The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Masters Message: GODHOOD, Stay True

Stay true to your own hum and rattle!
Deception is smoother than silk right now and unless you stay true, you will swallow it.
We are entering GODHOOD.
There are no more excuses and we will not be doted after like infants by our spiritual crew anymore.
I speak to the mature, those in Master class. You know who you are.
We are expected to be as reliable as our crew has always been to us. Flawless. As defined by a Master, not Mr. Webster.
Navy Seals.
Army Rangers with Green Berets.
Black Ops, Special Forces.
You will be optimal or you will feel the sting.

Stay true to your own hum and rattle!
You have been specially trained to be YOU in this hour, not anyone else.

Close your eyes.
Go to your core.
Find the hum of your own frequency, the rattle of your own vibration.
It feels right, natural, peaceful... Relief.

Deception is everywhere and it is sweeter and shinier than ever before.
Stay true.
You know..... You know.
Don't let your mind interpret your orders. You know you don't have to "work" for unity! You don't have to "fight" for your place in the ranks. But you do have to keep your balance and take your energy to its destination in this timeline! This is all inner warfare.
Don't get caught up in the "Ascension" buzz....
Don't get caught up in the "Abundance" buzz...
Don't feel pressured to be like anyone else  but YOU.
By maintaining your mission, you are unified, you have ascended, you live in abundance, and it does NOT have to look like anyone elses!
You don't need gurus anymore.
You have entered GODHOOD.

You do not need to figure out anything.
You do not need to make extensive plans for the future.
You do not need to "believe" in anything.
Hear the hum... Feel the rattle.... Know it!!!
This is where joy and peace and truth become swords of light.
This is where golden light beams from you.
Fear melts, lies dissolve, truth springs forth in life and freedom.

This is the Kingdom of God, The New Earth, Heaven.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

2014 Winter Solstice New Moon in Capricorn Message

Ok, ready for this....?!

Disconnect from the programming of the traditional, prescribed functions of ALL your biological apparatus and systems .~.
UNLIMIT your eyes... and therefore see beyond the pre-script-ion !
Disconnect from ALL you thought you knew.
Meditate, and feel yourself unplug alllll those connections to what you've always believed to be reality.
The message is :  This is the Time of the Great Apocalypse.  Apocalypse means "revealing"! Not "wrath of god"! It is the time when the truth of who we are is being uncovered. The Veil is lifted.
All things are possible!
Disconnect from everything you thought you wanted and be filled with what is your true energetic match.
Disconnect from reasons, logic, anticipations, and expectations.
Disconnect, disconnect, disconnect.
Empty the box.
You can have everything new. But only if you completely disconnect from everything you thought you knew.

New #History

The value of "history" in our current journey is to see it thru new eyes... evolved eyes, mature eyes, to gain a yet clearer image of all things, to see what evolution has unearthed and revealed to us now! 
Afterall, it is the time of The Great Apocalypse...
All of history has changed!  None of it is as it used to be - meaning that the stories of what we thought we knew based on our "history" was like telling children that babies come from the Stork because they are not yet mature enough to grasp the technicalities of reproduction and its emotional complexities!
Now that you've been enlightened with experience and maturity... Take another look.
It's not what you always believed it to be, is it!?
Not even sacred texts such as the Bible... Not from a religious perspective OR an anthropological perspective!

So stop repeating the story of the Stork as if you were still a child!

Allow  history to come into a clearer alignment.

Many teach that "history" is ego and therefore not real, but a distraction to our becoming enlightened and fulfilled beings. Bullshit. "Living in the past" is ego, not real and a distraction to our enlightenment and fulfillment process...! History is not 'living in the past'. It's more like looking at the sole of your foot, or catching a mirror reflection of your back. You don't walk on your knees to keep your soles in constant sight, nor do you obsess over what your back looks like just because its not in easy view, but your feet and back are certainly part of you and you are NOW. And you care for them NOW and they are part of who you are NOW. Without them you would not be whole, you would not be YOU, you would not be.
Again, look at those "old teachings" about ego, and history thru new  enlightened eyes!!!  Because assuming that those old teachings about ego will be forever current... is ego.  

History is alive and exciting! It is speaking new things to us.

Knowledge Over Intuition

Being "conscious" doesn't mean you don't intellectually know anything, it just means you know it from a different place.
It also doesn't mean that you don't have need of knowledge.

Proper knowledge comes from experience and intuition. It comes from living your own unique life.
It does not come from schools, or books, or instructors! It DOES NOT come from there.

Classes, seminars, workshops..... All well and good - IF you realize what they're for. They are NOT for giving you knowledge.
Knowledge that does not come from a genuine desire and undeniable curiosity is merely lifeless rhetoric.

