & Compliance

Your complacency and compliance with mundineity, lies, and corruption must come to an end!
You're ok with it - and that's not ok.
No magical being or catastrophic event is going to come and rescue you from your responsibilities!
Oh there are indeed magical beings! And there is an itinerary of catastrophic events lined up in que!
But none of these have the purpose of relieving each/any individual of personal responsibility.....
Here come the lights.....

The Currency of Consciousness

I feel that the TRUE energy of the Aquarian Age will nullify the need for a monetary system.
Aquarian energy is personal, hands on, self-governing, integretous, and not prone to debt (remembering debt) but rather the ultimate in responsible free-flowing community.
Owing and indebtedness is associated with the concept of "attachment" not connectedness!
Aquarian energy is connected, not attached.
The ultimate in sovereignty.
We owe nobody anything!!! Ever!
We have perfect consciousness therfore always behave in the manner that serves the highest interest. As a free sovereign individual.
Don't tell me what to do!!! (You don't need to, I AM going to do the best thing)
We owe no one!!! (We are community! We take care of each other!)
I don't need a card, chip, piece of paper, a coin, token, or trinket to remind me of MY value OR YOURS!!!
WE DON'T OWE !!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Currency" will be pure energetic consciousness.


Why do you tolerate????!
The archaic word for "allow" is "suffer".
Why do you just allow things to happen to you?
Why do you just suffer rather than find a better way?
Why do you tolerate abuse?


What magical mystical power came upon we human beings to trap us in such limited stories, such lies and deception, such slavery of the very SOUL???!

We are gods!
We are sovereign!
Wake up!!!

If You're Not Wealthy

If you are not wealthy or seeking wealth with every ounce of your being, you are a bad person. Something is wrong with you. You are lazy. You are making excuses. You are a user, a parasite. You are a piece of shit. You're irresponsible. You are worthless.
Because there is no other way of being! You must have money!
You cannot survive without money!
Money is not evil it is only a tool like everything else in this world!
There's nothing wrong with wanting it, craving it, fighting to get it.
Doing what you have to do to get money is always justified.

Every problem in this world can be easily traced to money.

Arguments in its favor sound like a pedophile trying to justify sex with a child by calling it misunderstood love.....!

Money is indeed a tool. Used ultimately to control the world by those who have the most of it.
Of course not everybody uses it this way!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid!!!!! There are individuals who use money for good on a small scale all day every day.
But people who don't use it to control others, could be content and still maintain their integrity and purpose without it.
If you took money away from all the others..... They'd just find another way to control people so that they were in power and the masses of people were afraid and subservient.

It's all a game of power and control.... Call it money, wealth, success.... Call it whatever you want. The energy behind it is all the same.

Every problem in this world can be directly attributed to money!!!
If good people having lots of money would make the world a better place.... What does that say about everybody in the world with lots of money today!?
What are they doing with it!?
Where is the change?
Where is it promoting love, peace, and prosperity for all?
Why is anyone still fighting for anything?!?
There's plenty of everything for everybody!!! Why are there still "problems" and "issues" in the world today?????


Prove me wrong.

Read this again, only this time, replace the references to money, wealth, and success with guns, protection, and security.

Same story isn't it.........
The energy behind it... Is the same.

A battle of dualities.
Enlightened people....  Should be "getting" this.
Money is a component of an obsolete world. We're building a new world based on entirely new frequencies, new physics, different dimensions of reality! Why are you still trying to take the concept of money with you.......
Let it go.
Put your money where your teachings are....

Desperately Looking for Love

Desperately looking for true real love...
Sincerely seeing the best in people... Believing in people when they are down or hurting...
Confusing this wisdom with personal feelings and emotions and raw energy...  Leads to misplaced relationships...
Leads to heart break... Confusion...
Cycles all over again until broken.

People who came to live a life of service, get really confounded by the cultural push and enhanced desires for Personal satisfaction, service to self patterns.

Stop that shit.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Be Careful How You Judge

Ya know, people have tried to tell you motherfuckers the truth for years!!! Decades!!!
And you ridiculed them and called them conspiracy theorists!
Donald Trump is simply a manifestation of your refusal to see the real truth,
the whole truth of your world.
You wouldn't listen!!!
You wouldn't wake up!!!!
This is what YOU created!
Your own medicine.
Donald Trump is NO DIFFERENT than any other president! What pissess you off about The Don is that he doesn't hide it! You can't be blind and irresponsible anymore! He does it and says it right in front of your face! Lies and all! And for some reason, that angers you!
You much preferred being smoothly and elegantly deceived, raped and molested in your sleep. You are all fucking unbelievable..... Much more unbelievable than he is!
And still, in the midst of all this, you blame HIM and take no responsibility for your world. You want your Prime Time Professional Politician drug dealer back! Giving out free illusions to all you girls.... Just keep your ass on the street and bring that money home to Daddy and you can have all the pain-killing lies you want.

The only happy slave is the slave who is fat with delusions and never made to eat the Truth.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Learning to Interface With The Current Transition Energy

That fresh air energy you feel rushing in.... BREATHE it! Breathe it in.
Don't try to chase it, wrangle it, capture it, or use it!!!
I know - contrary to everything you've been taught in recent generations. But this is THAT NEW!

Do all things with energy!
Lead with energy.....!!!

Greet it like an old long lost friend!
A prodigal child!
A true hero returning from the battle field! Embrace it with deep love, warmth, admiration, and gratitude....
And then let it go.
Give it room, give it peace, give it space to settle in, and just let it grow! Naturally.
It doesn't need your help, it needs your partnership, your agreement, your respect.
You don't have to force ANYTHING to happen any longer.
Just breath it in and cooperate as it activates.
Follow the energy.
That's all.

The Transition Launch Vibe

Because if you believe in big things with the wrong tools you get disappointment!!

So.... Just convincing yourself to " believe" in miracles and fantasies... Its a set up.
There is such a thing as true embodiment.
This is the ONLY foolproof way to "believe" in things too big to really believe.
You BECOME the very particle that is this dream.
So our highest focus right now,
Is not best served by "believing".
It is best served by BECOMING.

Can you,
In all honesty,
Believe in - AS FACT - the real actual tangible
Of the world you have spent your life praying, wishing, hoping for...
Dreaming of, fantasizing about, talking to your best friends and kids about....
Can you believe... That big?
Can you honestly feel what it is going to be like...
When you wake up "tomorrow morning" and discover that EVERYTHING has changed - And its beyond perfect!  ???

It is not a dream.
Things have suddenly, and abruptly, become ENTIRELY different.
Can you accept this much GOOD as being real?
No strings attached.
At all.

Living in a world where all the good you ever imagined...
Is normal.

THIS is the vibe we focus on now.
The Transition Launch Vibe.

Because its happening whether we believe or not!
The only differences will be the degree to which you believe, and the degree to which you participate.
The wave is approaching. You can surf it, or be obliterated by it.
Choose your focus.
Do it now.
There is no more time.
You don't have to "DO" anything - just focus.
Focus on the REALITY of your perfect world.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Beyond Prayer, Mediation, and Mantras

Move beyond prayers, mantras, and meditations.
It is time to move into proclamations.
You are creating a new world.
Don't ask. Don't grovel. Don't beg and plead.
Call forth as if you had the authority to do so.
Keep it simple.
Love, Peace, Harmony.... From these foundation stones flow everything we truly desire.
Do not litter and clutter the energy field with noisy details!
It just isn't necessary.

