The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

If You're Not Wealthy

If you are not wealthy or seeking wealth with every ounce of your being, you are a bad person. Something is wrong with you. You are lazy. You are making excuses. You are a user, a parasite. You are a piece of shit. You're irresponsible. You are worthless.
Because there is no other way of being! You must have money!
You cannot survive without money!
Money is not evil it is only a tool like everything else in this world!
There's nothing wrong with wanting it, craving it, fighting to get it.
Doing what you have to do to get money is always justified.

Every problem in this world can be easily traced to money.

Arguments in its favor sound like a pedophile trying to justify sex with a child by calling it misunderstood love.....!

Money is indeed a tool. Used ultimately to control the world by those who have the most of it.
Of course not everybody uses it this way!!!!!!!!!!! Stupid!!!!! There are individuals who use money for good on a small scale all day every day.
But people who don't use it to control others, could be content and still maintain their integrity and purpose without it.
If you took money away from all the others..... They'd just find another way to control people so that they were in power and the masses of people were afraid and subservient.

It's all a game of power and control.... Call it money, wealth, success.... Call it whatever you want. The energy behind it is all the same.

Every problem in this world can be directly attributed to money!!!
If good people having lots of money would make the world a better place.... What does that say about everybody in the world with lots of money today!?
What are they doing with it!?
Where is the change?
Where is it promoting love, peace, and prosperity for all?
Why is anyone still fighting for anything?!?
There's plenty of everything for everybody!!! Why are there still "problems" and "issues" in the world today?????


Prove me wrong.

Read this again, only this time, replace the references to money, wealth, and success with guns, protection, and security.

Same story isn't it.........
The energy behind it... Is the same.

A battle of dualities.
Enlightened people....  Should be "getting" this.
Money is a component of an obsolete world. We're building a new world based on entirely new frequencies, new physics, different dimensions of reality! Why are you still trying to take the concept of money with you.......
Let it go.
Put your money where your teachings are....

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