The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Eternal Life

Eternal life is not "living forever".

Eternity is not "spacial" or "geographical".
Eternal life is you, unfolding more and more and more... eternally.
It is not relavent to space or time.
It is you discovering you, layer by layer. Discovering god forever.
It is not a destination. It does not end. There is no price, no cost. It just is.
It consist of you, and what you choose to do, forever.
It is limitless.
Unwillingness to expand leads to stagnation or constriction.
Constriction manifests in fear and suffering.
Everything is connected. My unwillingness to expand affects everyone and everything.
There is a vortex on this Earth, in this world. It is collapsing.
It will swallow up everything that is not expanding beyond its spiral.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
The magnitude of expansion is equaled by the magnitude of destruction.
There must be balance.
There must be balance....

For as much as we are currently expanding in consciousness, there must be balance.... Those who do not expand, will constrict.... till they implode into the epitome of their constrictions....

The world is exactly as many fear it to be. Fucked up. And "fucked up" is a weed that no one knows how to get rid of. Not inside, not outside.

But those who are aware, and willing to expand into the unknown..... they are the other side of that implosion.
They are the explosion... The other end of the spiral that never ends...

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