We are not desperate.
We are not struggling.
We don't need rules or laws.

We are Love
We are Peace
We are Unified Harmonically
We vibrate at a new higher frequency, where new things are possible, and old things have passed away.

Sovereignty is the first step to the entrance of the gateway to the new world.
Take that step!


Sunday, August 13, 2017

Money is NOT Our Friend

In the past money has kept us from joining together a true spiritual family.
Because of TEACHERS and GURUS and MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKERS and their Selling power..... Playing and preying upon the sheep's desperation for nourishment....
It became not only acceptable to charge people, but The SPIRITUAL DOCTRINE for abundance!!!!

That is bullshit!

Money has kept us separated and kept us from realizing our FAMILIAL status and our power to function and be effective in this realm.  Just like war, when it comes to carrying REAL spiritual burdens, Why do they always send the poor!?!?

Saturday, August 12, 2017

8 12 17 Energy Report

No more shitty-ness!

Grow seeds!

Get out of the old tracks!

Not "what" it is but what is its energy "right now" .
Right Now, ranch dressing on salad - good energy.
Ranch dressing on an asparagus omelette - off energy.
Guacamole on an asparagus omelette - good energy.
FEEL the energy! Don't think it, reason it, logic it! Feel what resonates with your body RIGHT NOW.
Put GOOD energy into your body, and good energy equals felt energy!

Today, two cups of coffee is like divine nectar. Tomorrow coffee is like a cup of ash tray and acid reflux. Ew.

Nothing makes sense.... Not for very long anyway. Everything is crystal clear. Until its all gone again. But you know it isn't.
So you Know.

Left side body issues. New pains - new muscles, new cramps... Very old sinus clogs back for no reason....
Yes reason - left side equals receiving side... Receiving side blockages, struggles, hurting. Help it! Vibes it! Energy-work it! Light-work it! Use your damn powers for the right things! This is a collect issue - The collective is cramping up as they struggle to keep up with these galactic, cosmic changes! They're in pain as the physics of an old cycle disintegrate! They need clearing energy to help them thru.... And so do you!

You don't build a new world by working the old one. That's called renovations.
You build a new world with abilities that don't exist in this world! You level to an entirely new realm! You believe in things that are not possible.... Or else by definition, its not a New World!!!

Peace Respect Clarity Truth Generosity
Natural Harmony
Boundless Creativity

Some people cannot imagine a world like this being possible.
They don't understand anything about how world's exist and what holds them together.... How living beings exist and what holds them together.

When it changes...
WE change. Earth changes.
New worlds are born.

Yeah.... This.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

The Royal Sacred 8 8 Lion's Gate 2017

The Sacred Lion's Gate

A Royal Passage.
Into the depths
of the Golden Inner Chamber.
Bare. And with the Whole Complete Audience of Self -
The Holy Convergence of Selves. Bare. In Pure Form.
Ritual Cleansing.
Not alone!
Yet completely alone
in the Hallowed Secret
Inner Chamber
of Gold.
The Temple of the Complete Lion's
A place each soul must attain on their own -
The opposite of the Ego Journey!
The Selfless Self.

The King - The Queen
The Priest
The Ultimate Service
8 8 Lion's Gate - An Evolutionary Rite of Passage.

The Royal Spirit of the Lion

Proud & Confident - Not Arrogant
Peaceful & Content in Natural settings
Completely Fearless
Completely in charge
Lives 'At Will'
Not silent about injustice
Indulgent - Enjoys simple pleasure VERY much

This is more than the Restoration, This is the Culmination.
What was lost will be recovered
What was started will be completed
What was sought will be Ascended to

THIS is the Lion that will lie down with the Lamb and together, eat grass instead of one, the other.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

How We're About To See Miracles

Ok... If we learn to focus our prayers, meditations, and intentions in a way that you might call divinely neutral....
You see, our power isn't in the words themselves, it's in the focus... The intention.... The energy behind it.... The truth in our heart.
So if we can come to a place of neutrality within our own being, a place where we just simply show up with our whole heart, wide open, with absolutely no agenda, no slant... Truly empty... And allow the very real-time, now, divine energy of source, to fill us all equally and simply flow thru us with an agreement of purpose that our minds do not need to hold onto.... Divine will... Flowing thru us as one unified willing vessel....
If we can get there, with no judgment and no doubt.... THEN our prayers and meditations will see miracles!!!!!
If we can learn to surrender our beliefs and our agendas to a divine flow of pure source christed love, without needing to be in charge, without needing acknowledgment.... THEN we will see Peace, Love, Abundance, Joy... Then we will see god.
If we can learn to use the language of energy instead of the mindless motion of spoken words....
Feel what you intend, FEEL the Love, FEEL the Peace, FEEL the health in the body, FEEL blessed, etc etc
If we can come to accept divine love ourselves, then we won't be afraid of allowing this love to work thru us.
Once we lose the need to control it out of fear, then the true power of divine love is free to work thru our own hearts.

We tend to fear what we do not control. And this is an infection that weakens our heart force. It weakens our prayers. Once we've accepted this love ourselves, these fears of outcomes and pain and disappointment are resolved. We come into a place of trust. A place of knowing. A place of confidence.
This is the place where god dwells and lives among us.
This simple trusting and standing, still and open, in nothing more than the all-encompassing sufficiency of divine love is where we meet... The place of divine neutrality. No judgment. No agenda.
Beaming with the feelings of Love, Peace, and Joy.... With no need for any mental exercises.

Here is where we meditate and create a new way.

(Sandra Walter is referenced in the phrase 'divine neutrality')

Soldiers On A Mission

I finally realize why I never have the means to help anyone out - not even my own children and my own people.
I'm not here to do anything for you.
I'm not here to make it better.
And I'm certainly not here to bail you out!
I'm here to keep your ass moving thru all the shit until you figure out that THIS is what we're here to do! Change the goddamn world simply by being here and holding a vibration that no one else can or will!
We're here to carry and then PROCESS shit that no one else can handle so that we can get in on this cosmic synchronicity of ascending into an entirely new frequency of existence!!!
We're here to help!
We're here on a mission!

That's why our lives won't seem to pan out.
We're not here to live our own lives!

So to all my children I say - "Buck Up Soldier!!!"

The more you begin to notice this for yourselves, the easier and more exciting it gets to be here!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Support System

There are a lot of people who don't have a support system.
They don't have savings or investments or an emergency fund...
They don't have family.
They don't have people that they are close friends with that they can call on in times of need.
They really don't even know any acquaintances that are ABLE to help, even if they wanted to.

Without a basic support system, people feel scared and desperate.
They're afraid to step out and try a new, better, even adventurous way of living, because..... What if "something happens"?
They have no one.
They have nothing.
Having this stuck in your head is one thing. But experiencing it, only reinforces the fear.

A lot of people have no support system.
Some crumble under this pressure.
Others learn to be alone, make it thru, and just handle shit their own way.
These people are easy for the mainstream to judge and criticize.

But the mainstream thinks everything is just that simple.
The mainstream doesn't understand anything but a conformist hive mentality.

