The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

God... Things Just Don't Matter....

So many things just don't matter.... More and more, its getting clearer and clearer to see... To feel actually...
Like the definition of responsibility. Is NOT what it used to be.

Responsibility is totally subjective now... Responsible to your own inner sense, your own agenda as it were, your own path, your own mission. Responsible to be true to yourself, not the social order or social code.

THIS is the shift!
To live as an energy being. Not just as a human being. Letting go of prescribed parameters...
Allowing yourself the freedom to be...!
To be the true you...
I need not follow anyone's protocol for being who I am. I need not - dare not - confine myself to preconceived notions, not mine, not anyone's.

Now, expansion can happen as quickly, as profoundly, as we are willing to let it happen. Gone are the days of looking at the reasonable possibilities.
Impossible really is nothing now!
And all this "works" if we are willing to see, acknowledge, embrace our own unique path.

We are a part of a definable system, a matrix. And there is a designer... a "god" at the forefront of it. An identifiable source point...
This "world" is an illusion.... albeit a persistant one...! (Al-E...) But the illusion has a design, a format, a structure.... that was created by a source. This does NOT nullify the universal collective, anymore than the fact that I was born into the Eure family nullifies it. For me to base my existence on my biology is a narrow-minded fallacy, a deception of what life is all about. But on the other side of the same coin, to deny my biology, to try to escape it as if it were "evil" and irrelevant, and of absolutely no worth or meaning is too, a fallacy and deception.

This "illusion" we have come to know as the world occurred for a reason... we are experiencing it for a reason. To deny that is just plain simple, and even stupid.

But this is not some doctrine. It is personal, felt observation. An expression of what is alive inside of me.

Do you feel it......?

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