The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Eradicate Capitalism

One solution would be to eradicate capitalism.  Pull it up by its roots like a weed.  What would replace it?  What could replace it?

People talk about civic responsibility but really have no idea what that is.  We've been conditioned to believe that it means pay taxes and vote.  And that's it.  That is not responsibility.

Freedom requires the ultimate responsibility.  Personal responsibility to do what only you should be doing.

What stands in the way of ultimate freedom?  Make a list....
Oddly enough, one of the first things on the list of things that prevent freedom may be "responsibilities".
What are these particular responsibilities?  #1 answer - paying bills.  Rent or mortgage, insurance, electricity, water, gas, car payment, food, taxes, higher education, health, etc, etc...
Realize how these are not luxuries, they are civilized necessities or demands.   Hmmmm....
Someone is making money off of our basic human needs.  Without these things, we fall out of favor with society.  This is not freedom, this is not patriotic, this is not responsibility.  This is slavery.  "Pay me or I will not give you what you need to live a civilized life!"  This is being held captive, against your will.  This is in diametrical opposition to the concept of living in the "land of the free".

Should everything just be given to us?  And if so, why isn't it?
Should there be no economy at all?  What is an economy?
     the management of the resources of a community, country, etc., especially with a view to its productivity.
     the disposition or regulation of the parts or functions of any organic whole; an organized system or method.

The one factor that changes the game is the human ego.  Fear, greed, power, control, pride - insecurity.  If not for these things, we could indeed all freely use all the resources of the earth, all the products we make, all the artistic endeavors we create....  
Consider the Amish.  Yes, they trade with surrounding, non-Amish communities... But they don't have to.  They don't need money, or insurance, or any of the other things that we non-Amish believe we must have.
Do any of you want to live the Amish lifestyle?
Why not?
Because its too restrictive and strictly religious.  Why are the Amish that way?  To control their human ego.... so that they don't self destruct.  And it's worked for hundreds of years.  Now do you wanna be Amish?
Me neither.  I don't want anyone telling me what I can and cannot do!  I want freedom.  
What if I just do what I know I should be doing without having to be told...?  If I choose to do that, then I don't need harsh rules or religion to keep me in line.  I am eager to help my neighbor rebuild his barn that burned down.  I'm eager to take my turn in the fields to make sure me, my family and my community have plenty of good food.  Four years of voluntary farm service sounds much better than four years of military service!

What about cars, and cell phones and the internet...?  What about TV and movies....?  Well, if everyone took their turn in the fields - even actors - then everyone would have time to make cars and enjoy driving them!  Or making clothes, or electronics, or movies...!  If everyone made a contribution of....
No.  If everyone made a responsible contribution of themselves!

Isn't it time to consider where this is going?  

There are other ways of doing things...!  We don't have to truly sacrifice anything but our ego.... fear, pride, greed, power..... control.
It's a choice ya know.....

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Purpose - The Meaning of Life (on this planet)

We are here to forge an identity.

Our quest thru (at least this part of) manifested reality is to evolve, ascend, grow, transform into "god-hood". To develop a specific personality - an identity!
This idea frequently gets thrown out with the ego-bath water... That is a mistake.

Integration.... That is the key to god-hood.
Without integration there is no mastery. To wholly embrace everything, every experience - this defines god, this defines your place in god-hood, as god. The counter to integration is escapism. Avoidance. Being so great and mighty and powerful as to "get out of" things is not "god". By definition, god is omnipotent, omniscient, & omnipresent... How can anything "escape" that!? To be aligned with, in accord with, attuned with, in agreement with "god" is to know no limits... In any direction! In every direction. God is ALL, and for us to "be gods" we must know this, feel this, "believe" this... and experience this. And the choices we make in these experiences expand our god-hood and define us as parts of god.

Ego is the "personality" that results from thinking, from logic and reason. This is a mechanical product and not the real you. In that sense, ego is of little ultimate value to personal evolution. What gets lost in the ego concept is the fact that the very same tools that create ego - the mind, the brain - are essential to living in a manifested reality.
When the mind is driven by the soul - the individual awareness of a person - it becomes the vehicle of experience. Thought is still happening, but it is not happening independent of the soul, the conscious life force that is our identity. A life being driven by the soul is conscious, awake, aware, feeling, creative, intuitive. An awakened soul is aware of its universal connection to spirit - the source of life, the energy of existence. This energy is the source of all things - of god, of earth, of people and all the accessories that we call "the world" and "the universe".

