The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dropped Off and Left

If you were a god, and you lost your "god-powers", what would you do, how would you do it, and why would you do it that way? What would be your purpose? 

Remember, there is an element of truth in every notion. Usually a truth-turned-up-side-down.

Live your life as if you were still a god. The essence of god-hood is not in the powers, its in the nature of the heart. The "human" challenge is to believe that the god-hood is still in tact even though the powers are offline. The true identity of god is I AM. Not I CAN or I HAVE or even I WILL, SHOULD or MUST.... but I Am......

If we can find that, and keep our eye on it, rest in it... GENUINELY REST - let go and know, then we have all things. We are gods.

I already have all those billionaire things.... I really do.

But for some reason that I don't yet recall, I have chosen to be here, now, in this life/situation.

Let go, and let is serve its purpose.

I know this one won't truly speak to many.... but it can speak to some.

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