True knowledge is more of an awakening than "learning". All knowledge is already inside your being. If you're drawn to a seminar like bear to a honey pot, then you are not going to that seminar to "learn", you are going to be nourished! 
This experience feels completely different than "course work", and studying, and homework, and testing.....
The desire and curiosity to know is living energy. When it is engaged and nourished and celebrated it does not get you a degree or license or certification.....
It makes you god.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Energy In A Nutshell

"I have some responsibilities to that (my business)... I'm very trusting.... I won't stop trusting people because I need.... I believe it takes a village to raise a child, It takes a village to build a successful business. Right? I don't know China, therefore I need somebody in China that knows the psychology, how to do business in China. I know what I wanna sell in China, I tell you that. I know how much money I want, right? But I need a pack member that can help me achieve that goal.... You need a pack. You can't do it by yourself. We're a pack oriented species. Ya know, so what I learned thru this situation (failure, losing everything) is to evaluate - which is just what I do with dogs - to evaluate and assess the situation and then find out and know does this human have the energy... not so much the degree, but the energy that matches me. You see it? So thanks to the failure I became more focused on doing the evaluation myself personally, just like I do with dogs.
I didn't used to hire people personally, I just trusted somebody to hire them. You see it? So this is what this event brought to me - The way you do dogs, you evaluate people. It's energy. You see what I mean? I work with people who are Harvard graduates who can't walk a Chihuahua...
A degree doesn't guarantee energy...
That's what it says to me. You see what I mean? Yeah you can have whatever degree but if you don't have that trusting energy, you can't be part of my pack. That's all it is.... You can be part of somebody else's pack, but not my pack."
Ceasar Millan, Business Insider interview

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Spiritual Maturity

Spiritual maturity is when we have transitioned from "lessons learned from our mistakes" to "wisdom gained from our experiences"...


Monday, December 8, 2014

Personal Relationship with Food

How many of you understand the concept of having a personal relationship with your food?

Many people "say grace" or give thanks for their food before they eat it.  Well and good.....
But how many of you have yet realized to give thanks to your food!?

This is where it can be fundamentally life-changing to eat.  
First of all, WHAT are you eating...?  Do you even know? If you don't then you also don't know what the hell its for or what its doing to your body once its inside of it.
(And people have the audacity and pure ignorance to wonder why their body gets sick!)

Back-in-the-day mentality is OVER people.
It is no longer someone else's responsibility to take care of you and tell you what to do and not do. We have evolved.  And we are ALL perfectly capable of understanding how to properly care for ourselves.  This doesn't mean you never need to ask for wisdom or help from your neighbor. But it does mean "you know" you need to ask for help, and then when it is offered, you KNOW whether its the right help or not.
Basic spiritual biology comes naturally to all of us.  We've just been reprogrammed for so long that we no longer believe that.

So introduce yourself to your food. Get to know it.  The time is upon us where eating well will NOT automatically make you healthy!  The universe won't allow it.  Because that's not the whole story. 
There is ENERGY in that food!  Living life-force!  And if there isn't you probably shouldn't be eating it, or at the very least you shouldn't be eating it often.

Connect with the energy of your food. We are entering an energetic age, old things (ways) are passing away quickly.  Know your food. What gifts does garlic bring to you? Celery? Wheat? Wine?
It is your responsibility to know these things and not just take the advice of the latest trending facebook meme!  Some of those memes are the first step to some really great information. But you have to pursue it and find out if it feels genuine and true or if its just sensationalism to generate hits for someone who's making money "posting shit" on the internet!

Know your food.  If you "know" garlic, you can be thankful directly to the energy it contains and KNOW that it is a wonderful energetic connection to make!
Try to do that with a Big Mac with a clear conscience..... 

Thank your food directly for all it contains. To do that sincerely, you must get to know that food. Because its that very "gap" that keeps you from reaping the benefits of good nutrition. Separation is present in everything. Re-establish and realign your relationship with your food, beverages, herbs and all other things you consume.
The food itself does NOT heal you or even nourish you. Its the energy within it, the signature, the unique gift inside each morsel, that once connected to, is medicine and blessing to your whole being.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Next Phase - Not Filling In the Blank

Sharpened and paying attention like the edge of a Samarai Sword, no longer needing to fill in the blanks.
Living on the edge of GOD, of pure source, the apex of humanity - the apex of godhood.
Relinquishing human control, transforming a moment into the divine... walking on water, turning water to wine, stilling the storm, opening the eyes of the blind.
No longer needing to fill in the blanks.
What else is this but " All-Knowing"...?
This is Chirst Consciousness - the consciousness that the christed man Jesus functioned in.
Knowing without having to know.... without having to lable, name, prescribe.... without filling in the blank.
No conscious mental attachment OTHER THAN knowing!  Not knowing 'what', but the knowing itself!!!!  THAT is our mark.
It is bigger than trust... Trust only comes as a byproduct.
There is no effort in knowing.
Effort is an attempt at filling blanks with "nothing".... but it is filling the blank nonetheless.
There is no effort in knowing.
Knowing is the penacle of efforts exhausted, release, divinity.
To know beyond all knowing, there is no need to fill in the blank.
One with all.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Clear and Present Difficulty

