The Sage

The Truth is not out there.... The Truth is inside. It's never been anywhere else. FIND IT! Be Free!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

#Energetic #Molecular #Healing In The New World: The New Truth About #Metabolism

This is so true..... (!!!)

Food ....

What's wrong with me...???

I diagnose everyone else..... Tell them to break it down into small, understandable, visible (obvious) cause and effect events.....
I tell people with "medical" situations that there is always a connection to something out of balance and it can be fixed!!!
Without synthetics and unnatural means!!!  It's a matter of "inner work". (True Inner Sense)!

WTH is my problem with MY metabolism?!?!?
It - like everything else!!! - Is speaking to me!
Rather than damn the effects and signs and manifestations, and rather than try to fit round pegs into square holes A-GAIN!!!, why not see it like I see everyone else - uniquely, and differently, as a message - not a disease or curse.

(Don't you think I've tried that!?!?!?) 
(Well, YES, but not on THIS frequency you haven't!)

What has my body been saying all along that I never could tune into before, and how does it pertain to my personal choice profile in regards to "fixing" it...

AND how is this connected to the whole of this current shift/balancing act of dimensional transfer/integration??? 
[We sensatives often manifest/ experience "symptoms" of what is ailing someone else, or even the entire world. It is up to us to learn to interpret and use this knowledge.]

I get so caught up on "living with" maladies as a means to sort karma that I have basically given up on ever truly finding balance for ME.
Its not a "fat" thing! 

Its not a "disease" thing!
Its not an "age" thing!
Nor is it, truly, for anyone else.
I've held a notion for some years now that "fat" people are that way for a reason and its not what anyone else is thinking or looking at! (At least not ALWAYS!)

Help me to ground this metabolism. MINE! Not just "figure out" everyone else's.
This - (resolving my personal imbalances) - is part of my CONTRIBUTION!!! to the change, the shift, the new..... 
Not losing weight!!!!! 
Not being "healthy"!!!! 
Not fighting aging!!!!
But BALANCING the energy of my bio, just like everything else must be balanced!

We are indeed dealing with some karmic energies that are - again - not what they are assumed to be about. I've noticed it in pets, I've noticed it in children, but what about me!? How has the "infiltration" of enemy tactics (poisoning the human race with toxins, prescriptions, GMOs, vaccinations.... etc etc) bled into my biology and how do I now sort them out - because YES it is part of the whole game to 'SORT THIS SHIT OUT' and not be defeated by the enemy!!!!!!! 
The "ENEMY" is an idea! A thought, a notion, a mental programming, a VIRUS in our belief system! I've (many have) seen this assault for many years now... But what about TURNING IT AROUND!?? We've been going about it ALL WRONG!!!
YES the evil needs to stop, but that only comes thru TRUE EVOLUTION (changing of hearts, which takes many many life cycles for each soul).
Like the biblical apostle Paul shaking the poisonous snake off into the fire - We don't need to attack the enemy, we need to become IMMUNE to his tactics!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take it like a VAMPIRE! And THEN by our superior choice profile, make things right!

We win, change, turn the tide, create a NEW EVOLVED form, by altering the outcomes from THE INSIDE! We take energetic charge (pun not originally intended but then YEAH! LOL) over every malady that is occurring in our biologies'!!!!! We own it, embrace it UNDERSTAND IT and REARRANGE IT on a molecular (emotional belief) level!!!!!

Then there's this whole "shift" and alignment and activation shit that's causing so very much biological discomfort... (PAIN!!!)
Well I feel like maybe it is now the time to UNDERSTAND the deets and assist the bio! In ways that we've not known, noticed, considered before. Ways that are indeed a part of another dimension and therefore we have indeed NOT seen them before!
That's OK!! 
We weren't there before. BUT NOW WE ARE!  And it's exciting!

Heal (balance) ourselves (our biology) molecularly, internally, energetically.... Ourselves first..... Stop (put a stop to) all the old stories of why this disease, when, where..... ALL of it....... Stop.
And reboot.
New operating system.
Don't go back to the old system..... oh god don't go baaaaaaaaaack............ ! ! !

Completely detach from all your knowledge and learning. COMPLETELY.

Allow your energetic being-soul-spirit-self (newly merging higher self) to show you anew.
Forget all the old physical patterns of the old world.... (this includes medicines, herbs, emoting, transference, physics.... ALL of it) Forget the past!
Don't HATE them, bash them, degrade them..... Don't "DISBELIEVE" them - just let them go...

Nature has not failed us. Nature has not fallen short with her ability to heal us. But like us, Nature is UPGRADING! The knowledge that we used to have about Nature is EXPANDING! It is becoming greater... deeper..... enhanced!
Don't stop knowing who Mother Nature has always been to us... just let go of the old and allow the new growth to rearrange mystikally, majikally, CORRECTLY for the new world, a new code, and its new, unique biology.
Because YES we do have biology in the new world and YES as long as we are here in this current biology, THIS is what we're working with.
We are betas.
We are prototypes.
We are the first.
We are the "EDGE" race of humans that actually transmuted biology from a 3/4D world into a 5/6/7D world! IF you allow it to happen correctly. 
If NOT, it will most likely just kill you. (SPOILER ALERT: don't worry, everybody in 3D dies....)

Everything that the "enemy" designed to destroy us will be "digested" and restructured by light, love, GOD and become perfect. It can be no other way. God is always god and always has been and cannot stop being..... GOD. Therefore the only "real enemy" is THOUGHT. Belief systems that ooze from the original creation and eventually all collapse because they were only that - an ooze.

So how do I do this???
That's the majik - you don't!
You don't DO anything, you simply become conscious of this.
You become aware of something new.
And once you become aware that something totally new is occurring, you allow.

Allow your natural curiosity to question and seek like a child, with awe and fascination at the new way in which things now work.
You acknowledge.
Be aware. Pay attention. And allow it to be new and changing every single day.

It's ok to ask!
Ask and you shall receive! Knock and it shall be opened to you. Seek and you shall find.
Allow yourself to become aware of your body's language. Allow yourself to "know" what your body is saying and DO NOT associate it with anything you've ever heard before!!!!!
Jesus spit in the dirt, swirled it around with his finger and made mud, schmeared it onto a blind man's eye, and HE WAS HEALED. The end.

Listen to your body. 
Listen to your soul. 
No longer listen to the programs and "logic" of your mind's ego self. 
A new operating system.
A new language.
A new processing center within your being.
You must now use different "muscles" to exist.
You must now "feel" information.
You cannot "think" information in this new world. It will not work.
It will. Not. Work.

Your mind (ego) is NOT a bad thing to be vexed and banished!!!!!
Your mind (ego) should be as a well trained champion dog. Loyal. Eager to please. Obedient. Calm and attentive. Well trained.
Your mind (ego) is a vital, integral part of WHO YOU ARE and all that you've become as your soul-life's work!!!

If you want to learn how to train your ego so that your Alpha soul may lead, learn how to train a dog.
Watch Cesar Millan.
Allow the light bulbs to go off in your heart.

Your mind (ego) is NOT a demon!
Demons are the substance and EMBODIMENT of unruly, out of control egos - FEAR. Which begets doubt. Which begets control. Which begets competition. Which begets greed. Which begets comparison. Which begets judgement. Which begets condemnation. Which begets weakness. Which begets death.

Your ego is not the demon.
Your ego is a DRAGON. A bigger than life, hauntingly beautiful, mysterious, mythical, legendary creature!

Train Dragons.
Slay Demons.
Get the shirt.

laugh my hilarious fucking ass right off

Thank you.
Any questions.....?

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