People with no support system are in that place for a reason.
Usually because they CAN'T conform.

So they either crumble.....
Or learn to be alone.
And some actually begin to believe in an alternative support system.
An unseen support system.
And it works for them.

What more do you want...?

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Shadow World

They take what we create and use it to try to build a world OUTSIDE of connection to Source!
It is the opposite of SOVEREIGNTY!
It is control, centralized control.

Outside of Source, no one can create. Any being trying to exist separate from Source must USE. It must use someone else's energy, someone else's creations, someone else's life!
Hence the "concept" of slavery.

This is what constitutes the shadow world, the dark side, the underworld.
Not the attempt to be Sovereign, but the attempt to be SEPARATE.

They create the opposite, the mirror,  the "Un" to the True, Original Source. It is a copy. A fraud. A counterfeit. It has no authenticity, no energy source, no genuine life. It cannot have. Only Source is Life.

The concepts and the nature of the shadow world are reflected in many common processes and concepts around you all day every day. You consider these concepts fact, normal, even universal law.
You can spot these shadow concepts with the control test.
Control or Sovereign?

Sovereign means freely individual, independent and self sufficient within Source, NOT separated from Source.
Only Sovereign Beings can truly experience True Unity.
The shadow side APPEARS to be unity, but it is actually SLAVERY. Conformity. Coercion.

The Key to it all is Your Free Will!!!
Where have I heard this before.....?

Monday, June 12, 2017

Its Time To Get Out

Nothing is real unless we say it is.
We create our own reality.
Yet so many are frustrated by the lack of manifestation of the reality they are intending to create.

Well, it's a collective effort. It only happens with the collective mind. So if the population is focused on war, then war will break out.
Don't you see???
All the "distractions" heaped upon society are not really "distractions" at all!!
They are more akin to "guided meditations"!!!
That's right.
You are being guided into focused thought by news, commercials, laws, protests, politics, medicines, facebook, twitter..... EVERYTHING!
Everything that grabs the attention of the masses.
"They" have figured out (or known all along!) that the key to the whole thing is MASS FOCUS.
"They" are using you.... And not just for money anymore! They are using your SOUL, your WILL, your SOVEREIGNTY! They are using it for their gain and your loss.

The only way to create a better reality.... Is to unplug from this old one.
Get Out! Get out of it and its ways. And join your focused attention with those who have done likewise.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Get Out - Evolve

The message is strong and clear for me.

If this message is for you also, may you hear it loudly and clearly as well!
If it is not for you then it will not have any spark for you. Carry on.

There are buildings of mediocrity that were constructed with impure energies.
They are old.
They are in ill repair.
They are crumbling and the ground is shifting beneath them.

Their "owners" have changed time and time again.
They patch and paint layers upon layers and remodel and refurbish over and over and over again,...
And do nothing to actually IMPROVE these buildings....
Because ultimately, even they - with impure motivations - feel that the energy for quality is just not there, whether they understand this or not. There IS NO quality in these old buildings. There barely ever was.

Here is the message:  These buildings do NOT need remodeling, repairing, refurbishing and certainly not rebuilding on the same foundations!!!
They need to be done away with completely!

Most of these buildings are dwelling places for all the peoples, the slaves, the souls who have no hope.

Do not keep trying to repair what is obsolete and needs to die!!!

This speaks to every aspect of what you know as "life on Earth".
Your so called "fossil" fuels.
Your governments.
Your economies.
Your food.
Your methods.
Your securities...... armies and wars and officers....

Now is the energetic moment of Chaos. It is an opportunity for everything to come unglued, therefore releasing all the slaves, undoing all the slave systems, Breaking the matrix!
Once free - if you are willing to accept your freedom - you may build an ENTIRELY new world!

If you do not accept this process or this freedom, it - by its own definitions - will consume you.
This is a rare opportunity to build a new world.
But be warned! It will NOT be built on top of the old one!
It will be new indeed.


Do not change.
Do not fix.
Do not resist.


Friday, June 2, 2017

Are You #Trustworthy?

And if you prove yourself to be untrustworthy, I still will not be hurt.
I know the shortcomings of humans and choose to take the risk anyway.
You can't hurt me with your deceit, once I know you are deceitful.

Knowing that you are deceitful is not about you or what you've done, but about my own personal awakening.
You are human.
You are deceitful.
You even deceive your own self.

Why should I expect anything differently in your dealings with me?
I am deceitful. I am human. I need to be seen, understood, accepted in spite of myself, and forgiven.
We move on.

Being untrustworthy is a human condition.
Being evil and ill-intended is not.

We are deceitful because we are afraid of exposing our weaknesses.
We are afraid that we are powerless.
So we lie to protect ourselves.

We are only powerless when we are alone, separated from Truth.
The consequences of Truth are Unity. True Unity.
There is power in numbers, power in Unity. Not unity with one another, but Unity with Truth.
All those who Unite with Truth.....
Are One.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Understandings of the #Cosmic Clock - Which One's #True

There is a clock of sorts.... A spiral......
There is timing involved, in this realm.... For a reason......

There have been "visitations" and "help" and "Interventions" from "extraterrestrials" thru out our history,
IN ORDER to keep us to a timeline.....
To keep this "crop" "in season" so that it will NOT self destruct and be lost.....!
We are in line for a reset. A cosmic, timed, foreseen, prophesied, calculated RESET.

NO ONE has understood the entire magnitude or details of this time before now!

These RESETs happen on time, everytime.
Like a window of opportunity!
We have had interventions ONLY to keep us on track to meet this window!
But this time, it's different.....

And NOW is that time.
It is not the FIRST time there has been a reset.
Probably won't be the last.
But this is - if you will - a WINDOW of ALL WINDOWS moment.

This is a regularly scheduled window,
that is actually meeting ANOTHER window that spirals around much less often,
and THESE TWO WINDOWS are actually syncing up with yet ANOTHER cosmic window - ALL AT THE SAME TIME!!!

And THAT Ladies and Gentlemen, is why THIS era is so goddamn different, unusual and IMPORTANT!!!!

I have just received knowledge that this is INDEED a Rescue Mission, as many have believed it to be.
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL......! That's only PART of the story, and it CANNOT be left there alone!
Each leading to something specific.


And thirdly, this is ALSO a CREATION POINT!!!!!!!
This is a moment of PURE CREATION that has NEVER been seen, never occurred, ever ever before!!!

3 Windows.
This has taken a lot of Vibing from a lot of Beings to set this up.
It has taken PARTICIPATION, not WORK!
It has taken SACRIFICE.
It has taken FAITH.
It has taken IMAGINATION.

Most cannot see all this going on at the same time.
That's OK!!!

Most don't get all of it, but all get some of it.

Some are indeed being rescued.
Some are evolving.
Some are creating.
Some are combinations of these.
And of course, some are involved in all 3 windows simultaneously.

No one is better than the other.
We are ALL, EACH one, exactly where we are supposed to be in this moment.

Be WHERE you are!

The MISTAKE is to try to figure out "which story is the truth"!
They are ALL TRUTH! They ALL fit together!
Some resonate with this part or that part.... Let that be.
No one needs to be recruiting OR convincing anyone to change!
You naturally gravitate to your position, so just let it be.

Be WHO you are!

Love, Peace & Joy above all else.
All good things stream from these!