The most difficult thing right now, in the brilliant light of those who are highly aware and ascending, is not to allow a thought process from the ego that brings you into comparison, therefore causing fear and feelings of inadequacy and failure! There is no room for that now!!!
Guard your hearts and your mind.
You are on a complete and unique path, and your journey is your own. You have not failed just because you are not experiencing the same things as others are!!! Yes, it's that vital!!!
Entertaining thoughts of comparison only causes you, YOU, too suffer needlessly. You are exactly where you need to be. Deal with what you have, who you are, your process as unique to you, no matter what it is. We all have our own energies to sort. There is no judgement! There is no voice for criticizing yourself or others! You do not hold the same space as ANYONE else!!! You are responsible only for your space, your energy, your path. No one else can clear your space and bring it into alignment but you. Don't judge it.
Some of us have very dark energy to sort out. We have this because we are the only ones for this task. Accept your assignment, your path, and do not judge it or compare it to anyone else's. It will only hurt you, and consequently those in your network. It will bog you down and just cause you to struggle with unnecessary baggage.
It is in order to OBSERVE others and partake of their experiences and wisdom. That is their gift to you. Allow it. But do not get caught in the trap of comparing yourself to anyone.

It Has To Go Somewhere

That energy has got to go somewhere! Where do you think it's going?? It doesn't just dissolve and disappear... It may change, it may move.... But it goes somewhere and it affects something. Are you responsible for YOUR energy?

Saturday, October 11, 2014


Process is the way of this world. No one gets "there", no one gets ANYWHERE outside of process. There is no instance of bypass or shortcut. Attempting to do that is the "magic" referred to in the Bible as forbidden. Forbidden because it corrupts the process by which you EVOLVE. If you are not conscious of your journey, you have not evolved. For consciousness itself is evolution! Forbidden magic causes evolutionary defects - personally and for the collective whole. All things come by process in this world. Order. Magic was forbidden because it usurped process. Only the "magic" of tru spirit is authentic. This magic flows with and amplifies the process.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

15 Minute Stories

Us and our pithetic 15 minute stories of "life"!!!
We confine ourselves to the limits of histories and various other stories and ridicule children for having "imagination" and believing faerie tales.
You stupid "humans" have swallowed the grandest illusion of all!
You have come to accept your own characters as real!
You  honestly believe that being "Degree'd" qualifies you as an expert or even Master at life.

What if.... there was no language.
No language at all.
Pay attention to what I've suggested... And what I've not suggested!
I didn't say "what if you couldn't talk"....
I didn't say "what if you didn't understand the language of those around you"...
I didn't say "what if you couldn't hear".....

What if there WAS NO language.  At all.  Whatsoever.

Look at the person closest to you.
Look at them.

What do you feel?

No language.
Awake, aware, conscious fully and completely.  But no language.
Without language.

How do you feel.........

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

October 8 2014 Blood Moon #Eclipse Message

Come what may...

The barriers are gone.  You're not held in but nothing is held out either.
Rough terrain.....
Has no meaning anymore.
It's all the same on this level.
Be conscious... In every moment by-pass old ways and move forward!
It gets very real from this point on... Your pain, your struggle, any and all aspects of 3 dimensional life!!!!
If you are aware of a choice that will take you beyond 3D, take it!!!
It's different now.
You're a fool to believe for one second that you can "get away with" doing it the same old way ever again...
You've been warned....  And its the last one you'll most likely ever get!
Stop playing the game or you WILL be consumed by it!!!
Don't play.
Don't look back.
The end of the age has come.

You are gods.  You have nothnig to fear but yourselves.  The choice is yours.  It always has been.

Acknowledge your tribe and start participating in it!!!  If you don't you will be removed without notice.
You know.

Come what may

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Limit Kids

Do you limit kids?
Or prepare kids???
Whatever they can or can't deal with in life as an adult will depend on how they are prepared as a child to "deal with".

Reading Energy

Learning to read energy.... Just look at the manifestations.
Learning to read... Braille,  read faces, read palms, read stars, read weather...
Read energy.  A language just like any other. A language of surroundings, cultures, objects, nature.
A language of reactions. A language of feeling and noticing and seeing why that is.


Let your desires draw you to the places you need to be, to have the experiences you need to have, in order to build the being you wish to be.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Don't Be Manipulated

Take great care not to be manipulated by the energies around you...

Energies are intense now.... More intense than ever before, and it will not subside, it will only grow stronger.
Do not be manipulated...
Are you creature or are you creator?
Are you god or are you sheep?
Only you can answer that for yourself, and there is no wrong answer.

Do not be decieved.
Remember how spirit behaves and how mind behaves and know the difference in every situation.
Do not entertain the spinning energies of the mind.
Do not entertain them!

Spirit is never threatened, never challenged, never dared.
Spirit is Joe Cool, Bruce Lee, Mae West.

