The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Friday, January 1, 2016

A Fresh Word About Food Energy

Healthy eating fails a lot of people.
No matter how much they try to educate themselves about food and nutrition, many many people just do not see any beneficial results to the changes they try to make.
This is a direct result of programming.
Not just programming of a culture or society, but the mass programming of an entire species - Humans!

Story:  I once had a client who was trying desperately to help his poor dogs who suffered horribly from an unbelievably gross skin condition. He did so many of the right things. He actually spent money an older man living on Social Security usually doesn't have to spare, just to make the lives of these beloved dogs better. 
One remedy was the use of an intense nutritional supplement that was to be mixed with a very specific diet. The diet called for salmon. Not dog food! Salmon.
Well the supplement was pricey, and so is salmon. So in his precious and sincere (yet programmed) mind, he naturally bought canned salmon at the grocery store. And of course, the cheapest can they had.
He was so sincere! He loved those dogs more than his wife I think. He was so willing to do whatever it would take to make them stop suffering.
But look at what was actually going on..... He spent lots of money on a very fine product that has had a record of amazingly profound results for many years. He believed what they told him. He believed me when I said I thought it was a great product. But the dogs barely saw any improvement after a few weeks on the regimen. 
So he asked me for further advise. At this point I discovered he had been using canned salmon. My heart sank.  Why spend all that money only to short circuit the remedy with an ingredient that honestly could have been an even worse problem!? He didn't get it. I gently told him that canned salmon is LOADED with added salt!!! And that it did NOT have the necessary nutritional value of fresh salmon and therefore probably was indeed short circuiting the whole process.
So in his effort to not spend so much money, he totally lost the value of his efforts.
He gave up.
Because he didn't understand what excessive salt does to the body.
He didn't understand the difference between "salmon" and "salmon".
All he saw was a huge price difference. 
The dogs continued to suffer.

You cannot skip steps. You must know why steps and ingredients and process are important.

This happens all day every day on every level of human life.
Short circuiting.

The programming?
The programming I refer to is that we as an entire species have been programmed to just follow along, accept everything that is handed to us, trust everything we are told and whatever we do..... DO NOT trust yourself!!!! Only irresponsible idiots do that!!!

So in MY WORLD, that nagging feeling of "somethin' ain't right" would be noticed, and heeded. I would pause and acknowledge that nag with a, "hmm....". And I would KNOW that taking a short cut with a substandard ingredient WOULD NEVER allow me access to the magical healing I was seeking. It just does not work that way! And NO, you cannot pray your way out of things like that. The point is for you to become AWARE of that nag, that voice, that feeling..... And LISTEN to it. 

"GOD" did indeed give you magical healing solutions in the form of natural nutrition, but blindness of soul, lack of inclination to understand, indifference as to why & how this magic works, causes you to kill it dead in its tracks.
With no energetic connection from your soul to the nutrition, from the issue you seek to solve to the remedy you use, it has very little life in it. Usually not enough life to bridge the gap between your issue and your lack of understanding. And so you don't get better. Your issue is not solved. And then you doubt the remedy and the entire concept of "god" and natural healing.

This is a shame.

The WHOLE POINT is to become aware.
Sickness is not the point. Ask what is causing your sickness BEFORE you try to heal it.
Healing is not the point. Ask what your body is trying to tell or show you.
Methodology is not the point. Becoming aware is the ENTIRE POINT.

The next time you go to put a bite in your mouth, stop.
Look at the bite you're about to take.
What is it!?
Where'd it come from?
What's it made of? Are you sure?? How do you know?
Where'd the ingredients come from?
Who put those ingredients together?
Were they happy when they were making your food?
Did they care about you?
Do you care about them.......?
Do you care at all.......?

Now are you aware of your food?
If you are, then you have formed an energetic bond with the food, therefore clearing its path to do its designated service for your body. You actually know what you just ate. You have connected all the wires so that the current may flow.
Or maybe, in the midst of becoming aware of your food, you realized that what you were about to put into your mouth wasn't  food at all! And it would never serve your body well. And so you threw it away and found something better. Something with a more proper energy for you in that moment.

Look at your food before you eat it. 
What energy are you looking for? 
Does that food have that energy?

For fools and assholes who love to say "I don't care! It tastes good so I'm eatin' it! I ain't dead yet!"
Oh you will be..... But first, you're going to suffer. Slowly. It's going to cost you a lot of money.
Because you tried natural stuff and it "didn't work", and it tasted like shit, so you don't believe in natural healing.
It's all a farce.