By experiencing "the world" we are given the opportunity to make choices. These choices begin to define us. In order to separate ego from soul, we are challenged. Not as punishment or a basis for reward, but rather as a proving.
As a society, we can condemn a crew of professional bridge builders when a bridge collapses and upon investigation it becomes evident that the builders did not use the correct methods or materials to create a sound, long lasting bridge. Even tho the builders finished the bridge, even tho it looked like a bridge, even tho a few vehicles successfully crossed the bridge - which is its purpose - ultimately the bridge was NOT what it appeared to be. It was "proven" to be false by use, by experience. It was false because of the choices made by those who built the bridge, therefore indicating falsehood in individual personality. THAT is who those people have become. That is their current identity, based on their choices. Choice defines our identity.
In the same bridge building scenario, if the builders had made all the right choices, the bridge would not have failed. It would have served its intended purpose and stood the test of time. These builders would be regarded as "good", "skilled", "worthy".
All of this is defined by personal choice.
But wait.... Are those builders really good, skilled and worthy?? Maybe there's one more scenario... What if the builders made all the right choices, used all the correct methods and materials, and the bridge functioned very well. For a short time. But then this "right" bridge also failed. What now? Challenge.
True identity is forged with yet one more often overlooked component - intuition. In the course of building the bridge, one person gets a really bad feeling about a certain load of materials. On paper, everything is correct, checked, and double checked. Still one person feels that something is wrong, for apparently no reason. NO REASON. (No thinking. No logic.)
Stop here: If this person allows the building to proceed, we end up with the "right" bridge that mysteriously fails. But if this person persists in following their intuition, their curiosity leads them to investigate the materials in question. This may require some work, and may irritate the other workers! Because this person is not looking for the obvious! Else everyone would have noticed a problem. No, this person is going beyond manifested reality. Manifested reality shows that there is no problem. And those that do not operate on intuition but instead on ego, do not understand or accept those that "break the rules", "get outta the box", "question authority".... so on and so on....
If this one builder continues to be true to themselves and follows this intuition to the end, going against the tide, eventually they discover cracks or decay, or size imperfections, or materials that appear correct but are not made of the right substances for this purpose due to someone else's choices...

This is god-hood. Confident, integritous, genuine, skilled, lasting, without conflict, with nothing to hide. There is no fault. This is the bridge that will stand the test of use, of experience.
In this last scenario we see that we are indeed connected to the universal source of all energy. Intuition. Awareness. Consciousness of who one really is. The soul, not the mind, recognized and acknowledged this intuitive, universal information. The soul made a choice, and the mind followed.
This builder now has even greater definition from this experience and the choices they made in it. The spirit and the flesh became integrated. There were no angels doing miracles in this scenario. There was a human being, feeling their divinity, listening to the one universal spirit, and choosing what actions to take. The existence of angels or spirit guides does not excuse anyone from making choices and expanding into god-hood.

What of those who are unwilling to make choices? Are they "wrong" or "bad"? Absolutely not. They just further themselves from god-hood, from enlightenment, from evolving... they further themselves from peace, satisfaction, love... and that is their choice to allow this to happen. "Not choosing" is a choice just as well as actively choosing is.
Will these "non-choosers" be punished? Absolutely not. But what will they feel and experience when challenges come...? They may indeed feel punished! But its only the way they choose to perceive things that will define their lives. Its all in their head. 
And they are just as free to choose as everyone else... No matter the circumstances, great or small. There's always an opportunity, there's always a choice to make.
And it's always your own.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

People Do Not Need You

People do not need you until they are consciously aware of the fact that they need you.
Those who demonstrate an inability to be consciously aware of themselves, such as some small children, are of course dependent upon those who are more aware, experienced and capable of helping them find their awareness.
Those who are immature need guidance until............ 

Until they naturally mature. But mature individuals, whether or not they are "wise", ultimately do not need anyone until they know that they are in need, until they are ready to ask....
For example, it is often difficult, if not impossible, to tell a "teenager" what to do once they've reached a certain level of maturity, even tho they are not yet very experienced, they ARE however aware enough to come to that conclusion on their own.

You cannot impose your will on conscious people and expect it to have beneficial, long lasting effects for them.
Freedom of will, freedom of choice.... has nothing to do with being wise or being right. It has everything to do with being human.
You are wise NOT to interfere with someone else's journey unless they reach out for assistance from you.
On many levels, to many people, this can at times seem cruel. But the only way to wisdom is experience.

We all know that a "book" education can only get a person so far.
Many employers will not except job applications from those who have no experience. No matter how many degrees they have!
One profession that demands as part of its curriculum an internship is that of Medical Doctor. While most of us have not experienced this, we are at least aware of this process from the plethora of shows broadcast for our entertainment. This process is always depicted as hellish and unnaturally demanding. It is the 'make or break' finishing touch to a book education that is designed to assure that the "student" can indeed become a "real doctor".
A professor can impose a demanding will upon their students for several years, but not until that student is faced with actual potentially life or death situations in which the student themselves must take action, will that student have gained any sort of wisdom that benefits them for the title of MD.

We see our friends struggle with life situations. We feel compelled to reach out to help them. But often times our "help" only becomes a distraction to the purpose of that struggle, or it becomes a crutch that they develop a dependency on, rather than an assist that boosts them on their way, on to the next part of their journey.
The Welfare system was designed with such good and compassionate intentions as to help citizens in hard times. This system was not accompanied with anything to equip people to resolve the real issues that put them in need, or to live beyond the system. So dependency developed. And now, the system is abused and out of control.
In essence, people must learn by what we call 'the hard way', thru experience, rather than an ignorant helping hand.
If you feel sorry for a small child struggling to climb up into a chair and always help them, eventually they expect it every time and never learn to do it for themselves. They will often have tantrums if the task is not done for them! This is the beginning of the destruction of free will and self responsibility.

The whole point of life is to live it! If our obstacles and challenges are constantly removed for us, then we never have to make any choices. And choice is the only power a human being has. Choice is the only thing we posses. If that power is never exercised then it never grows. It withers and dies. You become an invalid requiring care for the rest of your life.

This is why America was born such a great nation in our human evolution... The potential of Freedom for the human soul!

When we as individuals have ceased to exercise our free will and free choice, and have therefore relinquished that power to overseers, we become like children again. But instead of guidance that enhances our independence and sense of responsibility and freedom, we have been limited in order to maintain someone else's sense of order and control, for someone else's agenda. Therefore we are no longer free as a nation.
The war to regain our freedom is not a war with guns and violence, it is a war of exercising our power of choice. A war to regain our free will and choose to live together in peace and prosperity for all.