Mind is frantic. Spinning ever faster.  Mind excretes guilt, fear, self-condemnation, judgement... Mind ASSUMES much and always stays in patterns of previous behavior without fresh intuition, always compares and criticizes, always falls short.

Mind is a container.
Spirit cannot be contained.

Life is the integration of spirit into mind into manifestation into "life".

Take great care not to be manipulated.....

Friday, September 5, 2014


Can you tell the difference between evidence of the mind and evidence of the spirit?  The rift between dimensions is growing, and evidence is an integral ingredient of the reality you build for yourself. If your evidence is of the mind, your reality will be based in experiences of fear, all that's wrong, all that COULD go wrong. Evidence of the spirit is subtle and cannot be detected by those with high spin... Only by those with low spin and high vibration.  The natural world is based on vibration, not spin....

Monday, August 4, 2014

Heart Energy

The reason I'm struggling so severely right now is that I've tried all my life to do it their way.... And it just won't fly anymore. If I can't live my life with heart energy, then I cannot live.

In the 60s, a generation entered this world with a mission. We came to this world to be heart creatures and this is in diametrical opposition to the way the system, the world, the matrix around us functions. It is ego, mind, law/rule based.
This "system" has destroyed many of us. We are recognized immediately as we enter this dimension! And we become targets.
Many who are not literally destroyed, survive on "life support", merely existing, but completely disconnecting with their heart, their mission, their true identity. They become assimilated into this matrix. They die a slow, meaningless, often diseased or medicated death. They are miserable.
Most, and I do mean MOST, are sexually abused as children. There is no greater harm, no more effective means by which to destroy heart energy than this.
Many become so confused with the "duality" they feel their whole lives that they actually enable and empower the matrix. These do this in absolute ignorance. They don't understand. Anything! Much less who they are, the power they have, and what their passion and purpose is. In their pain and often times madness, they find more "relief" by resisting or even attacking the very truth that can set them free.
Drugs. Drugs allow a familiar chord to be struck deep within. But with no guidance, no mentor, no shaman, this "feeling" is in vain. And drugs become an extreme, a crutch, a way to cope.

The reason so many struggle so severely right now, in this time, is that we've tried all our lives to do it their way. And it never works. It never did. It never will. It just won't fly.
We have reached the dawn of critical mass - If we can't live our lives with heart energy, then we cannot live.

I encourage you brothers and sisters... Live your heart energy! That is our only release. Love, self love, is our medicine! Fear is our poison. Stop buying that shit!!!
The heart energy that we carry, that we ARE, is pure power. We have nothing to fear.
We have nothing to fear.
We have nothing to fear.

Acknowledge your heart energy. Embrace it. It may seem scary because it does not fit into this matrix. But we are here to break these rules and integrate the holiness of source into this manifestation.
Don't try to fit this world's process and journey into your own preconceived notion of how it must play out. There will be severe "realignments". There will be devastation and destruction. Don't fear it and don't try to stop it! Let it happen, let it be, let it go... Trust.
Follow your heart.

It is the true truth, the true you.

A revelation inspired thru an excerpt from Ask The Heart from Lee Harris & Zachary. Ask The Heart (For it knows everything...)

Friday, July 25, 2014

The New

Whatever good, great, or glorious thing just happened - Yay!!! Now let it go!

Let it go!!!!

If you pause, hesitate, or "glory" in it for but a SECOND too long, it will rot in your soul and you will lose all its purpose and benefit.

If you want to keep up.... If you don't want to be "Left Behind".... Then DO NOT linger for even a second in the past.

Life is happening now. The time of "grace" is running out. Live or be left behind.
Hold on to nothing. You have the power, presence, and opportunity this very moment....

Stop thinking. Lose your mind. Allow the crazy. Get in touch with it. We are moving so fast that if you don't pay attention now, you're going to have to make the whole loop again in another world.

Keep moving!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Become One

Become one with the things you fear.
The things we fear are greater things than they used to be.
"Facing your fears" may no longer work.  Now, you may need to become one with them in order to heal them.
The things we fear are greater now...  We are further along the cosmic journey...  We require stronger medicine.
All medicine is within.

Strong Medicine for the Mature

Stop seeking the advice of others and do what you feel.  Let your medicine work for you.

The past is gone. Those ways are gone! Do it yourself!  And know..

Yes ask questions!  Yes listen to others! Yes pay attention to everything around you, for it is speaking to you!  But listen for your OWN  answers....
And recognize the healers and the prophets in your path.  Recognize.

Walk on your own.
Carry your staff.
Recognize, and fear not.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Is it time to redefine gratitude...?

Instead of gratitude, maybe the more evolved perspective is appreciation.
Appreciation is to fully grasp and enjoy, to engage with, and employ the very thing you appreciate.
Whereas our feelings about "gratitude" imply being thankful for things we don't comprehend, that we often don't feel worthy or deserving of.
Gratitude isn't wrong.
But may we expand and grow and evolve into yet a greater, richer, more brilliant perspective about even such a timeless and taken-for-granted concept such as gratitude?
Not only may we, but CAN we??

