The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

#Message from the #Gemini New #Moon June 4 #2016

we need the energy of love for one another now more than ever.
not for big horrible tragic things...
but for everyday things like cars crapping out, unexpected bills or the IRS, papercuts, recipes gone wrong, babies teething, animals around us, feeling yukky......

cover all these things that you become aware of with love!
send them love.
love them with all your heart and don't worry about yourself.

we are about to lose communications....

do you know how to reach one another...?

Friday, June 3, 2016

#Afraid of Your Own #Rhythm

Even after all this processing, many if not most of you are still afraid to follow your own rhythms for fear that you're being selfish or disconnecting or isolating yourself from others when we're supposed to be climaxing into ultimate time of unity.
Many still have shadow programs running in the background from christianity or even films like The Secret, pulling your energy toward positive confessions and affirmations in order to "create" the life you want.
This is bullshit.

There are many facets to the era in which we live!!!
Most of you don't yet realize the distinction between one from the other and think they are all the same thing.
Not so.
Those feeling the highest sense of the current powerful spiritual influx of transformation are actually struggling because of these old programs that do not apply to you.
YOU - in this time - have been called to SERVICE, meaning your life is not your own to do what you want with.
Does this mean free will is exempted??
Not at all.
If you are this far along the ascension path then you know in some part of your conscious being that we have made choices and decisions "on the other side" before coming into this 3rd dimensional arena that direct the course of this present "life". And if you have come this far, you have most likely evolved to a point where service was your next, most heart-felt choice for this time and this life.

So I offer you this message as encouragement.
Stop struggling with trying so hard to achieve a life you did not intend to live at this time.
Those who are truly here to live the life of service, are actually relieved and most happy, when the burden of "being normal" is removed from them.... The 3rd dimensional concept of "accomplishment" and "success" and all the "things" that will make you happy.
I suggest to you - Let Go of all those hopes and dreams.
Don't hate them or kill them or even disbelieve them! But do let them go!
They are causing you to suffer because your pursuit of these dreams and desires - tho not wrong - are DEMANDING that you go a certain way - when that is not the path that serves your purpose here and now.

Let go of it.
And pay attention to what happens in your life.
Live in the moment, not planning your life out in the future.

Stop getting caught up in the buzz and the energies around you.
Yes, I'm sure that ALL OF YOU are Empaths, meaning  you - not just feel - but TAKE ON the thoughts feelings and emotions of others. and most often regard them as your own when they are not! 

Separate yourself and get healthy!
Stop following ANYTHING but your own hum and rattle.... Your own drum, your own rhythm.
You will know when to stop and listen. You don't have to fight and argue. You don't have to study and learn. Just be. Its SO simple you cannot believe that its truly this way.
But it is.... Simple.... Not easy - Simple. Easy comes with living it.

Consider:  I am here to serve. I am not being left out of any type of blessing! I already have everything forever. This life is one of service.
Embrace it.
Find your peace and your joy.
But stop struggling to find your life, your purpose, your soul mate, your abundance !!!

Let go.

And THEN..... follow your urge.