The sacrifices one has to make in order to give the gifts they have to give.....
What does it take to release your gifts, to present them in the right energy....
What must you do, go thru, endure, give up......
It's all relative, all subjective.....
What is your alchemy?
What will release your gifts?
No one can answer that, or live with that, but you.

#Freedom and #Free Will

"The Moment" - you realize that even GOD cannot usurp your free will....

At that very moment....
It dawns on you that ultimately...
YOU are the one in control of you.
YOU and NO ONE else.
Not even GOD.

You cannot create the storm.
You cannot stop the storm.
But ONLY YOU can decide, choose, what YOU will do in the storm.
Only you.
Your choice.
Your decision.
Your results.
Your consequences.
Your fruits.

YOU decide your will, your intent.
It is sacred to you alone.

Not even "god" interferes with this....

Does this not make you therefore..... GOD ?

The Moment - you realize that your choices, your decisions, your will, your intent.....
Forms the outcomes and circumstances around you.

If you CHOOSE chocolate, you will TASTE chocolate.

If you CHOOSE Siberia, you will FEEL cold.

If you DECIDE to walk.... You will miss the train, but enjoy the journey.
If you DECIDE to drive.... You will make it to the train on time, but miss talking to an old friend who was walking along the way.

YOUR consequences - stress.... peace.... dread.... joy......
GOD WILL NOT impose these things on you.

Does this not make you therefore.... GOD ?

But what about all the things in the world that you have no control of!? WHO is GOD of  THAT???

Well it seems..... That EVERYONE is GOD of their own world.
And that only as ONE GOD can we build a unified world where all experience the Love, Joy, Peace, Abundance, Connection, Acceptance and GODHOOD we all so desperately long for......

We cannot work to achieve this state of godhood.
We must simply ACCEPT it.
And we can only accept it, when we are convinced within in our own selves of its value and truth.
And for this we pray.......
For this we focus our meditations.....

That ALL be awakened and SET FREE from the illusions and magnetic entanglements of selfish, enslaving stories of ancient seeds who desire to create GODHOOD SEPARATELY  away from the unity of the complete, whole being who is GOD - manifested as "US".

"Free Will" IS GODHOOD.
Freedom IS GOD.

Described well in the word SOVEREIGN.

Friday, May 5, 2017

LightWorker's Log: May 5 2017

Time is wonky for me right now.
I woke up this way this morning after a very strange dream.
I do not remember it, but I do remember that I was being shown how brain chemistry creates what we believe is real in this realm.
And so my question was: Then how do I know ME? How do I realize myself, how do I remain aware of my true soul self outside the "chemical programming" of my Earthly biology?
I was reminded of the time I had a mini-stroke. Once the panic eased, it was fascinating! And very real. My concern in this dream: I did not want to be unconscious again! I did not want to forget. I did not want to lose myself.

Whatever happens to you, don't be afraid.
Trust Life.
How did you get here?

DoNot Fear!

Time seems to fade in and out of specific timelines in front of me.
The aching in my knees has been increasing for the last few days, and breathing is difficult.
There is so much diversity!!!!
All are to be respected, but I am much too aware of too many different signals and this translates as noisy noise to me. Confusion.
I stand as firmly as I can.
But all I want to do is go live in the woods to get away from it all!

I see no headway.
I don't see people waking up like many do.
I want to help!!!
But I feel helpless.

This damned illusion keeps getting in the way of my reality!!!
I'm sick of it!

I send energy as purely as I can.......
The rest is just walking uphill in molasses during a blizzard in the winter on a mountain top.....

Where is the unity?
Where is the tribe?

Sunday, March 12, 2017

This Message Is For You

Meditate, Pray, and Vibe from your own perspective.

Realize that in this phase of this epic Cycle of Cycles of Grand Cycles, it is not about "you and your life"....
"You" are representing "All" in this phase.

Who is "You"?
You is anyone conscious enough to hear this message.

Praying from your own perspective means listening to the messages of your own life, your own body, your own experiences, and realizing that these things are not about YOU.
You are receiving energy from the collective, a group who most likely do not know what the hell is going on in the world, much less how to process and transform energy!

If you have been experiencing pain in your knees, do not seek healing for your knees, do not go to the doctor for a diagnosis or take medicines for pain, do not fret and panic, do not blame age, or stairs, or genetics!
That you are carrying the All, you are "receiving" on their behalf, so pray from your issue with "knees".
What are knees for?
What does knee pain or knee issues tell us?
It tells us there is resistance to moving forward.
This is the energy that needs worked, processed, for the All right now!

If you have been having stomach issues..... Work that energy for the All.
If you have been having head aches..... Process that for the All.
If you've been seeing 11s, or blue birds, or white cars, or if you're having dreams about spiders, or fields of flowers, if you've been craving sauerkraut, or almonds......
And so on and so on.....
Whatever your life is speaking to you right now, realize that this is for the ALL!!!
Not just you. 
YOU are a designated driver right now.
YOU are one of the ones conscious of this.
That means you have a set of keys.
You are designated to unlock the gateways that are ushering in TRUE UNITY!

You are not sick.
You are not dying.
You are not crazy.
You have nothing to fear.
Be encouraged!

Take good care of yourself.
This message is for you.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Your Moment

When you GENUINELY begin to understand what the concept of "there is no right or wrong" is....
You experience a moment of realization.....
You realize your freedom to allow a moment to be however you see it.
It's your moment!
How you perceive it is completely personal and sovereign, and there are no rules attached to how you should or must interpret it!

You get to decide what your moment means. Forevermore.
At that moment you become aware that this is YOUR world, and that THIS is how you create it!
You name it. You assign meaning to it.

Your world is in you, about you.
It is not external. It is not about other people.
There are no expectations for conformity to your world outside of your own self awareness.
You decide YOUR world,
You decide what YOUR perspective and response is.
You do not get to choose for anyone else.

Abundance, Once Again

Once again.....
Abundance is NOT about money.

Abundance is about flow.
Constant, consistent, RELIABLE flow.

This is NOT acquired via "hard work" as humans have been programmed to believe.

Abundance is a Mystical, Spiritual vibration and realization - NOT working hard and earning more than everybody else.
Abundance is NOT a reward for being better than others!!!

Money is NOT a sign of abundance.
Money is NOT security.
Money is a tool to be used! If you're hoarding it up in the name of "responsibility" or "financial planning" or "a safety net" or "retirement fund" or anything else!!!!
You're wasting it!
It is a tool, to be USED.
Use it!
Money is only a tool no different than a car.
It is actually a tool of a fading, obsolete world.
It is no longer necessary in the world we are stepping into.
Money is a tool no different than guns. Fun when understood and used in an educated and responsible way, but deadly when used outside of those parameters!

Abundance is a place so rich that money is not necessary.
It is not forbidden, just not necessary.
Abundance is a belief.
It is a knowing beyond all reason, and in spite or any appearances.

Abundance is part of the nature and characteristic of GOD, of Source, of Love.
It is received, not earned.
It is Known, like a friend, not captured like a villain.
It is familiar like a Mother and a Father, and nurtures us like parents.

It is a state of mind and heart.
Just because you experience lack, does not mean Abundance does not exist, or that Abundance loves everybody but you.
Like any and every other part of "god", the closer we get to it, the more we are challenged to believe it!

