The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Eradicate Capitalism

One solution would be to eradicate capitalism.  Pull it up by its roots like a weed.  What would replace it?  What could replace it?

People talk about civic responsibility but really have no idea what that is.  We've been conditioned to believe that it means pay taxes and vote.  And that's it.  That is not responsibility.

Freedom requires the ultimate responsibility.  Personal responsibility to do what only you should be doing.

What stands in the way of ultimate freedom?  Make a list....
Oddly enough, one of the first things on the list of things that prevent freedom may be "responsibilities".
What are these particular responsibilities?  #1 answer - paying bills.  Rent or mortgage, insurance, electricity, water, gas, car payment, food, taxes, higher education, health, etc, etc...
Realize how these are not luxuries, they are civilized necessities or demands.   Hmmmm....
Someone is making money off of our basic human needs.  Without these things, we fall out of favor with society.  This is not freedom, this is not patriotic, this is not responsibility.  This is slavery.  "Pay me or I will not give you what you need to live a civilized life!"  This is being held captive, against your will.  This is in diametrical opposition to the concept of living in the "land of the free".

Should everything just be given to us?  And if so, why isn't it?
Should there be no economy at all?  What is an economy?
     the management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.
     the disposition or regulation of the parts or functions of any organic whole; an organized system or method.

The one factor that changes the game is the human ego.  Fear, greed, power, control, pride - insecurity.  If not for these things, we could indeed all freely use all the resources of the earth, all the products we make, all the artistic endeavors we create....  
Consider the Amish.  Yes, they trade with surrounding, non-Amish communities... But they don't have to.  They don't need money, or insurance, or any of the other things that we non-Amish believe we must have.
Do any of you want to live the Amish lifestyle?
Why not?
Because its too restrictive and strictly religious.  Why are the Amish that way?  To control their human ego.... so that they don't self destruct.  And it's worked for hundreds of years.  Now do you wanna be Amish?
Me neither.  I don't want anyone telling me what I can and cannot do!  I want freedom.  
What if I just do what I know I should be doing without having to be told...?  If I choose to do that, then I don't need harsh rules or religion to keep me in line.  I am eager to help my neighbor rebuild his barn that burned down.  I'm eager to take my turn in the fields to make sure me, my family and my community have plenty of good food.  Four years of voluntary farm service sounds much better than four years of military service!

What about cars, and cell phones and the internet...?  What about TV and movies....?  Well, if everyone took their turn in the fields - even actors - then everyone would have time to make cars and enjoy driving them!  Or making clothes, or electronics, or movies...!  If everyone made a contribution of....
No.  If everyone made a responsible contribution of themselves!

Isn't it time to consider where this is going?  

There are other ways of doing things...!  We don't have to truly sacrifice anything but our ego.... fear, pride, greed, power..... control.
It's a choice ya know.....

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