The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Energy In A Nutshell

"I have some responsibilities to that (my business)... I'm very trusting.... I won't stop trusting people because I need.... I believe it takes a village to raise a child, It takes a village to build a successful business. Right? I don't know China, therefore I need somebody in China that knows the psychology, how to do business in China. I know what I wanna sell in China, I tell you that. I know how much money I want, right? But I need a pack member that can help me achieve that goal.... You need a pack. You can't do it by yourself. We're a pack oriented species. Ya know, so what I learned thru this situation (failure, losing everything) is to evaluate - which is just what I do with dogs - to evaluate and assess the situation and then find out and know does this human have the energy... not so much the degree, but the energy that matches me. You see it? So thanks to the failure I became more focused on doing the evaluation myself personally, just like I do with dogs.
I didn't used to hire people personally, I just trusted somebody to hire them. You see it? So this is what this event brought to me - The way you do dogs, you evaluate people. It's energy. You see what I mean? I work with people who are Harvard graduates who can't walk a Chihuahua...
A degree doesn't guarantee energy...
That's what it says to me. You see what I mean? Yeah you can have whatever degree but if you don't have that trusting energy, you can't be part of my pack. That's all it is.... You can be part of somebody else's pack, but not my pack."
Ceasar Millan, Business Insider interview

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity is when we have transitioned from "lessons learned from our mistakes" to "wisdom gained from our experiences"...