True Abundance is not about money!
True Abundance is about your heart.


Competition for fun and games is great! 
It IS ok, it IS healthy, there's not one thing wrong with it.

But competition for survival is the lowest form of human behavior. 
It is degrading and in no way reflects love, compassion, or god.
None of you is better than or more deserving than the other.

A society based on competition is barbaric and uncivilized.
Capitalism is based on competition. It may seem to work well... for some..... sometimes....
But in order for it to benefit one, another has to lose.

This can be fun as a sport. 
But as a way of life.........

Competition for survival is not a world that I want to perpetuate.
I want to pursue and propel a world where competition is only for fun, and the word survival no longer has any relevance.

That world IS possible.
That world IS in existence today!
But if you don't believe that, then you'll be hard pressed to find it, much less live in it.

There are no limits!
The cage door has been unlocked the whole time!
But if you don't believe that, and you're convinced its locked until somebody else comes and opens it up for you...... 
You'll rot there in your own prison, creating your own personal hell, because of your own personal belief.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

True Power True Peace

Being passive is not the answer.
"Peace" is a stage of growth, a level of progress on The Path to Divinity.
You cannot feign peace.
True Peace is a thing.

Allowing yourself to be abused is not the path of peacefulness.
Leaving yourself and your loved ones carelessly open and vulnerable to abuse and harm is NOT in any way righteous or peaceful!
Refusing to participate in violence is not the path to peace.
Believing in fairy tales of peace and promises of saviors that you don't really know or understand, is dangerous!
True Peace must be grown in the soul of every individual who wishes to have its providence.

Being torn on the inside as you struggle to understand cruelty, ignorance, and how anyone can respond to those things in Love.....
Wrestling with the urges of revenge and violence.....
Debating and warring within your own mind and heart...
Striking out in anger and frustration.
Battling with fear.
Taking up arms to defend yourself.
Hating yourself.
Not understanding.....
This causes growth.
This breaks the ground for the seeds of True Peace to be planted.

True Peace is watered with many tears before its roots will sprout.
True Peace must be exposed to the brilliant rays of Joy before its arms will reach out of the ground.
True Peace does not cower or tremble in fear or compromise.

True Peace bears the fruit of real power!
Real Power!
Power that subdues enemies.
Power so real that it CAN subdue enemies without guns!
Can YOU subdue enemies without guns???
If not, I suggest you learn how to protect yourself, your family, your home, your community  UNTIL you can do it another way.
Because NOT protecting yourself is NOT the answer!!!

And that protection is not found in legislation or courts of law.
The Power that protects you without guns and laws emanates from  your very soul!
Like lightening from your hands and lasers from your eyes, True Peace is the only weapon that can slay all enemies.

And once you've mastered that weapon you are invincible.
You become that weapon. Your very presence is a weapon against threat or violence.
And when it's real, it is very very real.
Not imaginary or just your religious beliefs!
But tangible, manifested power.

You become the embodiment of Peace.

You cannot work for it or strive for it.
You will never "find" it.
You can only become it.
Anything else is false peace, and it will fail you.

The Path to True Peace is Love.
The gate is narrow, and few there be that find it.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Control Is A Thing Of The Past

Be bold!
Don't edit or sensor your true heart's desires!
Don't make deals and compromise with your mind about your dreams.
Be honest!
Stop holding back!
Stop debating whether or not a thing is possible!
It is!!!

Control is a thing of the past.
Manipulation and intimidation are not necessary.

Nothing based on the foundation of fear is any longer acceptable. Nothing!

Education is not necessary. You heard me! Forced, mandatory schooling is not acceptable any longer.
It just isn't necessary.

Insurance is fear-based manipulation and thievery! We are quite capable of moving beyond this and seeing truer ways to deal with the things that they made us believe we needed insurance for.

Synthetic toxins are not at all necessary. Plastic, prescription drugs, fossil fuels.

Money is not necessary.

Truth is ok to speak out loud.

You CAN live your life in such a way that you do not need to apologize for anything.

You CAN be free.

What you CANNOT do is accomplish all of this by doing it the same old way everything has always been done before.
None of that works. Those ways have ended. Those days are gone.

You are free to believe in possibilities!
You are free to stop participating in anger and fear and disappointment.
You are free to be free.
You are free to be healthy all the time.

You are NOT condemned to struggle for these things!!!
You are FREE to just know and accept these things.
You are free to go live your curiosities.

You are free
You are free
You are free

Now go!
Don't ever sink back into the misery of fear and doubt again!

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Nobody questions music. 
And yet it's one of the most universally powerful forces that exists.....
Nobody gives a fuck if you have a degree or what school you went to or whether or not you can even read music! If you can play an instrument or sing.... People are enchanted.
And if you can't, nobody has to tell you to be careful and not listen!!! You know for yourself that is not good.

 Oh for the day....... When this world is music!

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Give Up Your Life NOW

A Very Unpopular Message

This sounds so religious and is so unpopular these days - post The Secret - and even "old paradigm", "3D", no longer relevant  energy...
But I'm here to tell you that NOW...
Right NOW,
In the NOW,
In this moment,
There is a higher vibrating message that is NOT AT ALL what you used to know! Even tho the words my sound the same, it is a NEW NOW message!!!

And that message is....
Give up your life.

Many of you KNOW that you carry the Service To Others energy life path, but you struggle with it, because it is so unique that you rarely have anything to compare or contrast with, and very little to support or connect you with anything else. And so you doubt.
You doubt that you can be so Sovereign without being "bad" or somehow "wrong".
The world around you makes you feel irresponsible for being so unique, so you bury yourself in the wrong world trying to find your place.

But there is no place for you in that world!
You are here to bring that very same "unbelievable" energy into this world so that Gaia and all those who are ready, can indeed be part of a new world.

I know you don't get it.....
I've been trying to tell you for a long time - just read thru these blogs....
Today I heard a recorded message, a channel actually, of a being saying THE SAME EXACT THING!
That you won't get it..... But we're trying to tell you anyway.... Because THIS is the only thing you need to hear right now.

For confirmation purposes, here is a link to the recording I listened to this morning...
(please let me know if at any point this recording does not work)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Sharing 4 #UnityConsciousness

It's the end of the world as we know it.... Do you feel fine??

Do you ever feel alone, even tho you've "done your work" and are a very aware and spiritual person? Do you comfort yourself with pep talks about how all of us go thru this and therefore we AREN'T alone after all? Do you have  to put a lot of time into reassuring yourself that you are connected to the cosmic family and that we are all one.... and therefore you are not alone...?
Do you battle your thoughts about "us and them" and the separation between you and those who aren't like you, and constantly have to STOP yourself and remind yourself that "I am another you""THEY are just a reflection of ME", and WE ARE ONE....???

Well, there's nothing wrong with heading in a positive direction, even when you are a bit off course. At least you're headed in the general direction of progress. But eventually, you benefit TREMENDOUSLY by realizing there's a more direct and accurate trajectory to where you want to be.

All of your past, and daily, spiritual work is not wrong!
It is not misguided!
If it's serving you well then it's serving you well!
But we are so close now that its time for that "adjustment" to the coordinates!

