Everybody wants value but nobody wants to pay for it...
Consider... If it's that valuable, don't you feel that it's worth the price attached? Why do certain items have higher prices than others? Because they're better than all the rest! When a craftsman or artisan puts their heart and soul, their natural, amazing talent into producing something of beauty, of uniqueness, of quality, of durability, of usefulness - why do people not want to pay them what they're worth? Don't you want to be paid what you're worth?
If you found a Ferrari for sale for $10,000, what would your first question be...? "What's wrong with it...?!" Right? Because most people know that a Ferrari is not just your average automobile. It's worth much more than $10,000. So to underprice it means..... something's wrong with it.
If you buy similar food products at the dollar store as you do at Publix... for only A DOLLAR.... doesn't that make you a bit nervous??? If you buy a Rolex from 'a guy on the street' for $100, don't you assume its either stolen or fake?
Again, everybody wants VALUE.... but no one's willing to appreciate that value by paying what its worth.
Because most people are afraid of money. Most people think that their lives depend on money.
There was a time not too long ago when a loaf of bread was only ¢25.... as was a gallon of gas. Is bread and gas more valuable now? No.
Prices went up. Wages went up. The minimum wage in 1967 was one dollar an hour. $1/hr. One dollar..... An hour..... One.....
Because that's all a person needed to scrape by in that economy.
"Economy"..... What's that word?! Here's one meaning... "the management of the resourc es of a community, country,etc ., especially with a view to i ts productivity."
The management of resources of a country... So we live in a country where we are free to make as much money as we want. Great! So if everybody always charges the same prices for everything, then.... no one makes any more money than their neighbor. So at some point, the competition began. At some point, somebody said "What I do has more value and therefore is going to cost you more." At some point, what I sell to you is in such high demand that I begin to work way too hard to get it for you - you're gonna have to pay me more. Because what I have is.... more valuable! It takes me more time to make a precision machine than it does to throw something together.... you're gonna have to pay me more. It takes more time to grow organic grains than it does to grow genetically modified, pesticide-covered grains... But organic is healthier so you're gonna have to pay me more. Because your health is worth it. I can charge you $25 to clean your house... How good of a job do you think I'll do, when everybody else in town is charging $100? I can't survive on $25 per house. Which means I have to do a lot more houses! Which means I don't have time to be as thorough as the ladies who charge $100.
"It's so expensive!!" They said the same thing when gas went from ¢25 to ¢35 a gallon...!
If you are wise, you will pay for what you want. You can get $25 sneakers at Walmart and wear them for 6 months before they fall apart. Or you can get a pair of Nikes for $65 and wear them for a couple of years. You will pay for what you want. And you will get what you pay for.
Value comes from within. If you're cheap at heart, you will have cheap, no matter the price tag. If you understand and appreciate value, you will have value. If you're afraid of money, it will rule you like a cruel dictator. Value comes from within.... The "economy" will never stop growing...... Prices and wages will never stop increasing.....
If I really want a Ferarri, I will not pay $10,000 for it. I will find the money it takes to get what I truly want.
I will pay for organic food, because I want to be healthy. I will be healthy, because I do not want to live in fear of sickness. What you spend on health insurance, I spend on good food.
If you want a Bichon Frise, you will pay me generously to maintain her coat! If you do not want to pay me generously to maintain her coat, then get a chihuahua. If I charge you $30 to groom your shih tzu and he looks like crap.... Oh well! You have no right to complain. You got what you wanted to pay for! If I charge you $45 to groom your shih tzu and he looks like crap, you're paying for the right to complain if he doesn't look great. If you "rescue" a miniature poodle who is in such bad shape you can't tell its a poodle, REALIZE that it's going to cost a lot to get that dog fabulous again!!! No bleeding-heart discounts! It takes a LOT of time and effort to groom dogs who are in bad shape!!! It takes extra care not to cut them if their hair is matted, or if they're scared and won't be still!
Yay for you, you rescued a dog! But now you must recognize the VALUE that precious little life holds! Rescue???? How much will it cost to feed this dog good food instead of crap? How much will it cost to keep this dog groomed? How much time will it cost you to give this dog the attention it needs? CAN YOU AFFORD THIS DOG??? What's the value. How much is it worth to you. Really.
No one has ever been put out on the street because they paid for good food or good grooming for a dog that needs it.
Money is an illusion.
True value comes from within.
Wake up people....
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