You cannot remove the pain from a friend's life. You cannot make it better. You can stand by them while they feel it, you can feel the pain with them. Share the experience, don't remove it.
If we do not choose as individuals what to do in our moments of pain and challenge, then we are no longer free. It is making the hardest decisions that cause us to evolve. To judge others because they struggle with this truth is to judge yourself. We've all been there. Rather feel their struggle and add the positive energy of your survival, your conquering, your mastering of those situations to their heart. This is true help. This is true compassion. This is true love.
And as you grow, mature, gain experience and wisdom... as you become more and more aware, you will know when its time to intervene and when its time to just stand nearby and share other's feelings as they go thru their growing process.

Your wisdom benefits no ear, no heart until it is ready to be heard.
Follow your own heart, not someone else's.
Be responsible for your own path, not someone else's. If your path crosses another, there is a reason. And that reason will make itself known. It is not your responsibility to interfere, but to be available when the call comes.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Not Rules

The biggest lie you've ever been told is that you need to follow the rules.
Life is it's own teacher.
The consequences of irresponsibility quickly become evident.
Rules can never teach you, they can only keep you from finding out why.
Rules cannot make you free.
Rules cannot give you love.
Rules can only give you an illusion of those things.
Because rules are designed to prevent you from living your true hearts desire.
Wisdom, guidance, attention, experience - these are what a child needs. Not rules.
These are what the world needs. Not laws.

Scary isn't it.........?

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Hit me back.
Feed the blog.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Occupy Yourself

What are your demands?  What are your expectations?  What are your issues?
Look at yourself the same way you're looking out there at the system.
Changes do not begin 'out there'.  
WE are the only things that ever change.  We create our environment.  Our environment evolves around us, our choices, our decisions.
Even we the people cannot change the system if we do not realize that WE created the system.
Why does Wall Street have so much power!?  Because we gave it to them.
Why does the government have so much power?  Because we elected them to do things for us..... Instead of doing things ourselves.  We relinquished our responsibilities to others.  And now we cry??
What do your tax dollars pay for?  No really!!!  
Sit your ass down and list all the things that you know your tax dollars pay for!
Enlightening isn't it.
First of all, how long is your list..........(chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp)..........?

There's your first reality check.
1) You don't know shit!
2) You knew all along and let it happen anyway!

Pissed off about "welfare"?  Why are people on welfare to begin with?
Because you're terrified to look them in the eyes and consider their lives.  
Because your pompous, self-righteous ass knows everything.
People on welfare are just lazy and looking for a free handout.
Why are they this way?
And did you notice that YOU do the same thing...?
You work your ass off to pay your taxes so that other people can get rich doing the things that you don't want to take responsibility for.  Like giving a shit about your neighbors.  Like educating your children.  Like taking care of your grandparents....  Like saying "Hell No!" when some big company is creating toxic waste just to make the plastic your children's juice comes packaged in.  Like saying.... "Wait a minute!  What exactly is this shot doing to my child's immune system in the long run!?"  Like realizing.... solar energy could power everything in states like Florida!  Why am I paying for dangerous nuclear power plants that are destroying my world!?  
YOU are the one who believes the woods are on fire every time the media and the government blows smoke up your ass....!  YOU.
You gullible pieces of sheep shit........  You believe everything you see on TV.
You know nothing for yourself.  You don't research.  You don't consider other points of view.  You don't listen.  
Most of all, you don't listen to yourself.  
You don't even know yourself.  You can't hear the still small voice in your gut anymore.  What do you care about freedom?  You don't use it anyway.  You've allowed yourself to believe that "voting" in elections satisfies your patriotic duty and therefore gives you the American right to judge others who a) don't vote or b) vote differently than you do.  You put all your trust into one human being and expect them to deliver miracles for your tax dollars while you sit on your ass......  Just like somebody waiting on their next welfare check.....  No responsibility whatsoever for the things you bitch about. 
Occupy your damn self!
Once a slave always a slave.....  The only ones that aren't slaves are the ones who can hear their own hearts.  Where is your heart?  Where is your love?  Where is your responsibility for this world that your laziness has created?
Then the world will evolve into a beautiful place.
Legislation is not the answer.  Government is not the answer.  Money is not the answer.  A different economy is not the answer.
YOU are the answer.
YOU are the one you've been waiting for.
Stop pawning your responsibility as a human being off on the government.  Stop waiting on god to do what god created YOU to do.  Stop blaming other people.
Live your freaking life like you were FREE....!  Because if you don't, your "freedom" will be taken from you much sooner than you think.
You don't pay the price of freedom with the military.  You pay with your own sense of responsibility.  Don't vote for somebody to make changes - just change!  
Responsible people do not need laws....  The system is built on your weaknesses and your fears.  
Find yourself!
Find your love.  Find your faith.  Discover your strength.  Wake up!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Truth about the Deadliest Diseases Known to Human Kind

Greed, irresponsibility & fear....
These are the greatest diseases known to human kind.

Greed - wanting and taking more of what is freely available to all, than you need, use or are willing to put back into the cycle of life, just because you can.

Irresponsibility - indifference.  Not making the choices and decisions that are uniquely yours to make, therefore leaving those choices and decisions to someone else to make, causing these others to carry more than they should, or else giving them more power than they should have.