And the adjustment is this:
These "practices" of Unity Consciousness and complementing Mantra of We Are One, are adolescent.
It's time to realize what that meant all along, and is crucial to understand NOW.
True Unity Consciousness is when we become One - NOT with one another in brotherhood!!! This is misguided.
True Unity Consciousness is when our conscience has re-merged with its Source! When we each individually become One with Source again... THIS is the only way we can truly ever be One with each other!!!
Any other suggestion of unity is a falsehood!
We CANNOT be one without being one with source! PERIOD.

THIS is the call to Unity that we all feel, but many if not most are misinterpreting this as a call to fight a 3 dimensional battle to force our human race together in a loving relationship.
Not gonna happen.
This is NOT Unity!
Unity is becoming one with GOD.

I said it.

Source is the only point from which we are correctly connected in "unity".
This is something we ALLOW, not something we fight the 3rd dimension for!!!

Remember, its physics!
Its a vibrational thing people!
3rd D CANNOT be unified except in sporadic points of common heightened emotions that never last long or survive the reality test.
That vibration cannot hold with any integrity.
Integrity is a higher dimensional flow of energy.

Be Unified with Source and everything else will fall into place.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Not Sure: The Remedy & Confidence. You DO Need To Know!

The only reason you are afraid to do things is that something inside of you is not sure that's what you should be doing.
And if you shouldn't be doing it, then you will suffer when you do.
How do you process this one??

"I process this as meaning we, all of us, DO give a crap what folks say. We say Naaa, not me. I don't give a shit. Yep, we do and that's sad to me." T. Eure

The remedy?? Confidence. 
Know yourself until there's nothing left to know. 
Reconcile your own shit. 
HAVE no fears. Leave no shadows. 
Understand everything about yourself that makes you care what others say. 

It's all BELIEF. 
Mental patterns. 
Being controlled by your mind and not by your heart. 
You need to KNOW! Then you won't be afraid of ANYTHING. 
Put the horse in front of the cart. 
Heart before head. 

Confidence is a side effect of true Love. 

If you're not confident, then you don't really BELIEVE that you are Loved, or that you are loved with REAL Love. 

Why would I care what people say about my decisions? 
Because deep down inside, I am committing the one and only true sin - I DOUBT

I do not BELIEVE in unconditional Love..... Even tho I say I do, and I honestly think I believe that I do....
My fear reveals what's truly going on inside of me.
And THAT ladies and gentlemen, is the point-of-separation between us and all that is "God". 

If I honestly believe that I am Loved unconditionally, then I have no fear of being judged or criticized. But this is a tough tough battle. And most people just will not take it on. That's why we suffer..... 
Jesus said I'm the Way, follow me.... People forget he then walked thru Hell. 
The "Way" goes thru hell.
And "Hell" is a state of mind.... 
The battle is in the mind. The war is over who controls your life - mind or heart.
Not God or Satan.....! Mind or Heart!
Satan never assaulted Jesus, he REASONED with him....... The battle is within.

Reason vs Confidence
Believing = Knowing
True Love > All Fears
(the extent of my math skills...... HA)

If you are afraid, it is a sure sign that you do not really know what you believe, or you believe a lie.
Confidence is my superpower.
This is a message about how I process the conflict between fear and Confidence.
Reduce all things.
True Confidence not only doesn't talk shit, it doesn't have to say a word at all.
A sure sign that you DO know what you believe and you DO believe the Truth, is Confidence.
There is no fear in you. And if you do experience a fearful moment, you're not afraid of it!
You embrace it and sort it out. Reduce it. Why are you afraid? Where is it coming from?
Is it a lie? Or is it Unconditional Love?
This is how you fight. 
Wax on. Wax off.
Find your strength to be honest with yourself.
Be brave enough to take control of the voices of reason in your mind.
Allow yourself to truly break and lose control of your delusions. 
Be willing to die a thousand deaths to a thousand misconceptions, assumptions and falsehoods.

Remember how to FEEL instead of think!
Remember that you are self-contained. All you ever need is already inside you. It is NEVER "out there", it is NEVER someone else, there is NEVER a cause to place blame!!!
YOU have got this.
It's majik. If you want it, it will happen.

Monday, January 30, 2017


(From Saturday, January 28, 2017 & Another Blog)


When you understand with absolute clarity something that someone else not only doesn't understand but they believe they've done everything possible TO understand.... and yet they just don't see the obvious, even if you try to show them, explain to them, guide them into some clarity... What is blatantly obvious to you, completely escapes someone else. No it's not plain for everyone to see what you see, no matter how simple it is. This is a testimony to the fact that people perceive and interpret life based on the way they are wired and the programming they've received and the patterns they've established by which they navigate life.

And THIS, to me, is obvious!
Why doesn't everybody see it???
If we understood this, we wouldn't judge, hate, criticize, and hurt other people.

I've struggled hard to show and explain and help others navigate thru things they don't understand....
Even people I love more than life itself.
But when they get so lost that they become frustrated and irritable and start to feel stupid or angry.... What can you do?

If it's a stranger, most people just start judging them, calling them names, and assuming they're idiots!

But when its someone you know very well, and love with all your heart..... You begin to EMPATHIZE. You begin to know that their pain is indeed real.
So you back the fuck off.
And you love them no matter where their understanding lies.

And it is a beautiful thing when you realize that this is enough.
It really is ok that they don't understand things.
Challenges in our lives that no one else can solve make us grow.

Love does not even need to be noticed or appreciated.
True love is just there. Always.
Until it is realized. No matter how long that takes.
It's ok.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Voice = Choice

Voice equals choice.... Divine choice.
Why don't the animals speak?
Why doesn't nature speak?

But they DO speak!

So what's the difference between their "voice" and our human "voice"???

Our voice is the power of our choice!!!!!

We can BLURT stupidity in the blink of an eye.
They cannot.
We not only CAN choose to do this, we MUST choose! We cannot speak without making choices!
Everytime we utter words, we've made a choice!

A choice.

The rest of nature does NOT communicate that way....!


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Evolution, Ascension and World Peace

If you all want out of this way of life
You have to EVOLVE out of it!!!!
You cannot get angry at PDT for trying to protect 3D people from 3D enemies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For creating 3D jobs for a 3D economy!!!!!!

What YOU people really want.....
And you're too programmed to see it -
Is to live in another dimension!

What you can't grasp and therefore accept, is that you are caught between worlds in a very literal way!

Get it!
See it!
Realize it finally for gods sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Admit it!

What you want IS POSSIBLE!!!
But it cannot happen in this frequency! EVER.
It is impossible for 3rd dimensionals to vibrate fast enough to rise beyond suffering.

How do you get to a higher dimension?
Doesn't everybody grow?
Most people make excuses, whine, blame, and throw fits. Most people never know their true selves because they simply cannot be that honest with themselves. They can't let go of pain, or trauma, or the past in general.
They are motivated by guilt and fear, and call it "love".
But love is complete freedom. Love is not afraid. Love is honest.
And people just cannot come to grips with their beliefs.... Beliefs that they have been wrong, that they messed up in an unforgivable way, beliefs that no one can love them, beliefs that there is only one way to be.... And on and on and on..... Beliefs.
So they build stories to make all that ok, as coping mechanisms. Stories that justify why they can't face the truth of what they've done, what they neglected to do, what they were afraid to do.... Stories that justify the pain they caused, stories that protect them from difficult decisions, and most of all stories that keep them from ever hearing their true inner sense, their soul, their intuition, god, source inside there own heart!

