The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Royal Warrior Duties of the Crown


Serious Business
Royal Warrior Duties of the Crown

As the weak and the helpless begin to emerge and be exposed, it is our work to assist on every level you are assigned to. 
GODDAMN IT Fight for them!!!

Even if you are only the priestess or shaman behind the scenes empowering the ground troups – You are the Warrior holding the other dimensions!

You can walk in Divine Neutrality and still be sharply aware of very specific battle plans, and wield your saber accordingly.

An Army of Shamans.
A Nation of Lightworkers.

Remember – We are actually part of the Multidimensional Beingness now!
We are merged! Unity Consciousness manifested.


You may not be the actual cop pulling children from a basement, emaciated horses from corrals, scarred and wounded dogs from cages, families of poor from shipping containers........

But YOU are “the force” that gives THEM super powers! YOU are the commander of Angels! YOU are their radar, their sonar, their cloaking device... You are their SWAT Team, SEAL Team, Special Forces Air Support... GIVE!

Your Multidimensional work enhances their bravery, their skills, their compassion and fearless determination on the front lines.

You fill a position on some level, in some compartment, that is part of the embodied multidemensional grid of Unity. 
Just be you, where you are, We are the Light. 
We are Love.

Vicotory is OURS - Sense8

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