Fear - mental or emotional distress caused by the possibility of having to experience pain, lack, shame or failure.

If these diseases were eradicated from the human gene pool, what would happen?  What would life be like for the human species on this planet?
Socialism in a nutshell, because the average person is too irresponsible to find out for themselves what socialism really is, is when a society uses an economy to produce things based on need, not based on profit.  Capitalism is a social economy based on producing things for profit, regardless of need.

In our current moment of evolution, we as a whole species only see the words capitalism, socialism, greed, poverty, need, freedom and equality.
We do not see the true meaning of any of these, much less do we know how they work or what the implications of these concepts are.
You cannot have freedom without responsibility.  If you are not responsible, your freedom starves and dies.  Then you have to reckon with poverty - need without the means to acquire.  Then you become dependent on someone else to provide for you and make decisions about your life.  Which means you are "owned".... no longer free.
But this is a choice.
When you are owned, you are like a small child.  You are not given the "freedom" to make your own choices because as a small child your choices are ill-informed, irresponsible and often selfish.  Your freedom comes as you mature and become able to make wise choices.
Most ill-informed citizens assume that if the economy is not capitalist, that if must be socialist.  Socialism brings the fear of limitation - a government that dictates you can only have as much as your fellow citizens and never any more.  Equality.  This causes fear because the human soul screams to be free to create, to accomplish, to expand!
Capitalism on the other hand, plays upon human weakness, want and un-curbed desire.  Is this wrong?  The majority of modern society considers narcotic drug addiction to be wrong, detrimental, unhealthy and unwise.  But isn't it a choice like everything else?  If so, then why are narcotic drugs illegal?  Isn't McDonalds just as unhealthy and unwise?  Yet it is an American institution... Actually a world-wide institution at this point!  It isn't illegal.  Because somewhere along the lines of society, someone is very very wealthy because of the human indiscretion of others.  This is the current model of capitalism that we live in.  As those born and bred in a capitalist society, we can't see the forest for the trees.  Those in other non-capitalist nations look on and see our absurdity and think we're mad!

What we are is irresponsible.... greedy.... and afraid.

There should be NO LIMIT on the human experience!  But in order for this to work for everyone, without imposing a socialist or communist system, people must reclaim responsibility for their own lives.
No one can legislate human choice without causing limitation.
If you think the now infamous "1%" is greedy, then stop feeding them.  You feed them by being dependent on them.  You feed them by believing everything they tell you without searching the truth for yourself.  
If you fear pain, lack, shame or failure - then search your own soul and find out why.  Fix yourself from within.  Become healthy, strong, competent.
Become responsible for your own life.

Examine everything your tax dollars pay for.  How much of that should YOU be responsible for instead of someone else?  Things like taking care of the elderly.... That used to be a "family" responsibility.  Things like education....  That too used to be a family, neighborly responsibility.  If we became involved and responsible for our own communities, we would not need most of the government officials that our tax dollars pay for.
Politics has become an industry!  A for-profit industry.  Who's fault is that?
Energy....  Energy is abundant on this Earth, why do we pay so much for it?  Why do we fear having our electricity turned off if we can't pay the bill?  
Because something so essential to our lives has become a for-profit industry.
Education is an essential.... Now it's a for-profit industry.
Healthcare.... A human necessity, is now a MONSTROUS for-profit industry.

Who is to blame???

You are.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


What is capitalism and how does it work?
How can so many defend a concept they can't even define?  Much less explain....
What is socialism and how does it work?
Oooooo!  Everybody chimes in at once on that one.....  Strange isn't it?
Ya know what.....  Let's just take a little survey.  Short n' Sweet...!

Who is qualified to open their mouth.....?
The answer should be, "I am!"

Monday, October 17, 2011

Occupy - Patriotism

We're not looking for a handout.  We're not looking for a free ride.  We're just done taking it up the ass in the name of capitalism and democracy, when there is no democracy.
What is capitalism?  Does anybody truly know?
No one hears us.  Voting is not the answer when you are told who to vote for.
Freedom is not freedom when you are only free to choose an apple or an orange.  What about blueberries....?  
It's no longer patriotism when the citizens are judged for not choosing the apple or the orange just because they have the right to do so.  We don't want apples and oranges anymore!
We don't want political parties.  We don't want lobbyists.  We are not truly represented by our elected representatives.  
And we all know this.  
We're tired of pretending like this does not exist and doesn't control our lives!
We're tired of being called un-American because we don't believe all the bullshit!
True Americans have the balls to stand up and say "Enough".
Those who occupy are doing the right, constitutional, American thing by taking responsibility for our country.
No one has any guns.
No one's trying to take over.
No one's trying to control.
Everyone is just standing up, and speaking out, in an organized way.  In a show of consensus and unity.  We all agree!  
Enough of your bullshit.  You don't have the answers or the solutions we as a people need.  
We are not stupid.
We choose to stand up on two legs and raise our intelligent, free heads above the herd of sheeple, and come together in true American fashion and heal our land.
The entire globe has had enough.
The jig is up.
We're there.
We're finally there.