There's no easy way there.
You have to do the work.
And ALL the work is inner, personal, soul, heart work.
It cannot be replaced by anything....
Because "the work" raises your consciousness.
Working your way out of suffering raises your consciousness.
And if you do not allow it to make you aware, and raise your consciousness, then your denial buries you deeper and deeper into the limited 3 dimensional hole you keep digging for yourself.

THIS is what it means to "create your own reality".
It has not jack shit to do with manifesting wealth!!!
It means that you either keep digging your hole, or you find your way out of this 3rd dimension where you will never be free.
This is transcendence. This is evolution.
You cannot be given peace.
"Our troops" cannot fight for your peace.
You cannot legislate peace!
You are NEVER going to find peace the way you are looking for it and trying to make it happen!

Until you have true peace in your own heart, you will never know a world that lives in peace.
Not in the 3rd dimension. It is impossible.
As you master your own life, find your own soul, remember how to hear your own heart, and understand that you are a sovereign being, your frequency changes. Your vibrations becomes higher.
As you begin to realize the difference between 3D and higher dimensions, you begin to "awaken" to the truth of reality.
Higher dimensions are where the experience of peace, love, openness, fearlessness, comfort, joy are real.....
When you're in higher dimensions you no longer live your life based on fear or guilt.
You no longer need to be told what to do, what is "ok" and what is not, what is "right" and what is "wrong". YOU KNOW. And you KNOW that you know!
You no longer feel the urge to grovel and apologize.
You find that you no longer have to go thru the motions... fake it till you make it..... You've made it!
You genuinely cannot engage in the same conversations you used to because you just don't feel the bitterness or jealousy or betrayal or animosity anymore....

Your interest in music will change
The people you like being around will change
The way you handle things will change
The way you deal with challenging situations will change.

Because there was a desire for truth in you.
It may have been a tiny seed, but it found its way to the top,
And it took you to another realm, another dimension, based on the amount of WORK you were willing to do on your own self.
The realm of reality where peace and love are real! Genuine! Forever.
The dimension where you can truly be free and pursue your most creative dreams with no limits.
There is no doubt in you anymore. You are confident.
You understand what it is to stay happy.
You no longer think about fear or hunger or danger or abuse..... Or poverty!
That world is literally gone from your conscience!

Where did it go???
Into the past.

Let the dead bury the dead, You cannot save those who believe they do not need to be saved.
You cannot force someone into awakening.
It has to "happen".
The best you can do is beam your beautiful energy out everywhere you go.
Like WD40 it will slowly seep into the cracks and loosen all the tangles and jams.
Just bring the energy of the higher dimensions into your now.
And let it flow, let it flow, can't hold it back anymore.
And then when you come across another soul that is curious, hungry, thirsty for truth... when they ask - You can answer with the story of your experience.
You can encourage them. And saturate them with your HD energy!

THAT is what will help them along their journey to find their way out.
It's personal.
No one can do it for you.
You must become genuine.
And the only way to do that is to GROW thru life!
Use your choices!
Let your heart change.
Let go of all the old.
The old ways of fear, guilt, insecurity, poverty, sorrow, suffering.....
Let it go!
Send energy, not money.

Let go of the old old old out-dated obsolete BELIEF that nothing will ever change and that this is all there is and that humans are not capable of being good!
It is WORK.
There is no savior.
There is a path. A journey. A quest.
To BECOME NOW the person you think you will be in heaven.
THAT is what this is all about. So NO..... We will not achieve peace in the world! Ever!
We will achieve peace in our own hearts, and THEN the world will be peaceful.

That is the only way this is going to happen.
You cannot BE the change, until YOU are changed!
Life changes you.
Live it.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Sharing 2

This is a sharing from On Today's Wild Ass Menu

Friday, January 27, 2017


When you have a "HEALTH" "CARE" SYSTEM based on PROFIT,
Do not tell me you want any of us WELL & HEALTHY!!!!!!!
It's bad business for us to be well! It's bad business if we know we don't need you!


Stop PAYING them money to feed you this BULLSHIT!
All they want is your money, which reduces down to your helpless, fear-driven SERVITUDE.

You need to wake up humans to the fact that YOU CAN BE WELL!!!
Your body is AMAZING! You know very little about it, even tho "THEY" force 12+ years of "education" into your life!!!
They don't want you to know the truth! About ANYTHING!


Sharing 1

This is a sharing from On Today's Wild Ass Menu -

Friday, January 27, 2017

Burn down the houses of LIES!
Burn down the towers of DELUSION!
KILL the signals of interference!
Scramble their transmissions!
Feed them their own sickness of control and manipulation for selfish gain!
CRUMBLE the walls that give them false hope of protection against the LOVE OF TRUTH!

EXPOSE them and all their deceitful ways!
Burn it all to the ground!!!
Erase the barbaric and insidious patterns and rules that bind the human spirit!!!


The Key to The Imprisoned Mind - Why Can't People Behave?

Vibration and frequency....
They shape and mold our behavior as living, energetic beings...
Like hormones, drugs, strong emotions.....
These things can straight up CONTROL us!!! Beyond our basic will!!!
Make us do things that we do not want to do, that we cannot escape, we cannot fight the urge of.

Frequency change tunes what we feel, what we hear, what we see, how we perceive.....
How do we fight this!?
Where is "our will"?
Our will is struggling to cope with its invisible masters! Our will is trying everything it can to survive!
In an environment that just does not make sense...
This sounds like conspiracy theory, science fiction, mumbo-jumbo!
Only because "frequency" keeps you from perceiving anything outside your current range.
Do you understand tuning in a station on a radio?
Well then........

Ascension: The frequency that has kept us imprisoned in our own minds, will shift, change and release us!
We will be "re-tuned".
The station will change. The static interference will be cleared.
We will see.
We will know what we're seeing.
Confusion will be gone.
Like an electrical cleaning crew sweeping our world, all the shorts and frayed wires and tangled cables.... Will suddenly go wireless!
There will be no need of those old devices any longer.
You won't need the things in this world that have become tools to keep you all imprisoned.
We will be free to choose our path with immediate results.
There will be no place for those who choose deceit to hide!

The frequency that must change in order for us to be freed is very powerful!
It has been known to have obliterating power.
Such is the degree of our darkness and delusion.

Without this powerful shift in frequency, suffering will never cease. Darkness will continue to reign in the minds of men and poison hearts. We can not achieve a world living in true peace under this low voltage! It has to snap! It has to pop, like static electricity. Our systems MUST  be upgraded in order to have the capacity to find our dream of peace and love! We can prepare for it, but we cannot, and should not try to stop it.

We should not be afraid of this power. We should be ready to live in it!

