The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Trust - Time to Get Over It!

Never trust another - only trust yourself! That removes the burden of having to perform or live up to your expectations from the other person. It relieves the pressure of making them feel they have to be somebody other than who they are. It removes the temptation for them to lie!!

People make mistakes. Everything we do affects everyone around us.

We can't control everybody and everything.... So just control yourself.

Trusting yourself rather than trusting other people makes YOU responsible for YOU.... No one else is responsible for you, and you're not responsible for anyone else.

YOU are not someone elses job. So don't force that on them.

Learn to trust YOURSELF! Then you'll know how to safely navigate relationships with others.

If you trust yourself, and someone you love lies to you - will you know it?

If you trust yourself, and someone you love lies to you - will you love them any less? Truly!?

I trust myself to know when someone around me is off balance....

Rather than being stone cold liars, most people are just not honest with themselves! They're not "liars".... Their just off balance, and until they realize that for themselves and choose to change, there's nothing anyone else can do about it.... Except love them...

Learn to trust yourself, then maybe I'll trust you...

Till then, stop whining and pay attention.

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