Scott Maxwell - Florida's Failed Policies...
"We're all hopeful that the economy will turn around," said Senate President Mike Haridopolos, "but at this point I don't see it happening."
We must start by realizing that Florida's economy is worse than America's in general. Our unemployment rate alone is significantly higher — 10.7 percent in Florida, compared with 9.1 nationwide.
Read the article.... Pay attention.
It's not about politics, its about waking the fuck up and paying attention.
Stop whining until you educate yourself.
Stop following the ass in front of you and LOOK UP! Get your own bearings.
THAT is what Occupy is all about. Waking up. Taking your responsibility as a living human being seriously.
Do you enjoy "the freedoms" of this country?
Do you enjoy all that this magical place has for us?
Do you enjoy being able to make as much money as you want, and spend it how you want to?
Do you think its right for somebody bigger than you to manipulate the game so that they always win, while they insist that you have the same opportunities that they do?
It's not socialism we want.... It's not capitalism.... It's not better politics....
It's freedom.
Only YOU can ensure your own freedom, by being responsible.
Corporations and our government are no longer acting responsibly.... Because their parents (We the People...) let them get away with murder time and time again.... and now they terrorize us into submission.
What are you gonna do...?
It's not the army who's gonna win this "battle for freedom" you dumbasses.... Its YOU.
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