For those of you who feel like you're alone, you're not.  That does not negate the feeling of loneliness that you have.  Even in that feeling, you're not alone.  Because everybody else feels it too.
We all need to connect.  This feeling is the evidence that we are all one.  Yet we are divided.  Separated.  Not connected in a functional way.  
What is the remedy for this empty, longing feeling?  
We mask this need with relationships that don't work.  Connections that are not genuine.  Networks that don't function, and serve no lasting purpose.... which leaves us still empty, still longing.
Forced, unnatural connections end up like Frankenstein monsters.
The only way to find natural, functioning, purposeful connections is to abandon our agendas, our presumptions, our preconceived notions about what is right.
Let go.  
This causes a rush of emotions and feelings.  These seem overwhelming and unbearable.
This is unpleasant.  Like strong medicine.  It's bitter.  It just doesn't seem right.  It doesn't seem like a solution.  But compare this bitter pill to your current state of loneliness...  
You are not alone.
Much of the despair you're feeling right now is not your own.  You feel the despair of all the other lonely souls around you.  We are one.
In ways that our biological brains do not, cannot, grasp.
There is a greater purpose.  And most of us avoid this like the plague, convinced that we will have to sacrifice all the good and pleasurable things we so desire in order to "do the right thing".  This creates struggle.  Inner turmoil.  We all just want to be happy!
We all cry inside for peace.  For true love.  For genuine connections.
Yet they always seem to allude us.
There is a greater purpose.  Bigger than the sum of our individuality.  
The root source of the word "individual" is 'us' - 'divided'.  In - divi -dual.
In reality we are one.  As individuals, we are divided. "Dual" - two-sided, separate from the whole.
We fear being alone.... so we remain alone.
There is a universal matrix.  A plan.  A direction in which this thing is headed.  There is the yin and there is the yang.  There is the positive and there is the negative.  What makes the human being unique is that we have the power to choose which stream of this matrix to follow.  No other living creatures have this high privilege.
What feels like a sacrifice to our individuality is actually a shedding of the attachments that pull us into the negative flow.  To put it simply, this "sacrifice" is for our own good.  It is a choice, and it is a hard one.  Because it is scary and therefore unpleasant.
To let go of what we think we know, to embrace a higher dimension of life, equates us with the natural flow of the universe.
Think about it.... Are you really going to win if you resist that flow...?   
If you let go, where would life take you?  If you stopped trying to force square pegs into round holes....  
The choice is yours.
These are wise truths.  Beautiful words.  And yet, even I cannot connect to them.  Alone. I feel the pull of the yin and the yang equally.  I am perplexed.  I am an anomaly.  I don't fit anywhere.  The left side of my brain is constantly waging war with the right side of my brain.  And I am caught in the middle.  I do not understand.
And so I'm alone.
Do you feel me?

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gov. Rick Scott

Gov. Rick Scott it seems, is full of shit.

"No economist can tell us where the economy is going," said Scott, who paid $170,000 to Arduin Laffer Moore Econometrics President Donna Arduin to craft his "7-7-7" plan.
Democrats jumped on Scott's comments, saying his jobs plan "was just another fraud."
"After days of back-tracking on his 700,000 jobs pledge, Scott now claims he doesn't have to create any jobs at all," Florida Democratic Party spokeswoman Brannon Jordan said. "This positive attitude about Florida's unemployment is sure to help his rock-bottom poll numbers."  

The era of "politics" is over...... It's time for a better, higher way of life.
Are you worth it?
Are you willing?

OWS More Popular Than Tea Party

OWS more popular than Tea Party
" benefits in its incipient stages by venting a broad array of common frustrations."

This is the key word to changing what we don't accept.
WE the people....
Our suffering is common.
Our outrage is common.
Our disgust is common.
Our awakening is common.
Our needs are common.

There need not be another "platform", another "agenda", another "party"....  
There needs to be genuine, personal accountability.
We need to start taking mirrors to the occupations.....

We need people to give a shit.  With NO PRICETAG attached.
I don't care how much money the governor of Florida earns.... as long as it is honest money.  Books, speaking engagements, movies.... WTF ever.... But NOT my tax dollars!!!!  Not bribes and pay-offs!!! 

Government should be a duty, not a career.  Consider our military.....  If anybody should be getting big tax bucks its people in harms way....!

I don't care how rich you are, this is (supposed to be) the land of milk and honey, the American Dream....
Our common enemy is not money, its corruption.
Why would you pay someone to "care" about you???

We're being taxed to death.........
There's got to be a better way.
But it has to be free.  

Lobbyists should be outlawed.
Campaigning should be outlawed.

There are PLENTY of jobs to be created, but it would cost those already in POWER!!!  It's all about greed, not patriotism.  It's all about greed, and fear, not capitalis...... Or are they one in the same....?  If not, then what's the difference?  Think about it.  There is an answer.

Students should interview those who wish to run for office, write an extensive essay on them, publish it and then leave it to the people.
There should be no money involved in politics!
Certainly not tax dollars.

How many movies have we watched about this shit.... And we assume that because it's a movie that there is no reality behind it???
Come on!
How stupid do you insist on being?
Big corporations own our "government" and we all know it.

This is what occupy is all about.....
This is what we ALL have in common...!

it benefits in its incipient stages by venting a broad array of common frustrations.

Read more:

The World is Watching

The World is Watching....

Iran’s top leader said Wednesday that the wave of protests reflects a serious crisis that will ultimately topple capitalism in America. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei claimed the United States is now in a full-blown crisis because its “corrupt foundation has been exposed to the American people.”

So all racism, bigotry and simple-minded hatred aside.... How far off base are "our enemies"....?  I mean, look at what they see.  Stand 'over there' and look at us.....  What do you truly, genuinely see...?
Many of them are fighting a purer fight for freedom than we are....  And "we" are the standard for freedom!
It's not anti-American, it's not anti-capitalist, it's not anti-religion even..... It's anti-slavery.... Anti-stupidity... Anti-indifference........  

