The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Enlightenment without integration is merely delusion

by Keris Eure on 03/25/11

If our "enlightenment' is so far removed above or beyond anyone else's grasp, or anyone else's use or benefit... then we simply have our head in the clouds, and are worthless.
By definition, enlightenment must reach darkness and all, and any, who may be therein.  If sharing the limitless energy of the universe drains me... then I have a leak.  I, not you.  If I fear the dark, or anyone in it, then it is I with weakness, a blockage.  I, not you.
Lack, or absence of integration, is separation.  Distance is not separation.  Difference is not separation.
Awareness does not alienate... Choice alienates.  Unwillingness to be fearless and limitless separates.  For those who consider themselves enlightened and have nothing in common with the people they encounter, is to be somewhere else.... and not present... Separated, not integrated.

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