The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Only You

Time never actually changes - time is and always was - NOW.

What changes is how you see NOW!

"This won't work because it never did in the past!" is an erroneous idea.

There is no past. What 'didn't work' is your perception.

Nothing 'out there' ever changes - it responds. According to your perception.

The only thing that changes is how you see things.

Only YOU ever change!

"Out there" is a culmination we call reality, of how you respond - what you choose - what you perceive.

By choosing to see the glass half empty instead of half full creates an opportunity for you to make more choices based on your perception of how much water is in the glass.

For example, if you're thirsty you may choose to become irritated that the glass is half empty. Irritation causes you to lash out at those around you. Those around you then become irritated. This could cause you to be careless and spill the water in the glass. Then you might choose to be angry. See how this scenario could escalate and change based on the choices YOU make?

For example, if you're thirsty you may choose to be ecstatic that the glass is half full. Relief for your thirst causes you to become calm and satisfied. This could cause you to fall asleep on the couch with an empty glass in your hand. No one may even know you're in the room. See how this scenario could easily pass without notice based on the choices YOU make?

How many other "glass of water" scenarios can you think of?

Why??? Why can you think of other scenarios around the same platform of a glass of water...?

Because of choices. Many, many choices.... That only you can make for yourself, in the moment.

And every single choice you make causes different reactions, and therefore different manifestations in your "reality".

You cannot control the sourness of a lemon or the sweetness of honey.

Or can you. More importantly, why would you want to?

Some say that not only are the lemons not sour nor the honey sweet... but that neither of them actually exist at all! They are only "manifestations" of what you believe they are.

So the next logical question is.... Why then, do we ALL see the same lemons, and we ALL perceive them to be SOUR??

How is it that we all perceive the exact same thing at the exact same time, everytime we see a lemon??

The point is perception and the basic "laws" of this world we live in, this earth, this plane of existence, this dimension.... Certain things appear basically the same for all people. Like the sourness of lemons. My perception of lemons however, is my choice.... I don't change the sourness, I change how I choose to experience it.

I can hate it because its sour.

I can tolerate it because its sour.

I can appreciate it because its sourness is actually an indication of other beneficial properties.

I can combine it with honey to compliment the sourness so that it actually becomes enjoyable.

I can like it because its sour!

These are all choices based on how I might perceive lemons. Choices. But the lemon never changes, only I do.

I am not changed by the lemon, I am changed by my choice.

My choice gives me my identity, makes me who I am, defines my energy.

There are billions of others seeing NOW also. This is why it often seems like you have no control over 'your world'.

So you are most likely to find peace when you are aware of the control you have over your immediate world - you can't change certain events, you can only change how you react to them, how you choose to experience them.

All those other billions of people represent every OTHER possible perception.

When we find others with like perception - we bond, we flow faster, we have a different frequency, we're stronger. Those that differ too far from our perceptions are like static, on a very low, dense frequency... Not very clear at all.

Put the horse before the cart and be amazed....

Stop thinking that changing the world is the answer. It isn't! You can't!

You can only change Y.O.U.

You can only be Y.O.U.

BE the change you want to see.

Act the way you want others to act.

Listen the way you want to be listened to.

Look as intently as you want others to look at you.

Feel the way you wish others would feel!


Let go.

Stop judging and worrying about the justice that "THEY" deserve.

"THEY" will get theirs!!!

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