The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, December 30, 2017

#2018 New Year's Resolve

The corruption to life, all life, must stop. Completely. Thoroughly purged.
Restrictions must be lifted.
Profiteering must be completely eradicated and replanted with prosperity.

All debt must be erased - not paid - as it was illegitimate to start with.

Knowledge, Art, Healing, Sustenance - Always free. It's part of truly being human.

No monopolies.
No control systems.
No governmental structures.
Counsels and Elders hold natural tribal positions. It's not a vote. It is obvious.

There IS NO corruption to need protection from!

Ultimate Disclosure: The identity of the TRUE Enemy! And it was NEVER us!

(Our hatred of, and fighting against, each other is NOT natural! It is NOT just the way we are! We are NOT doomed and condemned to suffer such violence "because we're only human"! THAT is a lie!)

No one wants to steal, no one needs to steal.
No one wants to lie, no one needs to lie.
No one wants to promote fear, no one needs to promote fear.
No one wants to seek control, no one needs to seek control.

The stone tablets, and scrolls, and libraries of law are no longer needed.
Life has been liberated and common sense, wisdom, exponential learning abilities have been restored.

So many authentic (if not ancient) concepts thoughts and ideas are in this current consciousness NOW but they never see the 100th Monkey because these higher concepts just won't fully operate under the vibrations of this network, this matrix, the Dark Kingdom.
That's going away now...!

All the structures of the Dark Kingdom will be eradicated.
ALL attachments!
medical industry
pharma industry
education system
Not one atom of infection will remain! Not one.
This IS now.
The IS our lifetime.

A Kingdom truly thoroughly completely ruled by Love.
The consequences of such a reality are:
Energy/Spirit Tech is the future, Not machines the way we know them now!

We should open our minds to the concept of a non-monetary, non-competitive economy!
In other words, stop limiting your vision by "beautifying" the old system so that you can drag it along with you as if its the only way. (It won't work!!!)
Let the Sunshine in!

And don't forget the Superpowers...!

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