The world is watching us.... Are we watching them?

Scott Maxwell on Florida's Failed Politics

Scott Maxwell - Florida's Failed Policies...
We must start by realizing that Florida's economy is worse than America's in general. Our unemployment rate alone is significantly higher — 10.7 percent in Florida, compared with 9.1 nationwide.  

Read the article....  Pay attention.
It's not about politics, its about waking the fuck up and paying attention.  
Stop whining until you educate yourself.
Stop following the ass in front of you and LOOK UP!  Get your own bearings.
THAT is what Occupy is all about.  Waking up.  Taking your responsibility as a living human being seriously.

Do you enjoy "the freedoms" of this country?
Do you enjoy all that this magical place has for us?
Do you enjoy being able to make as much money as you want, and spend it how you want to?
Do you think its right for somebody bigger than you to manipulate the game so that they always win, while they insist that you have the same opportunities that they do?

It's not socialism we want....  It's not capitalism.... It's not better politics....
It's freedom.
Only YOU can ensure your own freedom, by being responsible.
Corporations and our government are no longer acting responsibly.... Because their parents (We the People...) let them get away with murder time and time again.... and now they terrorize us into submission.
What are you gonna do...?

"We're all hopeful that the economy will turn around," said Senate President Mike Haridopolos, "but at this point I don't see it happening."

It's not the army who's gonna win this "battle for freedom" you dumbasses.... Its YOU.

Headlines for Florida

131000 unemployed Florida workers...
This is one reason we don't have any dogs to groom kids...  This is why massage therapists are being sold out for $25 massages... It's real out there!!! Not just on TV or in some other country anymore....
"For millions of out-of-work Americans hanging on by a thread, unemployment insurance is the only thing preventing a free fall into destitution and despair," NELP executive director Christine Owens said in a statement.
The Republican Party of Florida had its strongest fundraising quarter this year, pulling in $5.5 million between July and October. It's a veritable who's-who of special interests who seek business out of the state Legislature, Cabinet and governor's mansion, which are all controlled by Republicans...
This is the reason for Occupy Wall Street.... This is why....  
These are the corporations that hold the strings to your country, your state, you life....  What are you gonna do about it?

Here are the top givers to RPOF (Republican Party of Florida). Consider this a cheat sheet over which contributor is going to do most of the talking in the state Capitol:

 $190,000.00  TECO ENERGY, INC.
 $171,671.81  ARDA ROC-PAC
 $160,000.00  GENTING NEW YORK, LLC
 $100,000.00  AT&T
 $100,000.00  THE GEO GROUP, INC.
 $90,000.00  FLORIDA CUPAC
 $65,000.00  FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CO.
 $65,000.00  WAL-MART
 $55,350.00  MCNA DENTAL PLANS
 $55,000.00  FLORIDA JOBS PAC, CCE
 $50,000.00  FCCI SERVICES INC.
 $42,500.00  RONALD BOOK, P.A.
 $40,000.00  MARDI GRAS GAMING
 $30,000.00  VERIZON
 $25,000.00  FRVPC
 $25,000.00  AUTONATION
 $25,000.00  GUNSTER LAW FIRM
 $20,000.00  REED ELSEVIER, INC.
 $20,000.00  ORBITZ.COM
 $20,000.00  DALE JAMES
 $15,150.00  GMRI, INC.
 $15,000.00  LOCKHEED MARTIN
 $15,000.00  CENTURYTEL, INC.
 $15,000.00  COPART, INC.
 $14,852.19  JOHNSON & BLANTON, LLC

Read more:

Electric Utilities Back State's Challenge of Federal Air Pollution Rules

Posted Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 08:10 pm
TAMPA (2011-10-11) -
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi has joined 24 other states in challenging proposed federal air pollution standards. And now some local power companies are now backing the move.

The federal EPA was set to enact its first-ever national standards for mercury emissions from coal and oil-fired power plants. Florida's generators would have had to reduce their emissions of nitrogen oxides, or ozone. Long-term exposure to ozone has been shown to increase respiratory illnesses and deaths.

Progess Energy spokesman Scott Sutton says says EPA proposed rules are much stricter than what the company anticipated.

"In fact, it included a 50 percent decrease in the amount of emissions allocated to the state of Florida," says Sutton. "And so we support the attorney general in her efforts to have the EPA revisit the rule, in order to make sure that there's enough time to do public comment, since it was such a dramatic change from when it was first proposed."

Sutton says the Progress Energy has already installed about one billion dollars' worth of equipment intended to decrease air emissions from its Florida power plants. He says any further costs of reducing air pollution would have to be passed on to the utility's customers.

©2011 WUSF. All rights reserved.

"...any further costs of reducing air pollution would have to be passed on to the utility's customers."
WTF.... Is this punishment???  WE the customers didn't build the shit in the first place!
How do we fight back America???  
Breathe shit?  
Make excuses for being sick?
Ever heard of "off grid living".....?  (I don't endorse this link, I just googled it)

You're a slave, and you'll do exactly what you're told.  Breathe shitty air, pay more for shitty air.... SOMEBODY'S making money off of people's misfortune.
Misfortune?  Did I say misfortune?  I apologize... I meant STUPIDITY.
Occupy..... This is what its all about.....