We don't typically offer presents to small children such as blenders.
What interest does a child have in a blender!?  Why they make milkshakes of course!!!
So why don't we give blenders to children as gifts, when they obviously have an insane vested interest in their value???
As a child, one may be grateful for the blender in the kitchen because it makes milkshakes. But they have no real appreciation  for the mahcine itself, how to use it safely and correctly or how to care for it in general.
Give a child a milkshake and they will light up and say "Thank You!"
Give a child a brand new blender and they'll look at you like you're crazy......

Are you filled with gratitude? I hope so.....

Are you appreciative? How do you know....

Its time to give ourselves permission to be mature.  Not "old"!  Not "dead"!  Not "square"!  Not "out of touch"!  But taller, with greater perspcetive, and responsible for our choices and our understandings.
Its time to grow up and be, and not look to others to "be" for us anymore.

The first time you get a brand new blender as an adult, you may choose to make Margaritas instead of milkshakes.... But as you push those buttons of your own blender for the first time..... That feeling that sweeps over you is called appreciation...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

The Final Letting Go?

For those of you who can handle it....
The message that I am getting now is one of Letting Go.
That message is as old as the Buddha but this is very different.  Very, very different!

This is an unprecedented letting go.... This letting go requires us to face the greatest challenge of our lives, of our era, of our current incarnate species.
I am being invited to let go of my very identity... Or at least the identity that I have held for 50 years in this current Earth and timeline.  Yes my "true self", my "authentic self"...  My nature, my dreams, my perspectives. Its not letting go of who I thought I was, or letting go of my ego self...  No.  Its much, much more - much, much deeper this time.  Let go of any identifying title, the genetics, the purpose, the path, and mostly let go of the details.  Gone.  Past.  Doesn't matter anymore.
This is likened to being awake for my own surgery - conscious, aware, and awake as a new identity is poured into my current consciousness!
How much are you willing to let go of!?!?  What some may call your very sanity???

I'm hearing report after report of the most bizarre, the most challenging, the most painful, the most unexplainable.......... I'm hearing people "feel" this horrible horribleness, this deep angst, this depressive energy.... And its almost impossible to fight off.  It comes and goes in waves.  It's not stopping this time.  It keeps coming back and it is NOT from inside ourselves.  Seasoned "awares" and empaths are being shaken to their core.  Strange body aches and pains with no real source. Memory issues, vision issues... And my animals are experiencing it as well!
The unbelievable atrocities in the world around us are mindboggling and soul shattering!  Many of us wonder how much more we can take.  We force ourselves to hold onto this beautiful new world inside our hearts and patiently wait for everyone to "wake up" and join us..... (BTW, It's not gonna happen like that!)

And then.... A withdrawal.
The need to absorb back into nature.  The compulsion to abstain from normal activity.  Change patterns, change routines, stop habits.  Stop.  Just..... Stop.  Stop participating.  And feel the new that's happening.... Because it IS happening!!!

Truths and standards I held just moments ago are fleeting away, blowing behind me as if I've been shot forward out of a rocket. People that I follow on social sites and strongly believe and support their causes and their messages.... gone. They are lifeless.  I know I am a fool to hold onto 1) my old perceptions and standards of measure, (and by old  I mean 2 seconds ago!!!), and 2) what spirit is pulling me, or inviting me,  away from.  Its still a choice!

The mind wants to justify keeping some things.... keeping the good things..... You don't know me so you may not understand or realize that when I say "good", well read some of my other blog entries...
I mean doing and supporting good, right things...  The things that probably anyone reading this is yearning for!  A new way, a better way, a way of spirit that knows no greed and oppression, true healing, honesty and integrity.... A way of freedom from control and slavery. A way beyond plastic and petro and money.... beyond synthetic chemicals, a way and a world that embraces, supports and nourishes our gifts and talents rather than meaningless pieces of paper.....
The "good & right" things we have been doing have served their purpose but we've filled that cup.... It's time to let it go, let go of the outcome, let go of our preconceived notions of what the outcome looks like and how it will arrive.  Many of us have come to believe that our beautiful, love & light filled intentions and prayers and meditations are the answer....
But my spirit is saying No.... for god sake let it go..... that is NOT what you think it is anymore! Things have truly changed....

So many are expecting things to "happen" or "appear" in some outwardly grandiose way.....!
That is the incubator of deception - What is "real" is so much more subtle - It is Spirit.  
And it constantly challenges our "belief systems". 

This is "the new".  This is it!  It's happening!  
It DOES NOT MAKE SENSE to the "old" and to the "mind".
Do you have the courage to accept what you're feeling inside, when it defies all reason... Even good reason???

Let go of it ALL...
That is the message of now
It is not for everyone, but for those who think they're going mad.... Hey, you're not alone!

