The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Blood Sugar

Diet and Exercise affect blood sugar.
Blood sugar affects losing hair - in people and in animals.
High blood sugar = shedding hair.
Also associated with high blood sugar for both humans and animals is:
Anxiety / Worry
Graying Hair
Brittle Hair
Inability to Focus
Failing Eye Sight

What else affects blood sugar?
Green Beans + (positive)
Sweet Potatoes +
Vinegar (including but not limited to salad dressings) +
Exercise such as a steady walk +

Soda -
Corn (non-organic, GMO, in any form) -
Sweet Alcoholic Beverages (such as wine coolers and malts) -
Grocery-Store-Chocolate (what you buy in the gas station or check out line) -
Sedentarianism  -

Almost everyone reading this is or will soon be classified as "diabetic".  Animals too.  Look that word up on Wiki.  Figure it out.

Moving your body in a useful, energy-burning way is exercise.  Could be house cleaning, could be marathon running... but NOT marathon movie watching.
Your body needs to move.  
Your animals' bodies need to move.  When bodies don't move, a part of the psyche assumes its broken.  And so sickness sets in.
Sickness is Nature's way of saying "Something's Wrong!".
Sickness is NOT Nature's way of saying "Go to the doctor/vet!"
Losing too much hair is NOT normal.
Adjust your diet - the food you eat, including the beverages you drink.
Move your body, as if you were alive.
Use it or Lose it!

Bad skin is Nature saying "Toxic Waste Overload!".
Bad hair is Nature saying "Malnourished!"

Processed food for animals is TOXIC.  It is not natural to their systems therefore over time it builds up and presents as the most popular catch-all of our century - allergies.
It's build up, with no other way to escape the body than the skin....


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