Boiling Frog

Boiling frog
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A submerged frog:
The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.[1] According to contemporary biologists the premise of the story is not literally true; a frog submerged and gradually heated will jump out.[2][3] However, some 19th century research experiments suggested that the underlying premise is true, provided the heating is gradual enough.[4][5]

Are you scared America?
You should be......
Sometimes, fear is healthy....

I AM NOT MOVING short film....

I AM NOT MOVING is a short film for NOW.  Everyone needs to watch it.  It is sobering.
Awareness is so much more than just "being spiritual".  Awareness is BEING AWARE.  Always.  In every moment.  For every reason, for every purpose.
Most dumbasses don't know what's going on in their own neighborhoods, muchless in OUR COUNTRY.  And by dumbasses I refer to those who read this and those who don't.... to family, to friends, to connections.... to followers, to subscribers, to circles.... to contacts old and new, to coworkers, bosses..... classmates, teachers.... to Americans in general.  
This is one of the greatest purposes of social media - to have control and spread the truth UNCENSORED.  
Are you ready?
Are you ready to learn what it TRULY means to be an American?
Are you ready to learn the TRUE meaning of freedom?  Freedom is NOT "God bless our troops overseas who are fighting for freedom!!!
Are you ready to not only learn what responsibility is, but pick yours up and carry it?
Or are you exactly what "foreigners" think you are.....?
How long do you think you can hide and pretend that this is "someone else" or "somewhere else"???
This is NOW right outside your doorstep, right in your backyard.  This is now YOUR issue.  And that's not a question.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Preconceived notions are photos of the past that people bring into the now to create a present reality....  That's why preconceived notions cause trouble, they are devoid of life.  
They're not just memories or experiences, they're cancer cells.  They're a part of something that was once authentic, yet grossly out of place when taken out of context in the balance and flow of NOW.  Therefore they wreak havoc on the potential for new, healthy life....
Preconceived notions...... assumptions.... jumping to conclusions based on the past.  That is not life.
You wanna recipe for zombies...?  This is it.  The living dead.  They exist on incoherent stupidity.  Pointless, purposeless.  They're not hungry, they just have to destroy the living.
The zombie hordes are growing.  Do you know what to do?
If one bites you, (if you play into the game of preconceived notions from the past, rather than staying in the present now), you will become one of them.
You will be dead, stupid, mindless....
The time is upon us.  Are you awake?  Are you ready?  Are you paying attention...
With or without you.... with or without you....  Its your choice.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Revolution - Occupy

The pressure, the tension and the depression grows day by day....  Cities all over the world are protesting the absurdity of fat corporate and governmental greed and oppression.
We originated this shit!  We, America invented the current form of revolution and passion for freedom.  This is our heritage.  This is our legacy.  

The New Colossus
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
Emma Lazarus, 1883

We also propagated the mess... Yet we, America, are among the last to join in to stop the madness.
It's not a fad... We the People can't take anymore.
Americans are scared, depressed, broken, struggling and desperate.  
Yes World, we got comfortable, fat, lazy, indifferent and became happy slaves.  We let it happen.  And now, finally, a new generation of awakened souls have come to set us free.  Whether we all like it or not!  This time it is a global effort.  A new day is dawning.  A new way of living is laboring and about to be born.  Because the old has run its course and it has no place among the truly free and aware.
We're all sick.
We're all lost.
We're all hurting.
There's nothing wrong with having LOTS of things and enjoying them gratefully!  But we can't even pay our taxes anymore.... How can the "empire" still stand?  
The only solution is US.  We let this happen.  Only we can make it right.  "We" the people.  The individual.  Becoming responsible for ourselves.  The system is overloaded and is collapsing in on itself.  This can't be "regulated".  There is no legislation for this.  There are no more rules that will balance the world.  It's time for genuine freedom for all.  
Americans do not enjoy freedom in this day.  We're terrified of becoming homeless because we can't pay for our homes and apartments.  We're eating crap in the name of nutrition because we can't afford good food.  We're saturated with synthetic chemicals because we're all sick and afraid of dying.... so we take prescription after prescription in the name of "health".... But it's all a lie.  We've been had.  And we, Americans, are afraid to stand up and say "no more!" because we're afraid to lose what we don't really have in the first place - security.
Fear rules.  This is not freedom.  And this is not an anti-American statement.  
To assess and speak truthfully about our government is the most American thing anyone in this country can utter...!!!
We're drowning in lies and we all know it, but we're too afraid to do anything about it.
It's time to choose.  There's no going back.  This system is falling, rapidly!  It doesn't take guns and bombs.  It takes a choice.  To be self-responsible.  To stop blaming, stop cowering, stop depending on the government to do what we should be doing for ourselves and our neighbors....  All the great universities in the world cannot unteach STUPID.  Its our choice.
Peace... Love...  It's the future...
This is the darkness before the dawn.  Stop trying to repair what was never meant to exist in the first place.  Let it pass.  Be the change you want to see....  The future is right now.  We're making it, today!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Here's a new poll....

It's just for fun, no gimmicks!

Monday, September 26, 2011

For Anybody who May Be Curious....

Its so hard to find information about obscure or eclectic subjects sometimes, yet in my opinion, these topics are viable and expanding in importance and relevance in our current world.  Things considered spiritual, metaphysical, paranormal....  These subjects are rarely current online....
This is one of these topics....  And this is current - September 2011...
Its just a record, a note on the bulletin board, a notch on the tree, some crumbs for someone to follow that leads to I don't know where.... but here it is...