And on that note... Gobal Warming & Destroying the Earth

All of my personal "confirming sources" are giving a very similar message.
My current "spirit circle" consists of the messages of:

Dr Meg
Ben Davidson
Simon Vorster
Christopher Witecki

*Updated List 1.6.16

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Broken Curse

I need to live a broken curse.
Dying does not break the curse.
Dying in a curse only leaves the energy to the next one in line.
The curse is never removed until it is survived and lived beyond.
I need to live a broken curse.
All the prayers, spells and incantations in the world cannot break a curse that is not lived beyond.
Not the blood of goats, chickens, or Jesus will wash away a curse that you continue to live.

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sometimes I ask . . .

Sometimes I only ask people questions to read their energy.
Not because I need information, not because I don't understand....
But because I want to read what THEY think, what THEY believe, what THEY understand, HOW they're processing the information they (think they) have - this tells me what kind of energy they're putting out.

Because most of the time I have no need of their "information".  I don't believe it anyway BECAUSE of the energy it contains.  This is not to say that knowledge of the biology and mechanix of this matrix is in vain and useless.  On the contrary!!!  But who is it that truly gets the wisdom of it??  (Not many, not most.)

Lightyears . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Saturday, June 21, 2014

A Fine Line

There is a delicate balance between "reality", "illusion", and the story we choose to tell about them.  

Saturday, May 31, 2014

It's ALL About Consciousness

Everything in our lives "happens" to bring us into awareness.

"WHY!???"  we cry!

To make you aware.  To bring you into consciousness.
But rather than becoming conscious and aware in the moments and happenings of our lives, most people react.  They react to emotions that are created  from the mind rather than feel  the genuine emotion that is speaking from the heart.  Heart emotion is the feeling of the genuine energy of a moment.  Ego or mind emotion is a knee-jerk, physiological reaction, a programmed response, conditioning.  It is a response and a reaction based on the patterns established in the brain and brought to life thru the mind - ego. And yes, of course, these "thoughts and emotions" carry energy, which manifest the situations in our lives.

Hence the neo-popular concept of "you create your own reality".

This phrase confuses and frustrates most people!
They want  to believe in it.  They try to employ it in their lives by faking it till they make it....until the "good" vibrations manifest in their lives....  But the "good" often times never seems to manifest and so they give up and resent the very concept of you create your own reality.  They blow it off as just more new age bullshit.

What are they missing......?

The moment.

In our lives...
To bring us into...

From the point of consciousness, we see clearly.
We see our reality as it truly is, not as ego presents it.
We are aware.  We are aware of what is actually happening.
And we are NOT reacting  to the "possibility" programs running thru the brain.
We are NOT responding to emotions.
We are feeling  the emotions, acknowledging the emotions,
REALIZING  what the emotions are about, rather than allowing the emotions to force our behavior.
And in this sense, we have gained absolute control of our own being.
We have become CONSCIOUS.

The more conscious we become in each and every moment of our lives - THIS is when we begin to see  'you create your own reality' manifest "the good" that we are seeking.  THIS is where you begin to experience POWER over a 3 dimensional, material world.  THIS is where the concept of "faith" becomes a conscious knowing, rather than a religious edict.

As you mature, you begin to realize your true god nature to create.  Not as a child who simply wants to create candy and toys and eradicate all grown ups!  But as an adult who understands that there are much more magnificent things than only candy and toys!!  There are worlds to create!  Just as the one we live in now.... that is controlled by ego reactions and emotions, that creates darkness, sorrow, pain, and fear.

Just as "the good" begins to manifest for the aware, so does darkness manifest for the ego.  For the ego is but a tool, not the real soul.  It is the highest form of artificial intelligence!  And when the soul of a being is NOT in control of its own intelligence system, it is left open to be controlled by others.
This results in the current system of control and slavery we see on this planet.

You cannot fight it.
You can only become aware, thereby expanding CONSCIOUSNESS.
And consciousness IS god.  God, is simply being conscious.
The greater our awareness grows, the more conscious we become, the more we identify with the concept of, and equality with, god.

Many use terms like "god consciousness", "christ consciousness", "source", "universal", "life force" . . .  All meaning, infinite beings that are increasingly CONSCIOUS.

I will leave you with a simple example of being conscious in the moment:
I watch people walk their dogs.
It irritates the shit outta me!
Because they are so UNconscious of what they're doing and then wonder why they struggle or why "things happen".
I see dogs get tangled in leashes. I see dogs drag their dumb humans like sleds.  I see dogs run into the road because they're on extendable leashes and the human is clueless as to how to use the damn thing.

