The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

America's New Government

We should elect our "public servants" the way we elect our Idols and favorite dancers..... you know it'd work!

We could also do a points system - vote online every 3 months, stay in office based on accumilated points.....! Come on... It would work..! They would have a lot less time to be political and much more reason to serve!

I asked "Name everything that's right with the United States government. Go!"

I posted this three times now.... and not one response. I take that back, it came up in a fb conversation and the "response" was.... 'ummmm...... I'm stumped.'

We LOVE AMERICA! But the government is just not working anymore.... They have too much money, too much comfort, too much job security.... but we feel guilty for saying it should change. We feel afraid to grow in our freedom. Everybody tries to tell us that there's only democracy, theocracy, communism, and socialism. They all leave out the one thing that gave birth to America in the first place - Personal Freedom.

What would we as citizens do without a government? No really. Think about it. What would you do?

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