The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

A #Message of #Hope For the Most #Broken of Broken

A message of hope for the most broken of broken.....

If you feel torn... Conflicted.... Like Jekyll and Hyde....
So soft and tender and empathic, so filled with compassion and love!!!
And then so filled with rage, and disgust that you want to light the match that blows it all away!!! Completely hopeless and all you want to do is die because you KNOW there's nothing left to fight for...

If you know things that no one ever taught you.... If it baffles you how ignorant and downright dumb most people are.... If you've belittled yourSELF just to try to feel normal or to fit in and make others feel... less stupid....

If you are overcome and overwhelmed with trying to maintain your shit these days.... YOUR shit, internal shit.... Sanity! Just basic lifeskills that don't involve drugs or alcohol or self-injurous tools....

If you are stricken with grief at the things you see in this world.... If you feel so strongly inside that the solutions are SO VERY SIMPLE and you see that NO ONE seems to grasp that!!!

If you have come to the point where you are no longer joking about how you feel like an alien! You REALLY are starting to believe that you are from some other world because of how painfully you just do not fit in here....

If you have moments where you genuinely feel and know in your gut how love really is the answer and you realize that no one around you even knows what love is, even though they say it all the time...

When you are filled with tears of joy because you could help someone.... even in the smallest of ways.... When you are so moved by witnessing acts of selfless kindness that you cry in public.....

When you assume you are sick or crazy.... Because no one is like you and no one truly understands what you see....

Well, I'm here with this message for you, in this peculiar hour of our journey.... To let you know that you are NOT alone - All of "us" feel the same way.

We are all looking for each other because we share the same frequency. We are scattered in order to form a grid, a network of energy, that is somehow very important to this step in our journey.
We ARE from another world - A world that has already fought all these human battles and evolved.
We ARE from the future, we DO know things that we've never been taught here, and we are very alien to this Era of humanity.

They are up shit creek yall!!!

I know it sounds cliche to say that we're here to help them.
It also sounds...... pointless! Because no one is listening to us, or seeing us.
A lot of us do indeed become so overwhelmed that we take ourselves out.
Robin Williams....

This message is to tell you that this is NOT your imagination, you are NOT ill, you are NOT crazy, and you are NOT alone.....
Your very presence is a receiver and transmitter of the true energy of love for anyone who may still have room in their hearts to embrace it and evolve out of this 3 dimensional shit storm that they have created. You may feel worthless, and that you have no love inside of you. But that just isn't the case. Those feelings are the result of living in this world and struggling with the programming that all humans receive here.

You ARE an alien.... At least to them. You ARE from the future, you DO know the ways of love and peace that they only talk about, you DO understand things that make no sense to everyone around you.... Its ok! Embrace it now. Stop running from its weirdness and realize that you are indeed one who came to this world to help it.

YES!!! It is that fucked up here!
So fucked up that the love and peace and wisdom we have attained in the future is "craziness", literal mental illness, to them. That's how far from a sustainably, viable reality they are! Its no joke! And at this phase of the rotation in the galaxy, there is no more room for what is not viable. It is all collapsing in on top of them.

I know everything in you wants to leave, indulge, run.... to kill the agony of this energy!
But stand strong...... You are what they would call a superhero, you've mastered all this before. It is the loving, giving, selfless heart of gods and goddesses that rule the Universe. Love IS god. Remember who you are. Against all odds, remember who you are!!! And never deny truth, love, kindness, generosity, honor! Never sell your soul!

This is your only task here, to stand and not be swayed.
To stand and not forsake love.
It doesn't mean you take shit!
It doesn't mean you allow yourself to be abused, and it doesn't mean you never fight back!
It means that you know when and how and why you do everything you do.
It means you know that this world is only a drop in the bucket of "life" and existence.
The picture is so much bigger!!!
And we are from a place that has mastered love, life, joy, adventure....
And we came back to help.

Because....... Why not.

Friday, July 29, 2016

The Meaning Of The #Chaos

The meaning in the chaos is this.....
If no holds were barred, what would you choose!?

There are NO HOLDS BARRED right now....  Hence the chaos.... There are no anchors! Nothing preventing you from making a core, gut choice about what you think and feel as a human being!

Not quite there yet? Still have "something" to hold onto??
No worries! The Universe will make sure that everyone gets a shot at a "free choice".

There IS NO FUTURE mapped out yet! Hence the chaos. What direction will we take this game in next?? The free floating insanity is by design and it alone will prove where each individual heart wants to go.
Nothing is locked down yet.
It could go any way still...

No one can make solid sense of anything now.
Old rules and laws are not working anymore.
This is perfectly reflected in the current American presidential competition show.
It is a show. It is not at all what the American standard posits it to be. It is not real. It is not true. It is not democracy. It is all part of the game that humanity has allowed to develop.
Are you tired of it yet?
Are you afraid of it yet?
Most importantly, have you figured it out yet!?

The chaos is here to free everyone up into absolute nonsense, and therefore see what you're really made of.

The chaos is to see what you're really made of!!!

No one is going to tell you the right way to go.
There is no message or messenger that will come and suddenly set things right, or set you free (YOU'RE ALREADY FREE!).
The entire point of this Era is for humans to recognize and embrace their Sovereignty, their Divinity, true Source Unity, true Christ Consciousness.

Do not fight it. Do not try to force it to make sense.
Embrace the chaos and let it carry you where it will!
Because where ever you are, you will have to make the choice and the decision of WHO YOU ARE in that moment, now and forever more! And that is what this Era is all about!!!

Slavery or Sovereignty.
The choice is yours.
And no, Unity is not what you think it is either!!!
Those who have chosen wisely will NOT continue to suffer with the foolish and fearful!
And no, we are all One does not mean that those who have awakened and made the refining choices of Sovereignty will "save" those who have chosen foolishly.
There is no escape! But there is a Way.....
Ask and you shall receive. But you will not be forced to accept.

"And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

Do YOU believe the lie....................................?