There is an unexplained heaviness in my soul.... for about a week now, growing stronger day by day.  Sure there are personal issues, but many other issues as well... intense emotional situations all around me.  
Darkness, despair.... a great sense of loss.  
There are reasons, but then.... there are no reasons.  It doesn't make any sense even to me.
But here it is.  A marker for someone else to see and know... you're not alone...?  You're not crazy....?  
Strange, strong energy swirling all around......  Pain.  Heartache.  Loneliness.
Nothing has any value or promise....  Nothing holds a solution.

Feels like we've run up on the bottle neck.  There's no place else to go.  The pressure is intense.  Nothing works, and nothing matters.  All that's over now.  So don't get hung up on it.  Let it go....  Narrow is the bottle neck and few there be that squeeze thru it.  Matthew 7:14

Not that I know what the hell I'm talkin about.....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fun Little Survey :)

How bout a Saturday morning survey....!? Tax dollars, accountability, scepticism and indifference are the current trends according to this.... Add your two bits!

This is not a gimmick, nothing to sign up for, nothing to fill out before ya start.... Just entertaining to see what others think about things around us.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All Things Considered

Look around at the world.
What do you see?
All things considered - media, politics, governments, religion, spirituality, myth, legend, entertainment, technology, history, food, education, appearance, jobs, health, corporations, money, family, crime...
ALL things considered.... What do you see?
Share your views please...

Technology of the Future

The technology of the future, that we have yet to really recognize, is common sense.
We formulate so many gadgets to make life easier and more fascinating, more entertaining.... yet what we have yet to tap into as a major resource is,common sense.
At some very near point in our future as a species, this concept will come to the forefront of our lives.  Amazing how we all have it, we all know we have it, we completely take it for granted like air and water, and like air and water, we've been mind-bogglingly slow to realize its potential.
What if we had a company that specialized in the development of common sense?
When I say Sony.... we all think electronics and music.
When I say NASA... we all think outer space.
When I say Toyota.... we all think cars.
So who will be the big developer of  common sense...?
By definition, this is the one natural resource that can never be exploited.  
Maybe that's why no one has been interested in developing it.  If we all operated in our fullest capacity of common sense, then we could no longer be taken advantage of.  We could no longer be manipulated.  We would no longer be a gushing faucet of stupid-money for greedy people.
In order to integrate this new technology the human race will need some upgrades...  Like being awake, aware, conscious... sober.  These are the only systems that will carry common sense technology.
Be on the look-out for this next big thing.... Common Sense.  Bio-energetic technology.  Brought to you by...... ?


allergy (āl'ər-jē) Pronunciation Key
An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity to certain stimuli such as drugs, foods, environmental irritants, microorganisms, or physical conditions, such as temperature extremes. These stimuli act as antigens, provoking an immunological response involving the release of inflammatory substances, such as histamine, in the body. Allergies may be innate or acquired in genetically predisposed individuals. Common symptoms include sneezing, itching, and skin rashes, though in some individuals symptoms can be severe.
allergy. (n.d.). The American Heritage® Science Dictionary. Retrieved September 19, 2011, from website:

So from now on..... When you say "allergies", you'll know what the hell you're talking about.  Right.........??  Right ? ? ? ? ?

Everything is allergies these days.

Everyone has allergies these days.
But do any of us really know what that means???  
Medical professionals presume upon the notion that the general population is too dumb to understand.  And they're right.  Dumb... as in, even if they did explain to you how allergies work - you wouldn't be able to comprehend because you are mentally inferior.  So they just tell you you have allergies, write you a prescription and are done with you.  And you think this is magic.  You never question anything...  Validating the doctors' assumption that you're dumb....
So you never really understand what's going on - with the "allergy" or the prescription.  You don't know what's going on inside your body.  You don't know WHY you have allergies.  You assume you're supposed to have allergies.  
Yeah.... you do assume that.  And you assume it, based on the herd mentality.  Everybody else in the herd has allergies so it must be normal.
But flip backward thru the pages of time.... and see if you can spot when this became "normal"...
Right about the time we introduced mass vaccinations into the population maybe......???????  Just a theory....  But you know I'm right.....
"An abnormally high immunologic sensitivity....."
Vaccines screw with the immune system.  Period.  Even in your pets. 
"A vaccination" once for a very good and present reason makes sense.  But then some fool figured out there was money to be made off of people's ignorance and fears....  So now we've just about vaccinated our immune systems out of existence.
Did you know that ONE rabies vaccination in a lifetime is all your pet may ever need?
O N E !  And unless your pet is exposed to wild animals or lives in a very rural environment...... they probably don't even need that.  Whens the last time rabies was a problem in your suburb....?
"A case" of rabies being reported in the area you live in means you need to be cautious.  It doesn't mean YOU AND YOUR DOG WILL DIE OF RABIES WHEN THE SUN SETS!!!
"Allergies".....  Is your body doing what its supposed to do to protect itself, stay balanced, & stay healthy.  But we're so intelligent we rush to the drug store and buy something to stop this natural process!  Rather than caring, much less understanding, that if we would instead HELP our bodies do what they're doing, we in the long run would be much healthier.  Allergies would no longer be a problem, nor would "colds" or flu.
1) Build and protect your immune system!
2) STOP actively destroying your immune system!
3) Learn!
4) Stop being afraid to be responsible for yourself!
These 4 simple steps are nearly impossible for the average person to do.
Because of fear and laziness.  So health care has become, not a personal or even community concern, but An Industry!!!
Who's fault is that . . . . .  ?
See.... You really are dumb.