The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Those who have come into this world as "gifteds" often meet immediate onslaught, sexually abused as children, nothing seems to cause a deeper more "effective" disruption in there development as humans, who's purpose is to bring the energy of light and love, to encourage others, to strengthen and help set free, awaken.... Nothing is more effective in creating a solid wall to block this deepest energy that these gifteds contain!

Afraid of the energy they feel inside.
Confused.... they have nowhere to turn.
The holiest, most innocent part of their being has been violated already, and in order to heal and continue to live, that holy of holies is sealed.

Much instinct battles the psyche for control as these gifteds grow and mature as humans... They are drawn.... compelled... driven toward universal truth. And they find it only if they survive the pain, the loneliness, the isolation and fear of what they feel, see and sense inside. They are 'not of this world'. They came to bring a light, a message, a helping hand. But they end up struggling to survive and many many times this message and its power are lost.
Once they do begin to uncover the truths of the universe buried in their souls, they now struggle to feel the genuine, authentic connection to source and to true family.
They learn to go thru the motions.... But still they are empty inside.... They're doing all the right things but there is no relief to the yearning for connection inside.
This is why sex can often become an addiction for them.... They crave connection on the deepest level whether they realize this or not! Not simply acceptance or attention, or even meaning! But CONNECTION.

They are guarded. Always guarded.
Even when they don't think they are.

How do we open these vaults and set their purpose free???

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