When I walk my dog, I am conscious of his pace and how much leash he needs in order to walk freely and yet not trip and get tangled in excess dangling leash!  I just feel it.  I'm conscious of it without even trying. You may even call it "paying attention".  I meticulously, yet instinctively use my hands and fingers to control the amount of leash that is free.  I constantly adjust, reeling in slack or letting out more leash, because I feel it.  I am conscious of it.  It is effortless.  My dog never gets tangled.  Awareness.
My dog is crazy.  He has neurological issues.  He will drag my large ass like a paper doll!!  If I let him.  I am aware of this.  I don't let him drag me.  I secure his collar under his jaw (so he doesn't choke himself) and I tighten the leash so he can't move beyond my side.  When he is relaxed, I loosen the leash.  Because I'm aware of his energy and his actions.
I have an extendable leash.  In the house.  I do not use it except on special, controlled occasions.  Why? Because I am aware!  Aware of the fact that it is broken.  Aware of the fact that my dog is crazy (unpredictable).  Aware of the fact that if you try to "reel in" a dog on a broken (non-locking) retractable leash using your hands, you will get ROPE BURN or get your fingers chopped off!  I DO NOT put my dog or myself in that position of danger knowing I am not able to predict the circumstance outside that may cause him to react and attack another dog, run into the street, get excited to greet a small child and knock them down in his enthusiasm.... Because I am aware.
I am aware.  It is not a plan.  It is not something I ever need to "think about".  It is "in the moment" awareness.  And because of this consciousness, we have very blessed walks, my dog and I.  I don't have to fear what "MIGHT HAPPEN"!!!  Because I am conscious in every moment of the walk.

What do YOU fear?  How could becoming conscious in the moment "cure" that fear for you?

Everything in our lives is designed to bring us into consciousness.
Start Paying Attention!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Becoming the Adult

Its so hard for us when others don't see things the way that we do.... Because we are afraid, deep down, that at some point in our interaction, the other person is going to cause an inconvenience or interruption in what WE THINK is how WE should be doing things!!!
In these moments, I propose that we don't really give a shit about the other person.... Their growth, or their understanding, or whether they're right or wrong even!!! We're just afraid that their way of seeing things will manifest in our lives in a very real way, and that manifestation will be one that takes us in a direction opposed to the one WE THINK we should be taking.
Therefore, being compassionate and understanding towards people we do not see eye to eye with, is challenging at best! We are ultimately afraid of one of two possibilities: We are afraid of them "attaching" to us and dragging us underwater with them to drown in what we know to be the wrong vibration; OR We're afraid of facing the possibility that we are NOT in control of the situation and that it may be our ego in action, and our own ego is always uncomfortable to face and when the attachments are OURS, letting go is an ordeal that we do not want.

So we resist and argue "our point".

Realization is upon us! 
The realization that we CAN be in control of every situation, just like GOD, if we are genuinely free of fear!
We become fully god manifested.

The Crack in the Glass

Never expect bad things to happen.

When you think, "But 'what if'...!?" . . . . That's YOU cracking the glass!
The more "pressure" you build up behind it, the more likely it is to explode and allllll your worst nightmares (thoughts) come true...

All things happen for one of 3 reasons: 

To make us conscious of something, 
To raise our awareness in general, 
To teach us to pay attention to energy always.
If your consciousness... 

is aware... 
and you are paying attention to the energy...... 
That is the point and there is no need (no gap to fill, no karma to satisfy...) for "nightmares" to come to life, in order to show us the cracks in the glass. Because we never cracked the glass! (Cracks = Doubt, Fear, Worry).

Consciousness! It's all about consciousness!!!
Consciously acknowledge everything. 

Consciously choose your path in the midst of that everything.
Will you choose fear or will you choose love?

THAT is your creative power.
THAT is how your thoughts manifest.

There are patterns of consciousness - which look like blessings.
And there are patterns of ego - which look like suffering.
Not all patterns are bad patterns.
Good patterns "happen".
Bad patterns are "constructed".

Just look at these people who play effortlessly with lions and sit with wild beasts in complete peace and even fellowship!!!
No cracks.
THAT is a situation under complete control of GOD, Source, Spirit, The Universe - of which you ARE.
YOU ARE that, if you choose to be.
The ultimate "god-step"....
Total confidence in "godhood" and your "oneness" with it.

That's how Jesus turned water into wine, and walked on top of the waves of the sea.
He did not fear equality with GOD. He embraced it.

All suffering is NOT the consequences of standing in truth.
Most suffering is the result of unconsciousness and unawareness. How can you pay attention to energy if you are not aware of its presence or conscious that it exists?
If all your thoughts are focused, controlled, manipulated into ego... into mind... 

That is lack of consciousness and lack of awareness.

And THIS is why we have compassion!  (Not everyone is as aware as me.....)

And THIS is "The Way" that we show.....  (The example of godhood, which is freedom from all fear, and complete confidence in our identity with source.)
It is the Way to ever expanding consciousness.

The Reading of Energy

Ultimately, your reason, your answer, your decision must be "Because it does not resonate with me" !!!!
Ultimately.... ULTIMATELY... You should have NO OTHER REASON for what you choose!!!!!
The reading of energy.

No longer because of political association, no longer because of religious beliefs, no longer because it's a GMO, not because you don't have the money, not because it's not your style of music, not because you're male or because you're female, not because you're vegetarian, not because you don't have a degree, not because there's a storm,

Not because it's the smart thing to do, not because it's logical, not because it's a great opportunity, not because it's easier, not because no on cares, not because you'd make a lot of money, not because you really really really want to.......

