The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

God Concept

"God" - is anything we don't understand!

"God" is the explanation of the unexplainable.

The source of the unfathomable, the reason, the cause, the purpose and point of it all.

But the more we as a species come to understand about the unexplainable and the unfathomable....

The more we learn the reasons and causes.....

The more we redefine our purposes and the point of it all.

There is very little left that we don't understand..... So "God" is getting greater and greater the further along we evolve.

God is anything that we don't understand... The things we don't understand at this point, are mind-boggling!

Can you see the "God concept" clearer now....?

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