The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Sunday, December 21, 2014

2014 Winter Solstice New Moon in Capricorn Message

Ok, ready for this....?!

Disconnect from the programming of the traditional, prescribed functions of ALL your biological apparatus and systems .~.
UNLIMIT your eyes... and therefore see beyond the pre-script-ion !
Disconnect from ALL you thought you knew.
Meditate, and feel yourself unplug alllll those connections to what you've always believed to be reality.
The message is :  This is the Time of the Great Apocalypse.  Apocalypse means "revealing"! Not "wrath of god"! It is the time when the truth of who we are is being uncovered. The Veil is lifted.
All things are possible!
Disconnect from everything you thought you wanted and be filled with what is your true energetic match.
Disconnect from reasons, logic, anticipations, and expectations.
Disconnect, disconnect, disconnect.
Empty the box.
You can have everything new. But only if you completely disconnect from everything you thought you knew.

New #History

The value of "history" in our current journey is to see it thru new eyes... evolved eyes, mature eyes, to gain a yet clearer image of all things, to see what evolution has unearthed and revealed to us now! 
Afterall, it is the time of The Great Apocalypse...
All of history has changed!  None of it is as it used to be - meaning that the stories of what we thought we knew based on our "history" was like telling children that babies come from the Stork because they are not yet mature enough to grasp the technicalities of reproduction and its emotional complexities!
Now that you've been enlightened with experience and maturity... Take another look.
It's not what you always believed it to be, is it!?
Not even sacred texts such as the Bible... Not from a religious perspective OR an anthropological perspective!

So stop repeating the story of the Stork as if you were still a child!

Allow  history to come into a clearer alignment.

Many teach that "history" is ego and therefore not real, but a distraction to our becoming enlightened and fulfilled beings. Bullshit. "Living in the past" is ego, not real and a distraction to our enlightenment and fulfillment process...! History is not 'living in the past'. It's more like looking at the sole of your foot, or catching a mirror reflection of your back. You don't walk on your knees to keep your soles in constant sight, nor do you obsess over what your back looks like just because its not in easy view, but your feet and back are certainly part of you and you are NOW. And you care for them NOW and they are part of who you are NOW. Without them you would not be whole, you would not be YOU, you would not be.
Again, look at those "old teachings" about ego, and history thru new  enlightened eyes!!!  Because assuming that those old teachings about ego will be forever current... is ego.  

History is alive and exciting! It is speaking new things to us.

Knowledge Over Intuition

Being "conscious" doesn't mean you don't intellectually know anything, it just means you know it from a different place.
It also doesn't mean that you don't have need of knowledge.

Proper knowledge comes from experience and intuition. It comes from living your own unique life.
It does not come from schools, or books, or instructors! It DOES NOT come from there.

Classes, seminars, workshops..... All well and good - IF you realize what they're for. They are NOT for giving you knowledge.
Knowledge that does not come from a genuine desire and undeniable curiosity is merely lifeless rhetoric.

True knowledge is more of an awakening than "learning". All knowledge is already inside your being. If you're drawn to a seminar like bear to a honey pot, then you are not going to that seminar to "learn", you are going to be nourished! 
This experience feels completely different than "course work", and studying, and homework, and testing.....
The desire and curiosity to know is living energy. When it is engaged and nourished and celebrated it does not get you a degree or license or certification.....
It makes you god.