My New World Blueprint

The blueprint on my DNA that I brought to this current timeline goes a little somethin like this:

  • Health Insurance - No. None needed. It's time humans learned health rather than fear of being unhealthy. It's time they "realize", "remember", "awaken to the fact" that IT IS POSSIBLE.
  • Jobs - No. It's time for humans to be free and live their purpose and passion, not live to survive or to be a slave to others.
  • Money - No. It's time for humans to be godlike and live in love, not debt. You should allow no one to owe you anything. You should freely give because you genuinely care, not because there is reward or punishment.
  • Government - No. No elections, no rulers, no partisans. It's time for humans to realize that they are and always have been sovereign. Be responsible, not dependent and judgmental. 
  • Suppress, Manipulate, Improve upon Nature for human benefit - No. It's time for humans to realize that Nature is a living part of existence and that the higher purpose and benefits will manifest if humans work WITH not against Nature. We have the capacity to grow and expand. There was never any need to "improve" or "master". The whole "Unity" craze is so much deeper than a bunch of stupid passive weak scared humans joining the hands of diversity and singing Kumbaya along the shoreline! Unity is integration with all of NATURE too! We Are One.
  • Possessions - Of COURSE! This manifested reality exists to enjoy! Humans are perfectly capable of developing healthy relationships with 'things'.
  • Militia - No need. Humans are completely capable of sorting their individualities out, without greed, selfishness, or harm to any.
  • Education System - Hell no! None! Humans learn all day every day. The Education System is nothing but indoctrination to subservience. It is not necessary.
  • Laws, Regulations, Codes - No longer necessary.
  • Diplomas, Licenses, Certifications - No. Come on humans! They don't prove anything and they do not QUALIFY people! They are just pieces of paper, bought and paid for. The only "proof" is in the actual Puddin'!
We all need to BELIEVE that we know how to behave without being monitored!!!
Believe in our very own selves. Not ideals or prophesies or agendas.... Not political parties or religions or governments.
The change starts HERE in your heart.
This is called Sovereignty. The right and capability to govern yourself.
We know, We know, We know!!!
Freedom is the ONLY answer.
It will not take eons of evolution.
The time is NOW.
No centuries-long transition.....

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Curiosity: Don't You Have Any!? My Personal Library

Sandra Walter -

Graham Hancock -
David Wilcock -
Corey Goode -
Brien Foerster -
Michael Steinbacher - Michael Steinbacher: Catastrophist Geology | EU2014

Here is the library I've been nourished from for the past 8 years.
Yes there are others, too many to list... but only as incidental bits of the puzzle.
These listed are the core.
These are consistent for me.

All day. Every day. These things interest me... Plague me... Consume me.
My thirst to know and remember more never goes away.
And I therefore don't quite understand anyone who is not the least bit curious about the Truth of their own existence!

Curiosity drives me.
I cannot just go along.
I cannot just accept things the way they are.
There's more........!
And it calls me day and night...

How bout you??

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Energy of Entropy & Time

There is no fixing any of these old systems.
They are done.

Most people are securely under the limited belief and perception restraints of the old system, still trying to do OLD things in a NEW way, stuck inside the box, never seeing beyond the same old shit they've always seen.... and calling it a dimensional shift in reality, Ascension, Enlightenment, the New Earth,


There is no fixing ANY of these old systems!
Enlightened ones should not be trying to realign this shit.
Enlightened ones should see and know that there is a very real and present COMPLETELY NEW dimension of reality that has opened and it's the only way to proceed, or ascend.

If you choose, as a developed identity, (and individual soul) - in the scheme of the eternal universe to exit, to exist or build outside of the dimension of divine will - which is eternal and all encompassing -
you put yourself into a cycle of time, and on a clock, and at the will of entropy.
Nothing outside of the dimension of divine will can ever last.

Entropy is opposite energy.
Opposite life.
Opposite light.
Opposite love.


The dimension of divine will is the opposite of all these things.
None of these things exist within the dimension of divine will.
There are no limits.
Everything is love, light, life, and expansion.
Eternal evolution.

The choice to exit the dimension of divine will and build outside of it, CREATES a 3rd dimensional reality.
The 3rd dimension is a place where identifiable beings are attempting to create "eternal life" Outside the dimension of divine will - This is happening in The Entire 3rd Dimension! Hence what 3D calls "duality", where the dark and the light battle constantly.
For example: the old biblical story of Adam and Eve. The moment Eve chose to exit the higher dimension of divine will by creating her own reality... by doubting divinity's absolute completeness, and reaching out to improve upon it of her own volition and reasoning, she created a sealed dimension that became a trap, a prison...
Manipulated by another identity that already existed in darkness and entropy - obviously needing a "living and cooperative host" thru which to escape entropy, or to continue to exist Outside of  the dimension of eternal life, immortality, and divine will  -
Even the beings that already occupied the 3rd dimension knew that they were in a state of entropy...
A state which always comes to an end.

This created 3rd dimension is a closed system. When it spends itself, it is done.
It will die.
The beings that were there before humanity are another story.
These beings are still insisting that they can create "life" outside of source, independently, and therefore having no need of "god" or source.
This is why Bio-Integrated Artificial Intelligence - AI - is such an integral part of reality now.

I am thoroughly baffled to see "the enlightened" so fervently, if not viciously, trying to breathe "new" life into this dimension of perpetual doom!!!
I am baffled at how little "the enlightened" see.
Maybe they're just paranoid of old religious teachings that come from the bible.
Because the bible is NOT infallible, it is a book like any other book. But like any other ancient text, it does contain some amazing information of historical and spiritual value.
This is important because most of the prophesies written in this old text are panning out in a very undeniable way these days.
BUT it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with religion!!!
But few know, or can even imagine, the bible outside of religious indoctrination. And this is unfortunate.

The time cycle has come to it's natural end for this particular dimensional world.
NO ONE who is enlightened, awakened, spiritual, on the ascension path.... Should be trying to fix this.
And KNOW that the next dimension is our future!

Spiritual people talk big until it's time to walk it.
Then it becomes evident that they really don't understand what they think they're talking about.
Even spiritual people find it difficult in this very present hour to believe what they preach, to integrate the visions and channelings they receive into real life.
They continue to keep things in the safe and familiar confines of this old reality.
"One day"..... "But not in our lifetime".... "We must be patient while alllllllllllll of humanity catches up to us..." (This is a load of shit and a complete cop-out! They don't really A) hear, or B) believe what they teach!!!)

What am I talking about?
I'm talking about everyday life....

NONE of this exists in the next dimension!
Nobody can seem to grasp how truly changed we will be.
Because you can't get there with a heart full of corruption.
There is NO FEAR.
No need for laws or governments.
No need for money.
No need for any of the things that keep us imprisoned in this current world.

We will be truly FREE.
Open hearts.
Filled with wisdom truth and love.

Free to create and build and give and celebrate.... Without the fears and insecurities of who's watching, who's judging.... Who's keeping count, who's paying.... Who's gonna sue, who's gonna talk shit.....
The very vibration that allows that kind of mental process will be GONE. We just won't care to do those things anymore!
Trust will be a given, not a degree or a license!
There will be no jobs, only obvious joyful purpose.
Truly living straight from the heart.

THIS is what ascending into the next dimension means. This is what it looks like.
We won't have any need to fear nature.... Nature won't go away, but we will "be one" with her and not fear her animals, her storms, her volcanoes and raging beautiful rivers.
Quite simply, we will no longer be dumb enough to drown!
We will be AWARE.

And it won't go away.....
No fear.

Why do you think so many people love Star Trek??
Because it's real.
And something ancient in our hearts knows it......
It's your birth right.
Claim it!