The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Stop Apologizing

The last wave encouraged us to begin to STAND.

The next wave encourages us to STOP APOLOGIZING.

Remember John Lennon's song Imagine ?  In that song he basically asks us to imagine that all points of contention that exists among human kind did not exist.  Then  we would be able to 'live as one'.  I remember hearing that song when I was younger and some of the suggestions were very difficult for me.... Like imagining no god, no heaven and no hell.
My how I've grown.......
In the same context, something that may seem insane to "do without" to most humans anyway.... Is to stop apologizing.
Imagine......  A world where no one ever apologized.  Does this mean we're suggesting a license to be rude?! Well.... Imagine it...  Would you be rude just because there was no such thing as apologizing?
I would suggest rather that apology is a double-edged sword.... to soften the truth, disguise the truth or malign the truth.  Because as Jack made so brilliantly clear, We..."can't handle the truth!".
What if, though, we spoke in such a way as to have no need to apologize for what we said?  Truth has nothing to do with facts.  Truth has nothing to do with our concepts of right and wrong.  Truth is what stands after the fire, after the storm, and continues to bring enlightenment, love, peace and purpose regardless of anyone's opinion or perspective.
We don't have to understand or agree for it to be truth.  We don't have to be condemned by it.  We don't have to accept it.  Truth gives us all the time we need to find it.  Often, yes, thru very difficult circumstances... Often, circumstances that we ourselves create because we reject truth.  But inevitably these very circumstances lead us right back to that truth and most often with a new perspective because of the circumstances that will indeed allow us to see and embrace that truth.  And from that point on we have grown, matured and are more productive therefore happier and stronger to help others.
But what does it take to get me thru that experience and to that truth?  Well it may take someone I do not like saying something to me that I do not wanna hear!  That doesn't mean it isn't truth and that given time, it won't set me free.
There are many truths surfacing from the depths of hidden agendas and complete dishonesty this year of 2013.  "I'm sorry to tell you this ENTIRE COUNTRY OF AMERICA but your government is all up in your private business which violates your rights as an America citizen....  And.... Oh god I'm so so sorry.... but.... This is historically what leads to enslavement of the population and to tyranny.... Which is everything YOU believe our troops are fighting against in foreign countries....  Yeah......"
WHY the need to apologize for saying something so important?
Because no one wants to hear it therefore they react badly.

We're afraid.  So we apologize for everything.  Or worse yet, we just stay silent.
Stop apologizing.  Try it for a week.  See if you can speak honestly without saying "I'm sorry" or even acting all apologetic.  Just be honest.  Look people in the eye when talking to them.  And if you feel speaking the truth would be threatening to you, then walk away.  Their blood is on their own hands if they are that violently opposed to the truth.
And if that fear is your  issue, then trust.... The truth will work its way with you as well.

This is the Reckoning.
This is the time of accountability.
This is your last chance before being swept away into a massive recycling chamber and having to do all this over again.  While others..... Others will evolve into happier beings......
This is no longer "Coming Soon!"
This is here.  Now.  This is what the hell's happening.

I make no apology for what I write.  You do not have to read it.  And if you read it you don't have to get it, or agree with it.

The Revolution of Standing.....

Written Thursday, July 4, 2013

The Revolution of Standing.
The Revolution of Peace.
The Revolution of Responsibility.

A recent conversation I was engaged in involved a young man who is very awake to many things. He has a genuine desire to act upon the knowledge that he has. Such as eating better for himself, eating real food and not frankenfood. This young man simply wanted a pineapple. Now the options he is aware of are: 1) Compromise and get an affordable one at any grocery store not knowing the truth about where this pineapple came from but assuming it probably came from a typical source using all manner of nastiness to produce it; 2) Go to the local farmers market where the pineapple is really affordable and it is assumed to be wholesome because it comes from a farmers market. But the truth is it is imported like all the rest. Or 3) Go to the local natural foods store where they have a genuine reputation for having good clean products and pay 10 times what one should pay for a pineapple.

This very aware, very intelligent young man will most likely opt for the farmers market pineapple because by doing so he feels better about not giving his money to a big company who has no real concern for anything but making money... But mostly because its cheaper! The reason he cannot shop at the reputable natural food store is that it costs too much. And he'd rather not be homeless for buying good, real food.

THIS is where we must take a stand Americans.
We do not have to "overthrow" the government... We have to take our stand, in our own lives, in our own neighborhoods, in our reality! This situation I've described is wrong. This is capitalism. This is not what the majority want. But the majority are afraid to stand up and say so. Because they don't want to be homeless.... or jobless.... or ruin their credit score..... or feel the shame of non-conformity.... They don't want to sacrifice for the truth, for what's right.
Look at the people of Egypt, Turkey, Brazil... so many common people are rising up, walking off their jobs, abandoning what is normal and taking to the streets to tell those who are controlling their lives ENOUGH! Not one more day of this shit!
They stand.
They stand in Peace.
They've taken responsibility for their own lives and their own communities.

In America we have some very real remnants of the Occupy movement.... But still so many more who are complacent and afraid. Afraid to lose the job.... the position in the company.... the scraps that they live on.... Afraid to lose the house like so many have in the past five years.... Afraid their electricity will be turned off, their cable and internet, their water.....

THIS IS CONTROL ! ! ! ! ! !

America is an embarrassment to itself... to its ancestry.... to its flag... to its MILITARY.... to its heritage.
This Independence Day is a mockery of freedom and all who have begun to stand for it around the world.
You don't need guns to start a revolution.
All you need to do is tell the truth. Stop turning a blind eye to things you KNOW aren't right....

And if you feel the need to STAND in the streets with others who are tired of being afraid, tired of being a slave and living a lie.... then do it with the same pride and conviction you SAY OUR FOREFATHERS HAD at the time of the FIRST AMERICAN REVOLUTION.... which culminated in the signing of THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.... Part of a series of documents that ensure our freedom to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.... A freedom we NO LONGER HAVE.

Your employer steals from you, your government steals from you, all the corporations you patronize steal from you, lie to you, and laugh all the way to the bank with your money... SLAVE.

Take America Back.
I wish no one a happy 4th of July...... till everyone's free to truly be happy.
Wake up.......
Times up.
There's no second chance this time.

Posted by kerismatic at 7:15 AM