But because it resonates... or it does NOT resonate... with your own personal vibration, your own personal sense of "knowing", your own unique intuition for YOU... Your own True Inner Sense.

The times they have changed.
It is time to take god-steps.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

If You Lead, They Will Follow

If you lead, they will follow...

This is a statement of physics.
It is the concept of energetic magnetism,

Because it IS indeed true and quite easy to demonstrate!
So easy that its amusing.

So "Be the change you want to see in the world" can be demonstrated by "If you lead, they will follow".
It basically works like static electricity.  Your "movement" will create a magnetic "cling" that will attract almost everyone in your path.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nothing Matters

Ultimately, nothing matters.
All is pointless and meaningless.
Nothing is real.
Everything is an illusion.
So why are you here?

Ultimately, nothing matters.  All is pointless.
Unless it matters to YOU.
THIS..... makes you god.
Its that simple.

Friday, April 11, 2014


I don't know what people expect when they pray for peace!  Its not a big fluffy magic blanket spread over us by angels!!!!!!
To ask for peace is to ask for a resolution...
It is to ask for the things that cause the anxiety, to be resolved!
You can't truly RESOLVE things without facing them, dealing with them, sorting them out.
The way to peace is to work thru the conflict.  It cannot magically "go away"!!!  That's not what peace is.
So when you ask for peace.... Wake up and realize what you're asking for and stop whining when it comes!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Faced With the Darkness

When faced with the darkness, you choose the light.
Every time.

THAT is the change that will evolve us as a species, as an entity, into true lasting peace, prosperity, abundance, health, happiness and love.

To be tested, tried, pushed, shoved, shit on, abused, beaten down, down, down...... And still freely choose the light...

To have it all.... And still freely choose the light...

To have nothing.....

To be famous, isolated, brilliant, celebrated, misunderstood.....

To be wise or foolish.
Slave or master.
Religious or atheist.
Diseased or miraculously cured.

Scarred, imperfect, angry and hurt.
Hopeless.  Destitute.  High.  Deliriously happy.

When faced with the darkness, you choose the light.  Every time.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

As God

Every time you deal with another being, of any species, you are dealing with them AS GOD.
Are you an angry god?
Are you a shallow god?
Are you an ass-kissing god?
Are you a weak god, too afraid of what others think of you to do "your job"?
However you think of another being, that is how god thinks of them....
(That one is loaded - be careful!!!)
However you treat another being, that is how god treats them.

You are god.
You are god's child.
You are god's representative.
You are god's image.
You are god.  To every being you interact with.

It is the time for those with consciousness, to be as god in the Earth.
Stop seeking and start being.
This is not a rule.  This is not a command.
It is a word. An acknowledgement. An announcement. A shared realization.
"Yes, you are not crazy.  This is happening."

Are you honest?
Do you speak the truth?
Are you empathetic?  Do you feel the pain of the sheep? The children? The weak? The lost?
What would you have "god" do with these...?
If you were god, what would YOU do with these?

What do you expect god to do for you?
As you judge, so shall you BE judged.
As you measure, so shall you BE measured.
Do you have integrity?
Can you sleep at night without endless conversation to convince yourself that you did nothing wrong....?
Is your conscience truly so clear that nothing offends you?
Can you forgive . . . . . . . . . . ?

Because as he is in the world, so are we.....

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Throne of God

The Throne of God is the resting place of that, which makes us what we want to be.

Every moment of every day we reckon with the Throne of God.
We deal with that place, that spot, that moment where decision lies waiting to be made, waiting to be chosen and enacted.
We deal with the sorting of ideas and choices made every moment of every day.
This place is the Throne of God.
Where our own "judgment" sits and weighs what we want, what we need and what we do.
There is no long-white-bearded man sitting there that can pass any greater judgment than we ourselves choose.
The evolved soul realizes their part as God, as One, as All.
And while the energy of that which is even more evolved, even more refined, even greater, even more...... more than us... is evident and need not be evangelically whipped into any soul, while we acknowledge what is obvious, we can no longer as matured and evolving souls deny our place in "God", our Oneness as God. Jesus had no trouble with this.
The Throne is the resting place...
What rests there is that which makes us into what we want to be...
Many think this is all there is to God and do not even truly grasp this small portion.
For them there is the Kool Aid of death or the Kool Aid that comes with cookies and crayons to color pictures of Jesus with.  And that's ok.
They realize not, that this is their own judgment and will be till the day they mature and begin to see that it is they who are making all the choices, decisions and judgments that affect their lives.
And that this is God.
And the Throne of Judgement is merely a seat where rests choice...

Once you have burnt your hand in the fire you need no ALMIGHTY BEING to send you to hell, punish, condemn or judge you!  You have manifested your own sufficient judgement.
Have you not???